HomeWHOWho Speaks Primordial 5e

Who Speaks Primordial 5e

The primordial dialect is a language that was created by the gods. Some say that this language has the power to create anything. The primordial tongue is a very powerful and complex language. It has been said that only those who are closest to the gods can speak this language fluently.

The primordial language in 5e Dungeons and Dragons is a language family and a dialect. Those speak it from the elemental planes and primordials. If you take a deep dive into its history, many languages and dialects are derived from it.

The primordial language is more than just a language family and dialect. Those who speak it live on the elemental planes and primordials. They were created by the gods, so their language would be like the gods themselves.

What is the Primordial language?

The primordial speech is the language spoken by elementals or those close to the elements. It is also spoken by creatures considered primordials, also known as the dawn titans.

Those who can speak or understand primordial say that it is the closest thing one can come to listening to the world and all that is connected. Primordial is the language spoken by the gods and it’s often considered the most powerful language in existence.

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Primordial in 5e is also a language family that consists of aquan – the language spoken by those of the elemental plane of water, Auran, spoken by creatures close to the element of the wind; Ignan, the tongue of those who dwell and are formed from fire. Finally, there is Terran, the dialect of those related to the elemental plane of the earth.

Who uses primordial in 5e DND

Aquan, Auran, Ignan, and Terran are all primordial dialects, so creatures and humanoids connected to those elemental languages are speakers of the primordial tongue.

Another well-known speaker of the dialect is the Dawn Titan. Unfortunately, these creatures are no longer around – however, some say they still exist on the plane of chaos.

The primordial language is often associated with the language of chaos and destruction. It is said to be a powerful force that can shape the world around us.

Languages in the Primordial language family

Speakers of these dialects can understand one another when they have a conversation.


Aquan is the language spoken by those connected to the elemental plane of water. The speakers of this language include Merfolk and Triton. However, Ginasi and Aquatic elves also speak it. The language sounds like the flow of rivers and is soft and calm.


Auran is used by those close to the elemental planes of air. These are, for example, the smoke drakes and the air Ganassi. The language is very soft and never loud. Even when spoken in anger, the words sound like a whispering wind.

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Creatures related to the elemental plane of fire are adept at the language of Ignan. Speakers of the language include monsters like the Efreet, Firesoul Ganassi, and Fire Snakes. The language sounds like the hissing of steam escaping and the cackling of wet wood burning.


The dialect Auran is spoken by those who are connected to the earth. Those who hear this language say it resembles the earth’s tremors. The language sounds deep and can be extremely loud.

How does primordial sound in 5e DND

The language is also called the ancient tongue of the spirits that roam the wild. The tones are soft and come with heady sonorities. Those who have heard the language describe it as being reminiscent of the wind, the vibrations, and resonances of minerals and deep echoes. When you are listening to the language, it feels like listening to everything.

The primordial dialect is a language that was created by the gods. Some say that this language has the power to create anything. The primordial tongue is a very powerful and complex language. It has been said that only those who are closest to the gods can speak this language fluently.

Written Primordial

There are two ways that this language is written. The first is in Dwarvish script like all other primordial dialects, and the other is in Elvish. Dwarvish is known for its straight and simple lines and is often carved in metal or stone. On the other hand, Elvish is known for its flair and curls. It is written on papyrus, wood, and paper.

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Summary for DMs

Essential info about Primordial language


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