HomeWHOWho Was Killed In Hijack Episode 3

Who Was Killed In Hijack Episode 3

Find out who got shot in Hijack episode 3 and what it means for the Apple TV+ series. Read our recap and analysis of the thrilling episode and share your thoughts with us.

If you have been following the Apple TV+ series Hijack, starring Idris Elba as a business negotiator who gets caught up in a plane hijacking, you must be dying to know the answer to one question: Who got shot in Hijack episode 3?

In this post, we will recap and analyze the events of episode 3, “Draw a Blank”, and explore the possible outcomes of the cliffhanger ending. But before we do that, let’s refresh our memory on what happened in the previous episodes.

#1. What Happened in Hijack Episode 1 and 2?

Hijack is a thriller series that follows Sam Nelson (Idris Elba), a successful business negotiator who is on his way to London for a high-stakes deal. However, his flight is hijacked by a group of masked men who demand $100 million and the release of a prisoner named Omar.

Sam soon realizes that he is not just a random passenger, but a target of the hijackers, who seem to know his identity and his past. He also discovers that he has a connection to Omar, who was once his friend and colleague in the military.

As Sam tries to negotiate with the hijackers and find a way out of the situation, he faces various challenges and dangers. He has to deal with a hostile pilot, a suspicious co-passenger, a rebellious flight attendant, and a mysterious woman who claims to be an FBI agent.

He also has to deal with his own personal issues, such as his estranged wife and daughter, his guilt over Omar’s fate, and his PTSD from his time in Afghanistan.

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#2. The Guns Are Loaded With Blanks

In episode 3, one of the passengers in first class, who claims to be a former Egyptian military officer, suspects that the hijackers’ guns are fake or loaded with blanks. He tells Sam about his theory and urges him to take action.

Sam decides to test this theory by provoking one of the hijackers to fire his gun at a metal tray, which does not leave any bullet marks. This confirms that the guns are indeed loaded with blanks and that the hijackers are bluffing.

This revelation changes the dynamics of the situation and gives Sam and some other passengers more courage to resist the hijackers. They start to plan an escape or an attack, hoping to take advantage of the hijackers’ weakness.

#3. The Hijackers Have a Mysterious Leader

Meanwhile, Stuart, the leader of the hijackers, makes a phone call in the cockpit to someone who seems to be the mastermind behind the operation. He receives instructions and updates from this unknown person, who also warns him about Sam’s interference.

We don’t know much about this person, except that they have access to information about Sam’s background, Omar’s location, and the plane’s status. They also seem to have a personal vendetta against Sam and want him dead.

Who could this person be and what are their motives for hijacking the plane? Could it be someone from Sam’s past? Someone from Omar’s past? Someone from the government? Someone from a rival company? The possibilities are endless.

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#4. The Fight for Control Escalates

In the final act of episode 3, Sam and another passenger, Hugo, decide to confront one of the hijackers in the galley and try to disarm him. They manage to overpower him and take his gun, but not before he alerts Stuart.

Meanwhile, Lizzie, a young girl who is traveling with her family, goes missing during the commotion. Her parents panic and start looking for her everywhere. They find her in the bathroom, where she has locked herself in fear.

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Stuart, who has replaced his blanks with real bullets, storms into the galley and points his gun at Sam. He threatens to kill him unless he surrenders his gun and stops interfering with his plan.

Sam refuses to back down and tries to reason with Stuart. He tells him that he knows his guns are fake and that he is not afraid of him. He also tells him that he knows he is working for someone else and that he can help him get out of this mess.

Stuart does not listen and pulls the trigger. A gunshot is heard and Sam’s face shows shock. The screen goes black and the credits roll.

#5. Who Got Shot in Hijack Episode 3?

So, who got shot in Hijack episode 3? Was it Sam? Was it Stuart? Was it someone else? We don’t know for sure until we watch episode 4, which will air next week on Apple TV+.

However, we can make some educated guesses based on some clues and hints from episode 3. Here are some possible scenarios:

  • Sam got shot: This is the most obvious and dramatic scenario. If Sam got shot, it would mean that he is either dead or severely injured. This would have a huge impact on the story and the characters. It would also raise the stakes and the tension for the remaining episodes. However, it would also be a risky move, as Sam is the main protagonist and the most popular character of the series. Killing him off or sidelining him would upset many fans and viewers. It would also make the series less interesting and engaging, as Sam is the driving force of the plot and the action.
  • Stuart got shot: This is another possible scenario. If Stuart got shot, it would mean that he is either dead or incapacitated. This would have a significant impact on the story and the characters as well. It would mean that the hijackers have lost their leader and their main weapon. It would also mean that Sam and the passengers have gained an advantage and a chance to escape or fight back. However, it would also be a predictable and cliché move, as Stuart is the main antagonist and the most obvious target of the series. Killing him off or disabling him would reduce the threat and the suspense of the series. It would also make the series less intriguing and complex, as Stuart is the link between the hijackers and their mysterious leader.
  • Someone else got shot: This is a third possible scenario. If someone else got shot, it could be anyone from Sam’s allies, such as Hugo, Lizzie, or the flight attendant, to Sam’s enemies, such as the pilot, the co-passenger, or the FBI agent. This would have a moderate impact on the story and the characters, depending on who it is and how important they are to the plot. It would also create some drama and emotion for the viewers, as they might feel sympathy or anger for the victim or the shooter. However, it would also be a less impactful and satisfying move, as it would not resolve or advance the main conflict between Sam and Stuart. It would also make the series less focused and coherent, as it would introduce more subplots and complications.
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Of course, these are just some possible scenarios based on episode 3. There might be other scenarios that we have not considered or anticipated. The only way to find out for sure who got shot in Hijack episode 3 is to watch episode 4 when it comes out.

We hope you enjoyed this recap and analysis of Hijack episode 3. We are eager to hear your thoughts and theories on who got shot in Hijack episode 3 and what will happen next. Please leave a comment below and share your opinions with us and other readers. We love to hear from you and we appreciate your feedback. Also, please share this post with your friends and family who are fans of Hijack or who might be interested in watching it. You can use the social media buttons below to share this post easily.

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