HomeWHOWho Is Trying To Kill Anna On General Hospital

Who Is Trying To Kill Anna On General Hospital

General Hospital’s Laura and Valentin might think they’ve got a good sense of Charlotte’s issues, now that her brainwashing via dead grandpa Victor has all come to light, but that couldn’t be further from the truth! ‘Cause the flames of little Miss Cassadine’s fury are still burning — and whoever really set fire to Anna’s house is still out there.

Viewers and characters on screen alike cried foul when Anna tried to question a hospitalized Charlotte and sent the traumatized girl into hysterics (why would you think that’s a good idea, Anna?!). Between that and the bullet she took, it’s no wonder Charlotte’s still holding a grudge.

‘Fessing up all of her misdeeds (or at least some misdeeds) to her darling papa upon being sprung from GH doesn’t mean a thing, per her portrayer Scarlett Fernandez.

Valentin and Nina with Charlotte GH

“I don’t think she really feels bad [for going after Anna] or even feels like she betrayed him,” Fernandez tells soapoperadigest.com of Charlotte and Valentin’s big Thanksgiving showdown. “I think she is just still so convinced that Anna is really out to get her and out to get Valentin that she is still on a mission. She still feels like she needs to get Anna!”

The problem with that? Charlotte’s insistence to both Nina and Val that she didn’t set the fire just hammers in that someone else is out to get Anna, too. And the longer Charlotte is under suspicion, and all the blame is falling on Victor’s tarot card terrorizing, the bigger the odds that Anna’s real stalker will land everyone in danger.

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There’s already one tally on the body count — Anna’s top suspect, WSB agent Jameson Forsythe, who got turned into a hood ornament and ended up on a PCPD morgue slab. Obviously somebody wanted to keep Forsythe quiet and silencing Anna is next on the to-do list.

With Charlotte still out to get Anna herself, sounds to us like she and the arsonist are about to be gasoline and a match, blowing this whole story sky-high.

Anna and Charlotte didn’t have the best Thanksgiving, but there are still plenty of things in the soap world to be thankful for. Check out our photo gallery below.


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