HomeWHOWho Is Billy Beane's Wife

Who Is Billy Beane’s Wife

Billy Beane is a former baseball player and the subject of the 2003 Michael Lewis book and the 2011 Bennett Miller film Moneyball. In 1999, he completed an important milestone in his life when he married Tara Beane.

Tara Beane (nee Graves) was born on August 11, 1964, in San Diego, California. She and Billy were childhood friends and they really got along well. After Billy divorced his first wife, Cathy Sturdivant, he and Tara started dating each other. This blossomed into love and they finally tied the knot in 1999. Since then, they have been together for 24 years.

Billy and Tara Beane in Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters v Oakland Athletics - Preseason Game

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Billy and Tara have two children. They gave birth to twins Brayden and Tinsley Beane. However, Tara is also the stepmother to Casey Beane, Billy’s first daughter from his marriage with Cathy Sturdivant.

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According to Billy, Tara Beane is a big fan of journalist Katie Couric. During his interview for GM of the Boston Red Sox, team chairman Tom Werner got to know about this and got his girlfriend Katie Couric to leave a message for Tara Beane.

Unlike many celebrities who have opted for divorce, Billy and Tara’s married life have stood the test of time and evolved into a loving relationship and family.

Post Moneyball life for Billy Beane

Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters v Oakland Athletics - Preseason Game

Billy Beane.

Both the book and the movie versions of Moneyball changed the life of Billy Beane. Since then, he has become a star for his sabermetric principles of winning with a low budget.

After Moneyball, Billy Beane had served as senior advisor of the Oakland Athletics. He had advised owner John Fisher on important matters. However, in 2022, he changed his position to managing partner with the team. Now his main role with the team is to help Fisher with more important matters as well as pursue other interests. The team will also consult him regarding organizational issues.

However, Billy is still the minority owner of the Athletics. Apart from this, he also owns minority ownership of football teams Barnsley of English League One and AZ Alkmaar of the Dutch Eredivisie.

Fans hope that Beane will be able to help the Oakland Athletics for many more years in the future.

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