HomeWHENWhen Can You Use Straws After Wisdom Teeth

When Can You Use Straws After Wisdom Teeth

If you must have wisdom teeth removed because the third molars in your mouth are creating complications like tooth decay and gum disease, you will likely receive a set of post-operative instructions restricting you from many activities you regularly follow. One of the instructions states you cannot drink using straws, making you wonder what your teeth have in common with straws helping you have a favorite beverage comfortably.

This article explains comprehensively how your body reacts to surgical procedures like wisdom tooth extractions and why you must follow the post-operative instructions diligently. Kindly read for further details.

What Happens After Wisdom Tooth Removal?

Your physiological response after wisdom tooth removal varies according to your surgical procedure because some surgeries are complicated. However, the healing process remains similar for everyone because dental surgery leaves a wound making your body react like any other traumatic event.

Soon after the dentist in Rockwall removes your wisdom tooth, the empty socket fills with blood. In a few minutes, the blood gets thicker and eventually forms a blood clot. The blood clot is crucial for healing, but it can be dislodged easily from the empty tooth socket. Generally, dentists prefer suturing the surgical site to prevent inconvenience. However, your cooperation is also essential to avoid post-operative complications.

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The Straw Debate: Arguments against Using a Straw

Using straws for drinking creates suction convenient for dislodging the blood clot. As mentioned earlier, the blood clot is crucial because it has two purposes. They are:

Prevent Uncontrolled Bleeding: the Clot helps stop the bleeding, which inevitably is caused by the surgery. Dislodging the blood clot results in bleeding, to require you to seek help from emergency dentists if it doesn’t subside by itself. Uncontrolled breeding is dangerous, making it essential to seek treatment for the issue immediately.

Prevent Dry Sockets: the blood clot protects the bone tissue from infections by bacteria. The infection is called a dry socket, a painful condition requiring immediate dental attention. If you experience pain from wisdom teeth removal Rockwall, visit the dental office as soon as possible because dry sockets need two weeks to heal without medication or dental treatment.

When Can You Use a Straw after Wisdom Tooth Removal?

After undergoing wisdom tooth removal near me, you receive post-operative instructions you must follow after the surgical process. Besides not using straws, the dentist will recommend the following:

  • Bite on the gauze pad gently for 45 minutes after your surgical appointment. You can replace it if it gets saturated.
  • Avoid spitting or rinsing for 24 hours after wisdom tooth removal.
  • Exercise caution when brushing around the surgical site.
  • Do not probe the surgical site using your fingers or your tongue.
  • Use ice packs on your cheeks near the surgical site intermittently during the initial 24 hours for 15 minutes on and off, and replace it with moist heat after 48 hours.
  • Do not smoke for at least two days after the surgical process, and apply the same consideration to alcohol. Smoking delays healing and can cause infections in your mouth, while alcohol interacts with the pain-relieving medications you receive to delay your recovery. In addition, you must also avoid carbonated drinks and similar varieties during your recovery.
  • Do not consider having crunchy and hard foods, favoring cold and lukewarm foods like smoothies, applesauce, ice cream, mashed potatoes, cooked vegetables, et cetera, to ensure food particles do not get trapped in the surgical site to create infections.
  • You must avoid lifting heavy objects and refrain from exercising for at least 72 to 96 hours after the surgery. Strenuous activity can also dislodge the blood clot, making you a victim of a dry socket and considerable pain after a surgical procedure for wisdom tooth removal.
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It helps if you refrain from using straws for drinking liquids for the duration of your post-operative instructions to ensure you don’t have to seek emergency treatments from dentists needing sedative dressings and additional medication to prevent a painful complication in your mouth.

Wisdom tooth extractions are standard and relatively straightforward to help remove a problematic tooth from your mouth. However, if you care for the surgical site as directed by your dentist to help speed your recovery, you return to regular activities in three or four days and recover from the procedure in approximately 10 days.

Lakeside Dental Solutions performs numerous straightforward and complicated wisdom tooth extractions providing patients with after-care instructions and advice to avoid using straws for drinking during the healing. If you need your wisdom tooth, do not hesitate to contact them for the removal and comfortable recovery after surgery.


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