HomeWHICHWhich Dental Cement Is The Strongest

Which Dental Cement Is The Strongest

Each month, Dr. Gordon Christensen answers a question from our readers about everyday dentistry.

Q: I have practiced general dentistry for more than 30 years and have lived through the zinc phosphate, glass ionomer, polycarboxylate, resin-modified glass ionomer, and now . . . the resin cement generations. It seems that every several years, a new type of cement emerges with ads that promote it as being the best dental cement of all time. Which of these generations are not acceptable today? Should I be using primarily resin cements, as currently promoted by dental manufacturers?

A: I have also lived through those various generations of cements and have cemented thousands of crowns and fixed prostheses with success using every type of cement you identified. I will briefly discuss my clinical observations relative to the major advantages and limitations of each cement category to help clarify the best characteristics for 2021.

Zinc phosphate

Advantages: High strength and rigidity; restorations seldom come off

Limitations: Frequent postoperative tooth sensitivity for a long period of time; soluble in mouth fluids; technique-sensitive mixing; no cariostatic properties

Glass ionomer

Advantages: Cariostatic characteristic due to fluoride release; upon removal of old restorations, seldom did they have caries on the margins; strength

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Limitations: Unpredictable postoperative tooth sensitivity; soluble in mouth fluids; technique-sensitive mixing


Advantages: No postoperative tooth sensitivity; slight initial chemical bond to tooth

Limitations: Unpredictable release of restorations several years after cementation, showing dissolution of cement and no cement remaining inside crown or on tooth preparation; no cariostatic properties

Resin-modified glass ionomer

Advantages: Cariostatic characteristics due to fluoride release; acceptable strength; restorations seldom come off in service; no postoperative tooth sensitivity; slight chemical bond to tooth

Limitations (difficult to find any major ones): Slight expansion on setting, limiting some uses such as posts; somewhat technique sensitive


Advantages: Strength; ability to have fast light set or dual cure; can be tooth-colored if desired

Limitations: No cariostatic or antimicrobiologic properties; can block access to contact areas if cement is not removed at appropriate early level of set

Also by Dr. Christensen:

Which crown types are best for what situations?

Are endodontic posts really necessary?

Ideal cement characteristics

After several decades of cementing crowns and fixed prostheses and watching those restorations succeed or fail in service, these are my personal ideas (not prioritized) on ideal dental cement characteristics:

  • Nonirritating to the dental pulp
  • Cariostatic
  • Antimicrobiologic
  • Seals margins
  • Insoluble in mouth fluids
  • Adheres to tooth structure—adhesive
  • Radiopaque
  • High strength
  • Minimal film thickness
  • Esthetic acceptability, if needed
  • Easy to use
  • Optimal working and setting time
  • Moderate cost

Are all of these characteristics available in any current category of dental cement? No, every current category has limitations.

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Indirect restorations currently used most

Laboratories report ceramic restorations are currently the most commonly accomplished restorations. The following data is for the year 2020, as reported by Glidewell Laboratories (Darryl Withrow, Glidewell VP Operations, January 2021):

  • All-ceramic: 90%—Approximately 80% of these were zirconia or zirconia-based restorations, with lithium disilicate composing the majority of the remainder.
  • Porcelain-fused-to-metal: 7%
  • Full cast: 2%
  • Composite: 0.2%

This data represents a highly significant change over just a few years. In my opinion, it is the most remarkable paradigm change in the history of dentistry in that short period of time.

Most appropriate cements for zirconia and lithium disilicate restorations

It is apparent that full-metal or metal-based restorations are now used infrequently. That trend will undoubtedly continue due to several vastly improved characteristics of all-ceramic restorations.

When compared to past generations of ceramic and metal restorations, zirconia and lithium disilicate restorations are adequately strong for most situations, near optimum from an esthetic standpoint, nonallergenic, and highly desirable to patients primarily because of their esthetic qualities.

Which cements are best for zirconia restorations in their various forms, and which cements are best for lithium disilicate?

Zirconia, zirconia-based, and esthetic zirconia: Because of its extremely high strength, the original form of zirconia (3Y, class 5 zirconia) could be cemented with any cement of your choice.

Resin-modified glass ionomer (RMGI) has proven itself for zirconia cementation through real-world research reported by thousands of practicing clinicians in routine practice situations. RMGI has few limitations and long-term success support in many studies, including 21 years of cementation success of thousands of crowns and fixed prostheses in the Clinicians Report Foundation TRAC division. 3M RelyX Luting cement was used in those studies, but many other brands of RMGI perform similarly. There have even been a few improvements in the cement during that time.

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