HomeHOWHow To Clean Phyllis Homemade Gloves

How To Clean Phyllis Homemade Gloves

Hey there,

It’s time for more spring cleaning for our bodies!

Recently we talked about if detoxing is necessary, but now let’s shift our focus to reducing our exposure to toxins, to help our livers do their job.

Did you know that many of the toxins in our environment can disrupt our endocrine system, our thyroid function and even cause certain types of cancers?

And according to the Environmental Working Group (www.ewg.org), the umbilical cord blood of the average newborn has 287 toxins in it.

That is crazy!

A lot of those toxins can be found right under our kitchen sink. GASP!!!

I don’t know about you, but never knew the importance of reading the labels of cleaning products!

I’m curious, do you read your labels?

Did you know that it wasn’t until recent years that cleaning products had to list their ingredients?

Even more disturbing than that, is most of them were regarded as “safe” by the FDA…the same organization that deemed Round-Up as safe, but is now known to cause Cancer. Sheesh!

So let me fill you in:

Dish soap contains triclosan, which is like BPA’s evil twin, and can mess with your thyroid function, mimic estrogen, and lower testosterone levels.

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These are often coupled with alcohol in the form of hand sanitizers, which allows

them to be more easily absorbed into the body and cause even more damage.

And if you’re a bleach fanatic, it’s been linked to bladder and rectal cancer. Yikes!

You know that window cleaner you have…it likely contains glycol ethers like butoxyethanol which are potent endocrine disruptors that are readily absorbed into the skin even if wearing gloves. They have been shown to affect fetal growth and lower sperm production. They are often listed as cleansing agents.

Sounds harmless right?… yeah, I know!

On to those lovely smells in your favorite cleaner…95% of products contain artificial

fragrances are made from petroleum…YES! The stuff they use to make diesel fuel. The products also contain phthalates and several other potentially harmful chemicals such as benzenes – which are potent xenoestrogens.

Xenoestrogens are estrogen mimickers…acting like estrogen in the body causing you to be estrogen dominant….estrogen dominance in the body presents as excess weight…like that belly fat that is tough to get rid of, mood swings, decreased sex drive, y’all know ion play with my libido, insomnia, and depression.

And to add insult if that’s not bad enough, for my ladies who struggle with their thyroid- thyroid disorders in a woman at the perimenopause and menopause stage that have never had a thyroid issue before, can develop one during these years partly due to hormonal shifts, endocrine disruptors, and the thyroid runs your metabolism.

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With that said, using more ‘green’ home care products is great – your heart is in the right place, but even some green products still contain chemicals that you are better off not exposing yourself to.

Many of these brands will also over-advertise their benefits to make them look better knowing if you are health conscious you’re more likely to buy it.

I know you’re like, “What the heck Phyllis…what am I supposed to use now?”

Don’t worry, I’ve got healthier alternatives for you!

These are also going to save you money, okay, double win! You can make your products with simple ingredients, most of which you already have like:

  • Instead of scouring powder…use baking soda with a few drops of citrus essential oil
  • For dusting, forget the fancy schmancy polishes and use a microfiber cloth.
  • Use water, vinegar, and essential oils to clean surfaces, windows, and mirrors

Be sure to store these in glass containers as plastics contain BPA’s. Even the BPA-free options contain other endocrine-disrupting plastic softeners.

I don’t know about you but the fact that we just learned how to save money by making our cleaning products that will help us drop some weight, sleep better and live healthier among many other benefits, makes me feel SO much more empowered to take control of my health and the way I age.

I hope you found this helpful….until next time, Ciao!


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