Why Do People Color Their Hair

Do you colour your hair? If the answer is yes, maybe it’s time to experiment with an exciting new shade and amp up your overall look. If the answer is no, it’s about time you jumped on the hair dye bandwagon to surprise your girlfriends with a brand new do. We’re not talking about using peroxide to bleach your locks—we mean using a good quality hair dye to enhance or alter your ordinary tresses. We spoke with Nina Farrauto—Colour and Styling Expert at Garnier and Luis Pacheco—Clairol Colour Consultant for the most compelling new reasons to colour your hair the healthy way.

6 tips on how to BOOST YOUR HAIR COLOUR

1. Because it’s good for your already dyed or natural hair

We’ve been told that dying your hair is damaging to your natural hair, but we’re not thinking that way anymore. With new technologies and formulas, the ingredients within hair dye have improved significantly. “Colouring your hair can have benefits, such as sealing down the cuticle for healthier looking hair. Hair can also appear more full with a fresh colour,” says Farrauto. Bonus points go to your favourite hair dye for smoothing pesky flyaways and fuzz without the need for an anti-frizz spray.

2. Because of seasonal hair colour trends

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Recreating the looks you see on the runway is a great approach to developing a hair colour you love while keeping up with the style setters. “Many people tend to lighten their hair in the summer time, and darken it in the winter, as an echo to the changes in fashion apparel with light colours for spring and summer and darker hues in the fall and winter,” says Farrauto. Whether you’re a loyal trend follower or just want to switch shades between seasons, it is fun to play up your natural hair colour with a trending hair dye.

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3. Because it covers grey

Simply put, women of any generation can appreciate a quality hair dye to hide the signs of aging in natural hair. “If you’re looking to get rid of your grey hairs, you can easily colour them using an at-home hair colour kit. A semi-permanent colour will stain, or mask out the grey in your hair,” says Farrauto.

Why else should you colour your hair? Find out on the next page… 4. Because it adds texture

If your hair is limp and missing volume, or even lacking shine and a glossy finish—a new hair dye can totally update your underwhelming strands. “Colouring your hair can emphasize texture and add luster to bring back your hair’s shine due to overexposure,” says Pacheco. Achieve extra volume with the thickening agents found in some hair dyes, but always get the full look that comes with a change in hair colour.

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5. Because you got a haircut

When you’re at the salon getting a new haircut, add colour into the mix for a complete hair overhaul. “A new haircut often calls for a new colour. A great pixie cut, for example, is so great in blonde like Michelle Williams, so why not take the look all the way?” says Pacheco. If you’re going to ask for a daring new cut, expand your beauty comfort zone and maximize the look with a bold hair dye.

6. Because you need to match your skin tone

Sometimes, your natural hair colour does not flatter your inherent skin tone, causing a discrepancy between two essential elements of a beauty look. “Your hair colour should complement your skin tone, so that’s always a great reason to change up your colour. It can also highlight your cheek bones and distract from any skin conditions you are looking to conceal,” says Pacheco.

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7. Because you need a recharge

Even if you use a professional, permanent hair dye (or are currently sporting natural hair), your colour will fade and become less and less vivacious the longer it lives on your scalp. “Over time if your hair becomes dull, and the colour loses its tone and vibrancy, you may want to refresh your hair with a temporary colour,” says Farrauto. “These temporary colours only deposit colour to the outside of your hair shaft, so the cuticle of the hair is not compromised. This leaves hair with that shiny brilliant finish people love on freshly coloured hair.”

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Read more:How to keep your hair colour vibrant, not brassyHair care: How to work with your hair texture Fix your damaged hair Hair care: The best leave-in treatments

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