HomeWHENWhen Can I Eat Popcorn After Wisdom Teeth Removal

When Can I Eat Popcorn After Wisdom Teeth Removal

You are returning from the dentist and have had a tooth extracted, and are longing for days of eating solid foods again. But what about popcorn? Can you eat popcorn after a tooth extraction?

No. Popcorn is among the many foods you should avoid after tooth extraction. Popcorn is crunchy and hard to chew, and its sharp kernels can easily get stuck in your empty socket. Depending on the type and severity of extraction, specialists recommend between 2-8 weeks away from anything crunchy or brittle.

Is Popcorn Okay After Tooth Extraction

After tooth extraction, a blood clot forms in the socket to help heal the area. If that clot is disturbed or dissolves, you can end up with an awfully painful condition called dry socket.

Popcorn, among other crunchy snacks, disturbs the blood clot in the empty socket and results in a much slower healing process. The healing process may also be more painful and uncomfortable. It’s best to avoid popcorn completely for at least 2 weeks.

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How Do You Get Popcorn Out of Wisdom Teeth Holes?

Your popcorn craving may overpower you to eat it before your wound fully heals. When a hull becomes lodged in your wisdom teeth holes, remove it ASAP to prevent infection. You can use dental floss or a Waterpik or rinse your mouth with warm, salty water.

Check this article for a full guide on how to remove popcorn from your teeth.

Using a cotton swab is also a viable solution but be careful not to push it further into the hole.

Also, avoid inserting your fingers or anything foreign into the hole as these can cause infection.

If you’ve managed to get it well and truly trapped and can’t get it out, it might be best if you visit your dentist. They will remove it quickly and painlessly. Avoid washing and rinsing the socket; otherwise, you’ll end up with a dry socket and a painful, open wound.

Can I Eat Popcorn Six Days After Tooth Extraction?

do not eat popcorn after a tooth extraction

Sadly, no. You should wait at least two weeks before eating anything crunchy or brittlepopcorn, chips, nuts, hard candy, and ice. These foods can disturb the clot and cause a dry socket.

Stick to softer foods for the time being since you don’t want to cause a dry socket, which can be extremely painful.

Why Is It Important To Follow A Soft Diet After Extraction?

Your mouth needs time to heal after having a tooth pulled. As mentioned earlier, the healing process can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks, depending on the severity of the extraction.

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There are different types of extractions, including surgical wisdom teeth removal, orthodontic ordered extractions, periodontally compromised teeth and removing decayed teeth. Teeth extracted due to decay are usually easier to heal than other types of extractions.

During the healing process (especially the first 24-48 hours), eating only liquids and soft foods is important so you don’t irritate the extraction site. A soft diet minimizes chewing and allows your mouth to heal quickly and without complications.

Foods to Eat and Those to Avoid After Tooth Extraction

Still wondering what you can and can’t eat after getting a tooth pulled? Here’s a list of foods to eat and those to avoid.

Foods to Eat

  • Soup. Broth-based soup is a great option. It’s easy to eat and packed with nutrients that can help heal.
  • Mashed potatoes are soft and easy on the extraction site. You can add some butter, milk, and salt for flavor. Just make sure the potatoes aren’t too hot.
  • Pudding and custard are thick and creamy, making them perfect for after tooth extraction.
  • Ice cream is another good option because it’s soft and easy to eat. Make sure it’s not too cold or hard.
  • Smoothies are a great way to get in some essential nutrients after an extraction. Try a smoothie for breakfast or lunch if you’re having trouble eating solid foods. Avoid making it too thick.
  • Scrambled eggs are a soft food that’s easy to eat. You can add in some cheese, vegetables, and herbs for flavor.
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Other soft foods you can eat include cooked cereals, yogurts, thinned oatmeal, and pasta if you make it nice and soft.

Foods to Avoid

  • Raw vegetables are hard to chew and can irritate the extraction site.
  • Rice is another food that can be difficult to chew. It’s tiny and can easily get stuck in the extraction site.
  • Crunchy snacks like popcorn, chips, and nuts can disturb the blood clot in the socket and delay healing.
  • Raw fruit like apples and are difficult to chew and could irritate the extraction site.
  • Alcohol can interfere with healing, so take it easy on the booze for a while.
  • Caffeinated beverages like coffee and tea can cause dehydration and delay healing. They can also irritate the extraction site.

Other foods to avoid after a tooth extraction include Chips, pretzels, crackers, Hard bread, bagels, sticky sweets, and acidic and spicy foods.

FAQs Eating Popcorn After Tooth Extraction

Next, check out our guide on who shouldn’t eat popcorn.





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