What Is An Ascended Master

You may have encountered the term “Ascended Masters” while learning about energy healing, archangels, or other spiritual matters.Ascended Masters are high-vibrational, enlightened Beings of love and light. They are the highest evolved Beings in the spiritual hierarchy, surpassing guardian angels and spirit guides.Who are Ascended Masters?We are talking about Jesus, The Mother Mary, Buddha, St Francis, Vishnu, St Germaine, and the list goes on. If you get to experience a connection to one of these Ascended Masters, it will be a life changing experience.The roles of different Masters may be varied, but their purposes are the same: assisting humanity on our own ascension, and to increase our awareness of the spiritual forces that permeate the Universe. Whether you realize it or not, you too are an Ascended Master in the making. People have the ability to ascend to the highest level. But it can only be achieved through many challenges, positive life choices, rebirths and lessons.Each Ascended Master has completed many lifetimes of experience on Earth, and has undergone a series of spiritual transformations, which can also be called “rebirths.”Through the process of personal growth, self-awareness, making intentional and consistent positive choices in the face of difficulty, and using their will to override their human DNA’s negative expression (such as anger, fear, or disease) they achieve what is called “self-mastery.”Self-mastery is the process of evolving and becoming more and more enlightened. And at the end of that self-mastery journey is leaving the body and ascending to the spiritual plane – i.e., becoming an Ascended Master. In other words, Masters face similar or even more difficult life challenges than the rest of us, and in the midst of those struggles, CHOOSE to express themselves as the full magnificence of All That Is.

Are you seeking guidance about a problem? Would you be interested in your own personalized Soul Path Reading? If this is your first time with Kaliana, use the code MYSOULPATH at checkout and save $100 off! Act now before this limited time offer goes away!Before delving into 22 Ascended Masters and their roles, it is important to know three concepts that explain who and what makes them unique:

  1. Karma
  2. Reincarnation
  3. Ascension


The term “karma” has made it into the mainstream, but not everyone understands what it really means and how to deal with it. Many of the world’s religions teach the law of karma in some form. Sikhs and Jains, esoteric Christians and Kabbalist Jews to name a few.It is also a core concept in Buddhism and Hinduism. The law of karma believes that all major events in our life are predestined. Every positive deed we do generates a ‘merit’ while every negative deed results in a ‘demerit.’ Bad actions will subsequently require some form of payment or punishment. Karma also tells us that what happens to us in the present is an effect of causes which we have set in motion in the past, whether several minutes, hours, days, or three lifetimes ago. It’s like saying “You reap what you sow.” Whatever we do will come full circle to our doorstep, sometime, somewhere. Self-mastery is about stepping off the karmic wheel.Deciding not to do unto others what has been done unto you, but instead to forgive, and radiate compassion and grace to those who do “bad” things……Masters know that we are all connected, and that negative situations are required aspects of personal growth, and thus simply opportunities to grow, shine, and become your best self. Therefore, there is never anyone to blame in any situation. Instead, Masters are grateful for the opportunity represented by the challenge, as it gives them a chance to rise to the next level.Without challenges, it is impossible to achieve self-mastery or become an Ascended Master.This is not to say that those on the journey of self-mastery (or even Masters themselves) do not experience their own intense negative emotions. The difference is that Masters choose to:

  1. Turn inward and face their intense emotions.
  2. Never use their destructive desires to hurt anything or anyone.
  3. Purify their negative emotions in order to raise the vibration of their bodies.
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This is why self-mastery is so challenging.It is a real live version of an intensely difficult video game, where in order to level up you have to face a very difficult boss. And you cannot level up until you beat that boss. This is self-mastery – except that the boss is within you. And the more skills you gain, the more difficult the challenges become. Self-mastery is about choosing to feel compassion, forgiveness, tolerance, wisdom and grace when the situation you are presented would make most people act out in a negative fashion. And via that process, you step off the karmic wheel.Karma goes hand in hand with reincarnation.


While karma refers to accountability, reincarnation embodies opportunity. It is another chance to make good in order to pay the karmic debts we owe others. Reincarnation is a belief that after you die, your soul is reborn into another body. Souls can reincarnate through multiple lifetimes. The purpose of reincarnation is to continue the evolution of the soul towards enlightenment or return to oneness with God, Spirit, or Source energy. Ascended Masters are souls who finished the reincarnation cycle, and do all their work in higher dimensions. Their souls are no longer compelled to incarnate but do so anyway to teach, heal, and raise the vibration of humanity.


