HomeWHYWhy Do You Put A Crayon In Your Wallet

Why Do You Put A Crayon In Your Wallet

Traveling can be an amazing experience, but keeping track of every event you have planned can be difficult. Sometimes, it helps to plan the events of your trip beforehand. Doing this will help you better navigate your trip and give you a better overall experience.

If you’re fond of keeping a physical list of notes, or you just need a reliable writing instrument to carry around, here are some ways to make your trip easier: putting crayons in your wallet! We’re here to talk about something that may have never crossed your mind – why put a crayon in your wallet when traveling?

Why Put a Crayon in Your Wallet When Traveling?

Colorful Crayons
Why Put a Crayon in Your Wallet when Traveling? 5 Reasons You Would have Never Thought of 1

Crayons come in handy when traveling as you’d need to mark maps, signposts, and other important places. They can also be used for writing down information that you might need.

Crayons can be a great way to entertain yourself when traveling. You can draw attention to certain areas of the world that you would like to explore.

Traveling to a country you’ve never been to, carrying a crayon can help you make some sketches of the local area. Here are some reasons why you should consider carrying crayons:

1. Crayons Are Cheap

Crayons can be a great way to keep kids entertained on long car rides or plane rides. They’re cheap, easy to pack, and can be used for a variety of activities. Here are some ideas for using crayons while traveling:

  • Trace pictures of your destination on the window or Plexiglas in front of you
  • Draw pictures of your family and friends while you’re waiting at the airport
  • Make a picture book while you’re on vacation
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2. They’re Easy to Pack

When planning your next vacation, be sure to pack some crayons. Carrying a crayon can be helpful while traveling as they are easy to pack.

3. Children Love Them

Crayons can be a great help when traveling. They are small and easy to carry, so they are perfect for when you need to make a quick sketch or write down a quick note. They are also great for coloring pictures or adding excitement to your travel souvenirs.

4. You Can Use Them Anywhere

Crayons can be helpful when traveling. They are small, so they don’t take up much space and can be used in various places. You can use them to mark your map, write down important information, or make sketches.

5. Making the Most of Your Travel Experience

Crayons are interesting additions to a travelers’ toolkit. Not only can they be used for drawing and coloring, but also as a writing instrument.

Here are some ways carrying a crayon can be helpful while traveling:

  • Crayons can be used to color maps and guidebooks. This is especially helpful if you’re traveling in a foreign country and don’t know the language.
  • Crayons can also be used to write down addresses and phone numbers when you’re lost. Whenever you have a moment, jot down the information, so you don’t have to search for it later.
  • Finally, if you’re ever stranded in a remote area, crayons can be used to create sketches of your surroundings to orient yourself again.

Keeping Your Crayon Safe While Traveling

Carrying a crayon can help children when traveling. When traveling with a child, it is important to keep all of their belongings safe and secure. One way to do this is to pack a small bag with supplies like snacks, water, and a crayon. This way, the child will have something fun to do while waiting in line or on the plane.

Additionally, letting the child use a crayon during travel can help them relax. By doing this, they may avoid getting too anxious during long trips.

How to Store Your Crayon Safely

If you’re traveling with a crayon, keeping it safe and organized is important. Here are a few tips to help you do just that:

  • Always store your crayon in a protective case or container. This will help prevent it from getting damaged while in transit.
  • Store your crayon according to its color. For example, blue crayons should be stored together, and red and green should be stored separately. This way, you know which crayon is which if you need to use it while traveling.
  • When not in use, store your crayon in its case or container so that it doesn’t get dusty or rusty. This will keep the crayon in good condition and make it easier to use when you need it.
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When Is It Safe to Use a Crayon While Traveling?

Carrying a crayon can be helpful while traveling, as it can be used to sign documents or write down information. However, it is important to keep in mind that crayons can be dangerous if not used properly. If a crayon breaks, it can pose a risk of getting into the eyes or other sensitive areas. Additionally, crayons can stain clothing and surfaces if they are left behind.

The Different Types of Crayons

Crayons come in a variety of colors and can be helpful when traveling. They are portable and easy to carry, which makes them great for when you need to make a quick note or sketch something. Here are four different ways that crayons can be helpful while traveling:

1) Crayons can be used as a temporary writing tool. When you are traveling and have no access to a pen or paper, crayons can be used to jot down notes or ideas. Just be sure to erase the notes before you leave the country!

2) Crayons can also be used as sketching tools. When traveling, it is often difficult to find good drawing materials. With a few simple strokes with a crayon, you can create rough drawings that will help you remember your destination or see things more clearly when you are traveling.

3) Finally, crayons can act as temporary tattoos. You can create temporary tattoos with crayons.

Which Crayons Are Best to Put In Your Wallet?

Crayons are one of the many small items that can make traveling much easier. Not only do they come in handy when bored, but they can also be used on a notepad to take down important information.

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It can also be used as a small tool to fix something if it breaks. While there are a variety of crayons that can be helpful while traveling, some of the best ones are those with a thin design and light color. This way, they won’t take up too much space, nor will they be too hard to carry around.

How to Safely Store Crayons While Traveling

Red Crayon
Why Put a Crayon in Your Wallet when Traveling? 5 Reasons You Would have Never Thought of 2

Crayons can be a great way to keep children entertained while traveling. However, they must be handled with care to avoid any accidents. Here are some tips for safely storing crayons while traveling:

1. Dispose of used crayons properly. Never throw them away with regular garbage, as this can create environmental damage. Instead, carefully recycle them or place them in a container for children to take home and play with.

2. Store unused crayons in a protective case or container. This will help to prevent them from becoming damaged or lost when traveling. Make sure the case is sturdy and large enough to store all the crayons that are being carried.

3. Keep sharp objects away from children’s crayons. While they are small, crayons can easily become projectiles if a sharp object hits them. Limit the number of sharp objects in the child’s environment and keep them out of reach when not in use.

Tips for Using a Crayon When Traveling

One of the great things about traveling is that you can explore new and interesting places. One way to make exploring these places even more fun is to take along a crayon. Here are a few tips on how to use a crayon when traveling:

  • When booking your trip, ask if there are any attractions or sites close by that you can visit with your crayons. This will help you get the most out of your travels.
  • If you’re visiting a new city, try sketching out what you want to see on some paper beforehand. This will help you remember everything once you’re there.
  • When sightseeing, don’t be afraid to use your crayons as markers to highlight important points in the scenery. This will help keep your memories of the trip fresh.


Carrying a crayon can be helpful when traveling, as it allows you to make marks on walls or ceilings that might be difficult to see or climb.

Not only does this help you get around more easily, but it lets you draw pictures or write notes if you need to remember something while you are away. So next time you’re planning a trip, make sure to pack your crayon in case anything comes up!


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