HomeWHOWho Are The Modern Day Edomites

Who Are The Modern Day Edomites

Why you can not answer a simple question like that, you imposter bastard.

We NEGROES (ISRAELITES) rule next. Destructions and plagues are coming on You gentiles nations, especially the Caucasians race are more virus on earth. You pale skin human hybrid wicked generations are the reasons planet Earth is in such bad condition today. Once you people in society all Nations accepted, or admitted the fact that the NEGROES are the true ISRAELITES God chosen people the world will be at peace with no more wars, famines, climate change etc….. So I urge y’all today to wake up, open y’all eyes and accept the Most High promise belong to the NEGROES scattered throughout the world. Watch out, the NEGROES MOST HIGH at works, He will causes more plaques and destructions on the enemies the other nations. TMH will soon send His son our Savior the Black Messiah to wipe out all these Satan agents who’s ruling this wicked WORLD, the Black Messiah will destroy all of you wicked world leaders Nephilim Neaderthel bloodlines. As this wicked WORLD coming to an end we so-called NEGROES must repent now and come back to our father Yahuah, we so-called NEGROES scattered throughout the earth are YAH chosen people the real true Hebrew Israelites, Jews according to Deuteronomy chapter 28 clearly prove the facts. We Negroes must wake up immediately to regain our Holy Bible, our only true history book, we need to regain our true identity, nationality, cultures and reconnect with our heritage. Romans 9:4 Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises; Salvation is for us NEGROES. Everything is promised to so-called NEGROES, five must important promises that belong to us are: 1 THE​ LAND OF ISRAEL (Jeremiah 3:18), 2 OUR SAVIOUR​ not every Nations (Act 13:22-24, Act 26:6-7), 3 SALVATION (Luke 1:68-71), 4 THE HOLY SPIRIT (Act 1:4-5, John 14:17), 5 ETERNAL LIFE (John 2:25). According to Deuteronomy chapter 28 curses now if you an Israelites need to follow the Most High YAH statutes, laws and commandments. We Israelites supposed to honour and do the Most High and His son Yahusha service, the other nations don’t have the assignment or the authority to do the service of the Most High…. We Negroes are the END and the BEGINNING for ETERNITY. Esau, the other nations are the END, 2nd Esdras 6:9. Warning: Today Esau Ishmael mingle seeds are the Arab Muslims nations are pushing hard to take over and they must END this wicked WORLD and Jacob us NEGROES will be victorious the BEGINNING of the World. We so-called NEGROES possess GOD ROYALTY DNA in our blood, 1/3rd of us are protected. The world was create for us NEGROES sakes and The Most High YAH is sending down His son the black Messiah to restore everything back to us, our identity, heritage, culture and nationality etc…. Hang on tight my peoples judgment day and more plaques are coming against our enemies those other nations. 1/3rd of us NEGROES will receive salvation, we must come back immediately to Abba YAH and repent, KJVA Bible. Zechariah 13:8-9 [8]And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the LORD, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein. [9]And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God. when you heathen nations, so-called white race admits the truths that the NEGROES scattered throughout the earth are YAH chosen people the real true Hebrew Israelites, Jews according to Deuteronomy chapter 28 clearly prove the facts. If you fake Jews, and heathen nations still refused to bow down and tell the truth judgment day and more plaques are coming against you. Revealetion 1:1,14-15 Yahusha Hamashiach not Jesus Christ, the Black Messiah is approaching down very soon with a two edges sharp sword to set all things in order, to plaques and kill His enemies those Atheists, those false Jews Jew-wish, those LGBT community etc…. And the Black Messiah will also destroyed those wicked high elites 😈 leaders, politicians government systems worldwide etc… Revealetion 19. My people you so-called NEGROES scattered throughout the earth are Yahuah’s chosen people, and today I am warning you now it’s time to repent and it’s time to set your eyes away from Christianity, away from Jesus Christ AKA Cesar Borgia, away from the Virgin Mary, away from all these pagan Egyptian gods, away from ⛅ sun worshipping that is call worshipping false god and going to church on Sunday, away from all that, away from religion in general so if you are a Muslim, a Buddhist, Catholics whatever, it’s​ time to set your sights away from the evil that you are doing, that evil you’re commanded, the sins, and learn who your true Creator is who is yahuah. Repentant