HomeWHYWhy Do Guys Like Feet

Why Do Guys Like Feet

Why Do Men Like Feet? Like, Really, Like Feet?


To the ladies – your feet may be one of the most insignificant parts of your body, but to a man it can be the first thing they see when you step into the room. A foot lover or fetishist is someone who gets turned on by the sight of feet. Many people can’t seem to wrap their heads around it, but hey, the body wants what it wants right?

While it’s not only guys that experience this type of attraction, it is significantly more common among them. The love for feet has gained names like foot fetishism or podophilia by psychologists. It is one of the most common and widely acceptable sexual fetishes.

I live in London in big 2021, nearly 2022 and literally no one will even bat an eyelid at someone having a foot fetish, we are very diverse and open over here, but why this particular part of the body is exciting is a question. A very valid one I reckon.

So, here are some reasons why I think men find feet exciting, feel free to debate with me in the comments I’m open.

  1. A female’s feet can be seen as a sexual cue. The person might use his imagination to imagine further sexual things related to the feet, and as a result, the person might like them.
  2. Bare feet can usually be seen during sex, they can remind a person of sex or motivate them to think about sex.
  3. The brain is wired to like them. According to many psychologists, the male brain is actually wired to get attracted to feet. The level of attraction, however, differs from one man to another.
  4. A small foot looks more feminine – According to research, men tend to like women with smaller feet as they seem more feminine. Seeing small feet might thus trigger a man’s sexual desire. – Not sure where to find the evidence to back this claim but seems like a fair assumption.
  5. In some cases, a man could just have a certain fetish or an intense and unusual attraction to women’s feet.
  6. The feet can be seen when a woman is nude or wearing a swimsuit. These associations can make some men find their feet more attractive as they remind them of those lesser clothed situations.
  7. Positive childhood memories – According to one theory, the positive childhood memories a child had when he was near his mother’s feet could have made feet a symbol of safety and security.
  8. Some research says that the smell of feet can be arousing to some men. This can act like natural pheromones.
  9. According to one theory, the natural curves of a woman’s feet can make them sexually arousing to men.
  10. Women care about their feet, women usually care about making their feet beautiful, unlike men, so men find them attractive.
  11. The neurons responsible for the sensations we get in the feet are close to the neurons responsible for sexual areas in the brain. Kind of makes sense this link makes feet more erotic.
  12. As the foot is connected to the leg, it can make men think more about the leg and, as a result, finds both the leg and the feet attractive.
  13. Men are wired to look for fertile women. Healthy-looking feminine feet can give a man an indication that a woman is fertile.
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For someone who isn’t into feet, this fetish can be really weird. Many women can even find it to be outright gross.

But if you’ve been wondering why guys like feet, trust me when I say you’re not alone. Anyone who’s been with a foot fetishist probably wonders the same thing. I know I did. When I dated a guy who was seriously into feet, I asked him what it was that turned him on. After all, feet aren’t a very sexual part of the body and he insisted on taking my foot out of my high heel at a bar on our first date.

A little bit weird, a little bit kinky, a little bit nice… I think it was the confidence for me.

The answer I received was, “I don’t know. I just do.”

If you ask most men, they won’t know the answer.

Hopefully this list of possible reasons can give you some indication.

Stay safe, keep your toes sexy and take care,

Sammi xx

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