HomeWHOWho Is Alpha Trion

Who Is Alpha Trion

In the last days before the war, Alpha Trion was “The Archivist of Iacon,” head overseer of the planet’s Hall of Records, a place where all the information on the planet’s history was stored, locked away…and promptly forgotten. It was a fitting position, as Alpha Trion himself had been placed there by Sentinel Prime to be forgotten as a relic of history…but the elderly Autobot was more than he appeared. A truly ancient and powerful being, Alpha Trion dates from the days of Cybertron’s birth. A first-generation child of Primus, he is a member of the Thirteen and the secret, forgotten guardian of two powerful artifacts: the oracular Covenant of Primusand the reality-bending Quill. Granted with infalliable recall and a direct connection to the Spark of Primus, Trion’s years of experience and wisdom means that he’s calm and unflappable in even the most dire of crises.

Something of a mentor to a young monitornamed Orion Pax, Alpha Trion knew that his young friend was in reality the reincarnation of the legendary Thirteenth Prime. Alpha Trion would eventually set him on the path to reclaim his noble heritage, and in the process forged him into a Cybertronian worthy of leading the fledgling Autobotmovement.

Covenant of Primus

Alpha Trion was the third Prime created by Primus to defeat Unicron. The group of newborn Primes soon began experimenting with their powers and artefacts, strategizing for the coming conflict with their creator’s arch-nemesis. Alpha Trion preferred to strategize than directly fight, and trained alongside Quintus Prime, Liege Maximo, and Micronus Prime. The Thirteen Primes ultimately triumphed over Unicron with the help of Solus Prime’s many artifacts, although the malevolent presence of Unicron’s anti-spark meant that all of the Primes, Trion included, were irrevocably tainted with a touch of darkness.

In the period following Unicron’s defeat, the Primes began rebuilding Cybertron, each focusing on their own interest. Trion collaborated with Prima and Vector Primewith the establishment of government, creating order for later civilizations. Trion was surprised when Megatronus and Solus Prime’s feelings for one another blossomed into mutual love, but said nothing of the matter. Alpha Trion would later investigate Quintus Prime’s unethical experiments, which involved pitting specially-engineered robotic beasts against one another underneath Cybertron. Liege Maximo’s manipulations led to the accidental murder of Solus Prime by Megatronus, even as Maximo himself blamed Megatronus for the manipulation. Battle broke out between all thirteen Primes, and they all wound up falling into the caverns below Cybertron, temporarily knocking Alpha Trion unconscious.

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When Trion came round, he noticed that Liege Maximo had been blown apart with the Requiem Blaster, and Onyx Prime had been grievously wounded by Quintus’s beasts. After the construction of Solus Prime’s tomb, Megatronus departed into space, renaming himself “The Fallen”. Alpha Trion and the remaining Primes hatched a new plan to revitalize Cybertron.

Alpha Trion and his closest friend Alchemist Prime retired from leadership roles, but would subtly guide the progress of the Cybertronian race. Onyx, Micronus, and Thirteen entered the Well of All Sparks and activated it, giving birth to the Cybertronian race. Alpha Trion went along with Prima’s plan to keep the existence of T-cogs —and by extension, the ability to transform- a secret for the time being. One of the robots to emerge from the Well was Orion Pax, the reborn shape of the Thirteenth Prime, who had voluntarily entered the Well and allowed himself to be reborn so as to better understand the new Transformer civilization. Alpha Trion made sure to track Pax’s progress as he moved through life.

After the Great Cataclysm and the founding of Iacon, Trion took up residence there and founded the Hall of Records. When the first Quintessons arrived on the planet and gave Cybertronians the “gift” of transformation by reactivating the dormant T-cogs, Alpha Trion ruefully noted that even he had been momentarily deceived by the Quintesson’s false promises.

