Blow Cinnamon into Your Doorway: The Ancient Ritual for Abundance

Have you ever wondered why people blow cinnamon into their doorway on the first of the month? It’s not just a trendy TikTok video; it has deep roots in spiritual and medicinal practices that have been passed down for centuries.

The Monthly Cinnamon Ritual

On the first day of each month, take a tablespoon of cinnamon into the palm of your hand. Step outside your front door, leaving it open, and blow the cinnamon into your home and over your doorway. While doing so, think positive thoughts of abundance. You can even speak a mantra like, “Cinnamon for abundance. Abundance through my door. Cinnamon for abundance. I welcome in so much more.”

cinnamon ritual

Why Cinnamon Works for Abundance

Cinnamon has been associated with abundance across different cultures for its powerful properties. While the cinnamon ritual specifically uses cinnamon, you can apply similar practices with other substances like eggshells, powdered sugar, salt, or flower petals, depending on the intention you set.

The key is to connect your thoughts and beliefs to the ritual and put your energy into the actions you take. Even those who approach it with skepticism often find themselves noticing more abundance in their lives, not necessarily because they receive more, but because they become more open to the abundance that was always present.

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blowing cinnamon

Cinnamon’s Significance for Prosperity and Positivity

Cinnamon holds a special place in human civilizations as a spice of abundance. Its fiery nature is associated with masculine energy, symbolizing provider, physical strength, and protector energy.

Moreover, cinnamon is believed to promote a free flow of energy throughout the body and spirit. With its high vibration, it has long been linked to good fortune and wealth. Additionally, cinnamon has numerous medicinal properties, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and heart-healthy effects.

cinnamon abundance

The Science Behind Cinnamon’s Power

While magic and science may seem worlds apart, they share more common ground than meets the eye. Cinnamon’s medicinal properties have been studied and proven to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, heart-protective, and blood sugar-regulating effects. Cinnamon is a potent herb that can greatly improve your overall health and well-being.

It’s worth noting that ancient civilizations recognized the power of cinnamon long before modern scientific studies. And unlike pharmaceuticals, cinnamon has no known side effects. However, this doesn’t discount the importance of modern medicine; it simply highlights the potential of natural remedies.

cinnamon for prosperity

Embracing Rituals with Cinnamon

In addition to the doorway ritual, there are many ways to incorporate cinnamon into your life for abundance. For example, try making a cinnamon simmer pot recipe by boiling water with cinnamon sticks, star anise, ginger, turmeric, and black pepper. This aromatic tea can be enjoyed daily for its health benefits.

You can also hang a cinnamon-scented straw broom by your front door to welcome abundance. Remember, the materials and words used in rituals are secondary; what matters most is the intention and energy you bring to them.

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cinnamon rituals

You Are the Spell

Ultimately, your mindset and energy are the driving forces behind manifesting abundance. Whether it’s money, love, success, or joy, you have the power within you to attract positive outcomes. Trust in yourself and believe that you deserve the abundance that life can offer.

So, on the first of each month, perform the cinnamon ritual, drink the cinnamon tea, and hang the broom. Open your eyes to the abundance that surrounds you. You are the spell, and with your intention and belief, you can create the life you desire.

Happy manifesting!

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