Ascension is somewhat similar to the Eastern concept of enlightenment introduced in Buddhism. It is the path of those who are actively choosing to evolve into higher consciousness.Part of ascension is opening your heart to reunite with all layers of your higher self and of course, with the Source energy.It does not happen on a certain date, or that we unknowingly stumble into. It is through expanded awareness and happens incrementally. This is not to say you are a God. But you are a divine human, a spark of God, and ascension returns you to your true divine nature. Ascension fits into five categories:

  • Awakening of the mind: The realization of motivating profound changes in our lives. This awakening comes during a major epiphany, wherein the mind experiences an astonishing flash of ‘enlightened’ perspective.
  • Awakening of a new personality: Picture the kind of person you were five years ago. Are you still the same person? When the mind is awakened, it promotes self-acceptance and empowerment, which can result in the development of a new personality.
  • Awakening of spiritual energy: Life force energy is commonly referred to as “qi,” pronounced “chi.” If this is awakened, major changes can occur on the physical through the spiritual levels.
  • Awakening of the soul: It is when an individual feels deeply aligned with his or her life purpose. It can be brief or long-term. During this awakening, a person increases virtuous qualities such as unconditional love, compassion, and forgiveness.
  • Total Awakening: Enlightenment or total ego death is a gift of grace wherein all that remains is love, truth, and pure awareness. This state can arrive spontaneously or through years of spiritual discipline and study.
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Are you feeling lost or would like clarification about events in your life? Then now is the perfect time for your own personalized Soul Path Reading. If this will be your first time working with Kaliana, enter the code MYSOULPATH at checkout to save $100! Act quickly as this is a limited time offer!

Meet 22 Ascended Masters

There exist several Ascended Masters who live-on in the hearts of those they have helped and those they continue to help. Some lived more recently and are well-known, while others are ancient and have been forgotten. They have served as teachers and leaders from within the spiritual realms. Their mission is to assist humanity in uniting with the I Am presence and divine spirit. Ascended Masters carry a Divine vibration described to be quite angelic. However, they are far different from angels in the sense that they have lived life on earth, or ‘walked in our shoes.’Like us, they have faced challenges and learned the hard lessons of life. But the thing is, they have mastered these lessons. Now, these masters are living in complete oneness with their God presence:

1. Babaji – The deathless avatar 2. Buddha – The enlightened or awakened one 3. Devi – The universal mother 4. Diana – Goddess of the hunt and moon 5. El Morya – Master of God’s will 6. Guinevere – Goddess of love relationships, fertility, and motherhood 7. Jesus – Jeshua, Lord and Savior 8. Kali – Black mother, most misunderstood goddess

9. Krishna – The Divine One

10. Quan Yin – She who hears prayers 11. Kuthumi – Master psychologist and sponsor of youth 12. Lakshmi – Goddess of prosperity and good fortune 13. Mary – Our Lady of Guadalupe, Virgin Mary 14. Melchizedek – King of righteousness 15. Merlin – The Magician 16. Moses – The Prophet 17. St Francis – Saint Francis of Assisi, Francis Bernardone

18. St Germain – The Count of Saint-Germain, The Wonderman of Europe

19. St John of God – Father of the Poor 20. St Therese – The Little Flower of Jesus 21. Serapis Bey – Egyptian god of the underworld, facing your inner darkness 22. Yogananda

Which Ascended Master Guides You?

Ask yourself, what do you need to learn at this point in your life?

…Because life is a long journey for most, and at different phases you will require different forms of support and assistance.

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Each individual is backed up by a team of Ascended Masters. Yes, a team. You are guided by not one, but five masters. This is called the Five Ray team.

There are eight rays of incarnation, and we all are born with five of these rays. Each soul is said to incarnate on these specific rays. There is an Ascended Master assigned to each of the five rays, according to the life lessons laid out for you.

How to Connect With the Ascended Masters

Whether you are seeking guidance, healing, or wisdom, you can call on Ascended Masters. These beings have already acquired vast knowledge and mastered the spiritual, mental, and physical aspects of their lives.

Due to their wisdom and experience, these masters can serve as your spiritual guide, healer, and teacher. Like Angels, we can open ourselves to them through conscious contact…

…We must deepen our spiritual understanding and raise our personal vibration.

The easiest way to connect to a master is to open your heart in order to start a two-way connection. Another way is to ask questions and get answers, called the Torus technique.

The masters can visit you in your dreams, during meditations or intuitive readings, and even everyday events in your life.

Tips to connect with the Ascended Masters:

  • Find a quiet place that feels clear and sacred to you. Safely, light a candle, burn incense, or use vibrational tools as you prefer
  • Take a number of deep breaths and say an affirmative prayer or intention to connect with a specific master.
  • Call on the master that you feel most connected with, by thinking about that particular master. Then, focus on that thought and reflect silently.
  • Additionally, You can tone (make sounds or hum), write what comes to you without thinking in a journal (called automatic writing), or listen for sounds, colors, geometric shapes, images or visions. Guidance comes in many forms.
  • You may ask for direct guidance regarding any issue in your life.
  • Remember at the end, to thank all the beings who provided guidance.

You’ll know once you have truly opened your heart, body and mind to receive the energy from your Ascended Master. They are always available to you; it is you who must let go of control, and surrender enough to allow their presence to merge with you.

Once you do, the energy around you suddenly becomes overwhelming in a positive and beautiful way…

…Their energy usually comes in forms of pouring light or very strong love. Thus, it is essential to be receptive to spiritual energy.

After your invocation, you will most likely experience a surge of strong emotions, see visions of radiant light, or feel a higher level of energy. This is a very tangible experience that you remember the rest of your lifetime.

If you are uncertain as to whether you have allowed yourself to interact with your Master(s), then you have not had this profound experience yet.

If you would like to ask questions of your Ascended Masters and get their answers, sign up for your Soul Path Reading with Kaliana. If this is your first session, enter the special code MYSOULPATH at checkout to get $100 off! Grab a session now and tell your best friend too, before this special offer goes away!

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