After Cybertron’s Golden Age, Sentinel Zeta Primebegan sequestering Cybertronians under the caste system. Trion sought council with Vector Sigma, hoping to gain access to the Matrix of Leadership and use it to revitalize Cybertron’s increasingly static society. Vector Sigma refused to give him access to the artifact, but reassured him that the time would soon be right for the Matrix’s arrival. Instead, the computer gave him the Badge of Vector Prime, to be given to Sentinel as a gift. The Badge reacted with Trion’s copy of the Covenant and his Quill, creating a new and mostly indecipherable passage calling for the reawakening of the Thirteenth Prime. Alpha Trion realized that Orion needed an equal and opposite number to inspire the archivist and hopefully jog his memory.

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While he waited, Alpha Trion sequestered himself within the Hall of Records, and eventually became a recluse. He kept himself busy by monitoring transmissions from across the planet, and grew increasingly interested in the exploits of a gladiator named D-16, who had recently taken on the nickname of “Megatronus”. Encouraged by Alpha Trion, Orion Pax and Megatronus became friends and intellectual sparring partners. Trion hoped that this friendship would lead to the fulfillment of the prophecy, and that Orion Pax’s idealism would temper Megatronus’s aggressive urges. At a council meeting secretly organized by Trion, Sentinel and the High Council named Orion the new Prime, but Megatron’s jealousy and inability to share power led to the first shots of the Great War.

During the Great War, Alpha Trion was assigned Smokescreen as a security guard. To keep the various artefacts of the Primes out of Decepticon hands, Trion began launching them off planet in artificial meteoroids. He launched many of these artefacts to Earth, as he sensed that one day the war would spill over to the organic planet. After the majority of Transformers left Cybertron, Trion remained on the planet with a handful of other Autobots, including the Wreckers and Dinobots, and together they continued fighting against Shockwave’s remnant Decepticon forces.

He would remain aware of Optimus’s progress on Earth, however, and eventually transcribed many of his adventures into the Covenant of Primus itself.

At some point after the rejuvenation of Cybertron, Alpha Trion transmitted an altered copy of the Covenant to Earth, so that humans could learn more about their galactic neighbors.

Transformers Prime

According to legend, at the beginning of time, Unicron and Primus battled each other for eons, with neither side remaining victorious for long. Till, that is, Primus created the Thirteen. These Thirteen defeated Unicron and cast him into space. At some point statues of Alpha Trion and his brothers were created and stored in the high council room.

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Alpha Trion was Orion Pax’s mentor and was the one who requested that he become a Prime. In the final days of the war for Cybertron, Smokescreen was assigned to guard Alpha Trion, whom he came to consider a great mentor and a true friend. Alpha Trion also trusted Smokescreen enough to tell him about his involvement in making Orion a Prime.

When the Iacon Hall of Records was attacked by Decepticons, the ancient Autobot sent the contents of the Iacon Hall of Records to a remote, seemingly unimportant planet named Earth, as the Covenant of Primus had foretold that an important chapter of the war against the Decepticons would be decided there, and Alpha Trion wished Optimus Prime to have these important artifacts at his disposal. Within the Star Saber relic, Alpha Trion sealed a message telling Optimus of the significance of the weapons he was sending. Alpha/Omega He also revealed the secret location of the Omega Lock. Regeneration However when Alpha Trion was sending the final Omega Key relics, it was too late to send the final one into space. In an effort, perhaps desperate, to find an alternate solution, he dazed his pupil Smokescreen long enough to manifest the final Omega Key within him and thus used him as a means of keeping it safe. Inside JobAlpha Trion was also in possession of a database with the locations of the relics which he highly encrypted, rendering it useless to Decepticon hackers, even to the likes of Soundwave. Alpha Trion was inside the Hall of Records when it was overrun and apparently perished.

Many, many years later, after Optimus Prime had arrived on Earth and obtained the Star Saber, Optimus Prime received through the sword the message from Alpha Trion. Alpha Trion explained why so many artifacts from the Hall of Records were hidden on Earth, and he prepared him for a new hunt for the four Omega Keys, additional artifacts which would restore Cybertron.

As Optimus lay dying, he had a vision of Alpha Trion beckoning him to join the Allspark. Though Trion assured him that the Matrix of Leadership would choose a new Prime, Optimus hesitated and was restored to life thanks to Smokescreen and the Forge


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