HomeWHENWhen Do Babies Outgrow Contact Naps

When Do Babies Outgrow Contact Naps

Is it okay to let your baby fall asleep and contact nap on you? Here’s everything you need to know about contact naps, including how to keep baby safe and when to stop contact napping.

In those early days of motherhood, I savored those contact naps. It was the sweetest downtime, and an opportunity to connect with this new little life we had made.

But as the weeks passed and the overthinking of new parenthood started to kick in, I began to wonder: should I be letting my daughter nap like this?

Here’s what I’ve learned about contact naps since becoming a Pediatric Sleep Consultant and how they fit into the newborn sleep picture.

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baby taking a contact nap on mom in a baby sling

What is A Contact Nap?

A contact nap is baby falling asleep on you or another caregiver.

Contact naps can happen when your baby falls asleep in your arms or your chest while you’re holding them, or while you’re carrying them (even in a carrier like the Ergo baby counts!).

Is Contact Napping Okay?

Contact napping is absolutely okay and can be extremely beneficial for both you and your baby in those early newborn days.

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Contact naps are a wonderful part of life in the newborn stage. They are inevitably going to happen and will probably help your baby get more sleep.

Some parents may feel like their baby hates the crib in those newborn days, so contact naps can be a lifesaver.

Is It Okay for Baby to Nap on My Chest?

As long as you follow safe sleep guidelines, it’s safe for baby to fall asleep on you. Here’s how to keep your baby safe while letting them sleep on you:

  • If your baby falls asleep on you, you need to stay awake and alert. If you’re also feeling drowsy, the safest course of action is to put your baby down in their bassinet or crib.
  • Your baby’s face should be uncovered and their airway clear.
  • Make sure to keep loose objects like blankets, pillows, and toys away from them.
  • Make sure that wherever you are, there isn’t a possibility of your baby rolling into a crack or crevice that could constrict their breathing or put their body in a strange position that would make it hard to breathe.

Are Contact Naps Good for Babies?

There are plenty of benefits to contact napping for both you and your your baby:

  • Babies love to be in close proximity to mom or dad. They’re likely to feel most safe and secure in those early days when they’re in contact with you.
  • It’s an opportunity to do skin-to-skin.
  • Being close to you can help your newborn regulate their breathing, body temperature, and even their heart rate.
  • It can help baby sleep better and longer stretches.
  • Holding your baby close to your chest can release oxytocin, which can help reduce stress and anxiety for the new mom.
  • They are a great way to bond with your baby and improve your mental and emotional health.

Video About Contact Naps

Watch the video below where Amy will cover dos and don’ts of contact napping. Sometimes it helps to hear someone explain them versus reading a blog post.

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Will My Baby Outgrow Contact Naps?

Some babies will naturally outgrow contact naps, while others will prefer them for a longer period.

You can always move away from contact naps when you feel ready.

Somewhere around the 2 to 4 month mark, you’ll find that it’s easier to incorporate a little more activity into your baby’s awake times. They’re no longer a super sleepy newborn.

What You Should Know About Babies’ Early Sleep Cycles

Newborns are naturally sleepy because they’re used to the sleepy feel of your womb—it was dark, quiet, and you naturally lulled them with your daytime movement.

Being in physical contact with you reminds your baby of that safe, sleepy place.

But another reason your newborn might be prone to contact naps and falling asleep in your arms is due to their immature circadian rhythm.

It actually takes up to 6 weeks old for your baby to straighten out their days and nights, and then between 2 to 4 months for your baby’s circadian rhythm to mature and stabilize.

By the time your baby is 4 months old, their sleep cycles will become more defined.

What Age Should You Stop Contact Naps?

My recommendation is that you try to reduce the number of contact naps around the 3 to 4 month mark.

That doesn’t mean that all naps will be in the crib though.

I usually recommend parents do a contact nap for the last nap of the day up until babies transition to two naps, since that last nap can be difficult to get in otherwise.

Once your baby reaches 3 to 4 months, there are a couple things working in your favor that might make it easier to get some naps in a crib or bassinet.

Their Wake Windows Extend

The first is that your baby’s wake windows around 3 months to 4 months extend to 90 minutes (or even up to 2 hours). That means your baby is capable of staying awake for longer than it takes to feed them, so they’re less likely to feel a need to drift off right away.

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Some Babies Can Soothe Easier

The second thing working in your favor is that, developmentally, babies become more capable of self-soothing around this age.

In fact, some babies are even ready to start a sleep training method around 4 months old.

Once you feel ready to try napping your baby in their bassinet or crib, you can try putting them down for the first nap of the day. That is usually the easiest nap to get them to fall asleep for.

How Do I Get My Baby to Nap Without Being Held?

If you need a little break from contact naps, or are ready to wean them completely, there are some things you can do to help them learn to sleep independently.

Here’s how to transition from contact naps to bassinet or crib naps:

  • Make sure your baby has a safe sleep surface (a bassinet or crib) with a firm, flat surface. Keep loose objects such as blankets, toys, and stuffed animals out of your baby’s sleep space.
  • Create a space that is conducive to sleep. Consider using blackout curtains and a white noise sound machine to set the sleepy tone.
  • Establish a nap routine and stick to it. Babies thrive on routine, and this will help them develop good sleep associations.
  • For babies who are super reliant on contact naps, start the transition slowly—especially if they are younger than 3 months old. Begin trying to set them down in a crib for just one nap each day to start.
  • If your baby is not yet old enough for sleep training, you may need to stay in the room with them and help soothe them until they can fall asleep. The Shush Pat method is particularly helpful to soothe newborns to sleep.
  • If your baby is old enough for sleep training, weaning off of contact naps is a great reason to start implementing a sleep training method for naps.

More Tips, Tricks & Transitions With the Newborn Sleep Program

Are you looking for more answers to your newborn sleep questions? Check out my online Newborn Sleep Program.

The course takes less than an hour to complete, and I designed it with sleepy parents in mind. In just 8 short videos, I outline my proven process for establishing optimal sleep routines for your newborn.

Check out the Newborn Sleep Program now to help your newborn and family get the sleep you need.

If you have any questions about contact naps, leave them in the comments below!


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