mean to turn away from sins, your transgressions, your iniquities etc that Yahuah the true Creator of heaven and Earth may save you and delivered you. And now how can you start, by starting to do your own research, get educated, stop believing the lies that all Christianity and the church, get out of that visual sun worshipping, get out of costume and circle and holidays​ of pagan worshipping, get away from all these other nations pagan gods, these gods of woods or stones, and yes I am talking about the cross, and get away from all of that. Get away from all evils of this world, be ye separate from the world and you must get into the truths immediately. Get into yahuah who is the truths and who will delivered​ you from your sins, because only YAH is salvation which is the Hebraic name of our Messiah Yahusha or some like to say in Arabic, and I am telling you this to say because you really seeking the truths out there, you really seeking the Most High, seek Yahuah, and He will lead you to His true that you will maybe forgiven of you sins and exaggerated from the coming judgment of this world, this nation call America and the other wicked nations that will not repent of her sins, America will not repent at all, she just think that she can do whatever she wants, can pass any laws that she wanted. Our enemies continuing to murder innocent Israelites, and think they going to get away with it, I am sorry to tell you this, but it’s time to wake up now and see the judgment seasons are here, I’m just letting you know when judgments​get here, when that prophetic year strike the year 2019 I’m not fully saying it going to be in that year but it most likely will be considered that the prophesies He give that our creator give Yahusha once that judgment comes it will not be pretty, and if you are part of it because of your sins, because you have not sawed truths for yourself then I don’t know what to tell you and that is why I am here to inform you, I’m trying to tell you to get on the path of truths and righteousness for yahuah and His son Yahusha learn His laws, statues and commandments. Read the first five books of the Bible what you call Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers, and Deuteronomy. And study the commandments to the best of your ability and facts a good start would be the start with the ten commandments. Did you know if you stop going to these false church right now that you will in fact be following the fourth commandment by honoring the Sabbath that will be a start if you start honoring the Sabbath day which is Saturday and get out of their Church on Sunday you will start honoring the fourth commandment, just using​the name Yahuah you honoring the 3rd commandment which is not to take His name in vain to use His true name, getting away from​ Christianity and the cross and the other religions and their pagan gods yes that included Allah you honoring the 2nd commandment which is thou shalt not having any Graven image or even other gods is the 1st commandment, if you get away from Catholicism and them Graven statues you the 2nd commandment and if you recognize who the true biblical Israelites are which are so-called NEGROES, so-called African American etc…. than you are following the 9th commandment and there are more and it does not stop there with the 10th commandment yes there are so many more and I’m saying this none of us can’t follow all 613 commandments today perfectly, we can be perfected thought yahuah He can perfected us He can lead us the truths and righteousness and if you’re​willing to do that I urge you to take that seriously, and do your research, read the Holy Bible, and ask our father Yahuah to help you inherite His new kingdom. The sooner the better for you get right with the Most High YAH today because time is now the 400 years are almost up. It will be worse on enemies the other nations as it was in the days of Egypt. My people our 400 years of captivity is coming to an end, we must pray YAH every day for Deliverance from this wicked WORLD. The Most High YAH still loves us NEGROES, and He don’t care about the other nations. Brother and sister we so-called NEGROES God chosen, we will inherite the new world, God did created the whole world for our sakes. KJVA Bible. Revelation 13:9-10 [9]If any man have an ear, let him hear. [10]He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints…………………………………………. 2nd Esdras 6:54-59 The Most High YAH is racist! He called you heathen nations SPITTLE. https://youtu.be/erbbcR8kKjI https://youtu.be/vM6fOYe1h_A https://youtu.be/4spI0QbyCyw https://youtu.be/-c4lzBtBbfo https://youtu.be/kHxQY5nj5b4 https://youtu.be/gnN8Qg0dvX0

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