HomeWHYWhy Do Dogs Make Biscuits

Why Do Dogs Make Biscuits

Dogs will knead the ground, furniture, rug or bedding prior to lying down. This is instinctive and comes from both a territorial and safety need. In the wild, dogs will dig their dens or gather leaves and grasses to form their beds. In digging, they are transferring their scent from glands in their paw pads to the area and marking it as theirs as well as eliminating the possibility of laying on an object or other animal that could harm them. Female dogs, even ones that are neither in heat nor pregnant, will knead their bedding to form a nest as part of their maternal instinct. Your dog is mimicking this instinctive and ingrained behavior when he is kneading. He does not necessarily value the materials he is kneading, and does not realize in creating holes in your yard or tears in your furniture that he is doing something wrong. He cannot help himself. He may also be kneading in an effort to control the temperature. Dogs do not have sweat glands like we do, so he needs to knead to increase surface area to cool off. If he is too cold, he will knead to arrange his surface area to shape his body to form a warming cocoon.

Often dogs will be seen sucking on something while they knead, whether it be a favorite lovie or blanket. Many theorize that this is primal need to act like he is getting milk from his mother. All breeds can exhibit this behavior, but it is most commonly seen in cross breeds, working breeds like Border Collies, hounds like Dachshunds, gun breeds like Springer Spaniels and terriers like Westies. Sweet and sensitive natured dogs are also more prone to kneading and sucking behavior. Dogs who become anxious when left alone may gather items that smell like their owners to surround themselves and knead. This soothes their anxiety and allows them to feel less alone. Experts make the analogy to human thumb sucking that starts early in life and is often continued throughout life. Humans often replace the thumb with other objects such as gum or pencil chewing while dogs simply stay with what they started.

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