HomeWHENHow Old Was Jacob When He Died

How Old Was Jacob When He Died

Genesis 49:29-33. Jacob, as he was about to die, blessed his 12 Sons.

Jacob 2005BC-1885BC, lived 147 years.

He had married both Leah and Rachel, who were sisters.

He had 12 sons and at least one daughter.

Background Reading:

The Death of Jacob and Burial

49:29 In his last words, Jacob issued this set of instructions to them all: “I’m about to join our ancestors. Bury me alongside my ancestors in the cave in the field that used to belong to Ephron the Hittite. 30 It’s the cave in the field near Mamre at Machpelah in the land of Canaan that Abraham bought to serve as a cemetery. 31 It’s where Abraham and his wife Sarah were buried, where Isaac and his wife Rebekah were buried, and where I buried Leah. 32 Both the field and the cave that’s in it were purchased from the Hittites.”

33 After concluding this set of instructions to his sons, Jacob tucked his feet up into bed, quit breathing, and was gathered to his ancestors. Genesis 49:29-33

More Information

Jacob was the younger brother of Esau.

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Jacob in Hebrew means: the supplanter. Then, after an encounter with God, his character and attitude were transformed and this included a name change to Israel, which means in Hebrew The Prince of God.

Key Thoughts: The unhappiness produced by family troubles.

The transforming power of fellowship with God.

Prophetic faith

Other slides in this module:

  • Jacob stole Esau’s blessing
  • Jacob dreams about a ladder and angels at Bethel
  • Laban meets Jacob
  • Jacob marries Rachel the daughter of Laban
  • Leah the older sister of Rachel
  • Bilhah, the servant of Rachel
  • Zilpah, servant of Leah
  • Jacob had twelve sons
  • Reuben finds some mandrakes for Leah
  • Jacob flees with his family from Laban
  • Jacob prepares to meet Esau
  • Dinah
  • Esau’s descendants
  • Joseph’s Dreams
  • Joseph is put down a well
  • Tamar and Judah
  • Joseph runs from Potiphar’s Wife
  • The Cup that held the wine for the King of Egypt
  • The head chef to the King of Egypt
  • Joseph’s brothers’ first trip to Egypt for food
  • The Second Journey to Egypt
  • A silver cup belonging to Joseph was put in a Sack
  • Jacob moves to Egypt in a cart
  • Two Sons of Joseph
  • Manasseh, Joseph’s older son
  • Ephraim, Joseph’s younger son
  • 12 sons of Jacob whom he blesses before he dies
  • Death of Jacob at one hundred and forty-seven years old
  • Death of Joseph at one hundred and ten years old
  • 300-year gap between Joseph and Moses
  • Questions and Answers 1-15
  • Questions and Answers 16-30
  • Life of Moses » »
  • Timeline for the book of Genesis parts one and two »
  • Resources – Genesis Part Two
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