What Is A Onahole


What is an onahole? – Meaning (definition), materials, use & variations

What is an onahole – meaning & origin of the term

The word onahole comes from the Japanese and means translated: pocket pussy. It originally consists of 2 words.On the one hand from the word “Onanni”, which means something like masturbation and on the other hand from the word “Horu”, which means hole. In short, a masturbation hole!

When it comes to onaholes, the most important thing is how you feel about them. At Omocha Dreams we have many onaholes to choose from. As we are constantly expanding our range, we are confident that you too will find your dream onahole and that it will hold a special place in your heart.

In its simplest sense, an onahole is a Japanese male sex toy. It usually comes in a cup shape and has one or more entrances that can be penetrated. Many onaholes look similar from the outside, but vary greatly in opening styles, tightness, and overall feel. With onaholes, the material plays a very important role. The interior is usually very soft to replicate the real genitals and there is a variety of textures, each offering their own special kind of sensation. With a bit of lube and a little imagination, onaholes are the perfect way to pleasure yourself to your heart’s content!

Now that you know all about onaholes, try it out tonight and help spread the joy of onaholes around the world.

What kind of Onahole is right for me?

The different types of material

The various inner structures

Preparation, usage and cleaning

Masta Ho-Ru’s route for sexual inspiration

Whether alone for pleasure, as endurance training or even with your partner – next to sex, masturbation is everybody’s favorite indoor sport. But few are aware that there are a variety of ways to masturbate for maximum pleasure. On these pages, we devote ourselves to Onaholes from Japan and Korea, otherwise known as Masturbator.

You may be asking yourself – why masturbators from Japan and Korea? The answer is simple: Japan and Korea are the only countries that have researched this sex toy in detail. In addition to using high-quality materials, they place special emphasis on continuously developing new inner structures, and that’s what makes Onaholes so unique! Each one feels entirely different and has fantastic features that will astonish you as well as your pride and joy.

Omocha Dreams offers exclusive sex toys made from completely harmless elastomer.

non-toxicnot stickyno smell

What kind of Onahole is right for me?

All Onaholes have a basic structure which enables any penis to be inserted. Since elastomers can be stretched in many directions, the internal structures are also stretchable and sheath the penis like a custom-made suit.

There are three types of Onaholes:

Hand MasturbatorThis Onahole is designed to be easy to handle and is almost entirely made from elastomer, facilitating intuitive masturbation without any complications. Cleaning it is also generally quite uncomplicated – just turn inside out and wash. Its average weight is approx. 200 to 500 grams. Some models of masturbator are contained within a plastic shell. This achieves greater leverage; however it is no longer possible to regulate the pressure with your hand.

Ona CupsOna Cups are sealed hand masturbators that are already moistened with lubricant for uncomplicated use (e.g. Tenga Cups). This type of Onahole cannot be cleaned and should be disposed of after use. Also, its mainly hard plastic shell means that it cannot be pressed shut entirely. However, if you really need a quick one, Ona Cups are a very practical option.

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Hip replications / half and full body (dolls)These masturbators are large and heavy. They have a fixed base and can be used handsfree without any problems. The average weight of masturbators in this group is approx. 5 kg. Dolls can also weigh 20 kg or more. Cleaning them is generally quite time-consuming. However, there are also models with outlets (e.g. Meiki Kourin or Real Hip).

If you are now asking yourself what type is right for you, we can offer the following tips: Try a variety of masturbators. Each one is unique! It can also be very arousing to use a variety of Onaholes during a massage. We are quite certain that you will soon find your favorite!

The different types of material

Initially, Onaholes are divided into three different material degrees of hardness. The degree of hardness is determined by how you plan to use it.

softReduced stimulation, for increased tactile sensitivity. It produces a swallowing sensation during masturbation and gives you a feeling of freedom at the base of the penis, producing a pleasant sensation when ejaculating. Because of its low-level stimulation, this Onahole is great for use when watching a video. It is also recommended if you have phimosis.

regularThe regular versions made from medium-soft material are ideally suited for normal use. Great for daily masturbation!

hardHard versions offer the highest level of stimulation. Although the materials used for these types are quite firm, they remain sufficiently flexible. Hard Onaholes are recommended for men who, for example because of their age, find it harder to ejaculate. We also recommend these versions for premature ejaculation. Men who suffer from this problem can train their ejaculation reflex so as to prevent unwelcome orgasms. Regular use will get you accustomed to strong stimulation.


The various inner structures

Now for the most important thing: How they work! Below is an overview of all relevant internal structures.

Zero diameter structureThis structure has practically no diameter. The tunnel expands only after penetration and presses tightly around the penis, giving a feeling of tight pressure. This tunnel structure almost makes it feel like you’re having real sex.


The “vacuum pump”Fundamentally, all tunnel structures allow air to be pushed out of the interior. However, some masturbators feature a large end chamber which serves as a pump. Simply squeeze the air out of the tunnel before and during penetration. Just like in oral sex, the Onahole firmly sucks on the penis creating a stimulating vacuum.

Horizontal structureThis type features a straight tunnel. The penis pushes through a tunnel with a fixed but adaptable diameter. The Onahole offers medium, consistent stimulation enhanced by the grooves and nubs on the tunnel walls.

Winding structureThis type features a curved tunnel. The penis pushes through the winding tunnel with a fixed but adaptable diameter. Each twist produces intense stimulation enhanced by the nubs and grooves on the tunnel walls.

Irregular tunnel structureHere the penis slides from the entrance to the end of the tunnel, passing through various obstacles including nub chambers, grooved tunnels, windings and constricted passages. This type produces the greatest variety of stimulation.

3D spiral structureThe 3D spiral structure is a more up-to-date version of the irregular tunnel structure. Traditionally, the tunnel twists up and down, but with this version the tunnel inside the masturbator also twists left and right. Each twist produces an intense stimulus.

Multi-layer material structure“Dual-layer Onaholes” feature different materials for the internal structure and outer shell. The outer shell is made from a somewhat softer material than the separately-molded part with the inner structure. This characteristic intensifies masturbation and makes it harder overall.

How are onaholes used?


It can be very arousing to warm up the masturbator before use, making the masturbation sensation more realistic. We recommend placing your masturbator into warm water for a few minutes (maximum 50 °C).

If you are looking for an easier way to warm up your Onahole, we can provide you with the Omocha Dreams Hole Warmer!

All you need is a USB connector and this little gadget. It takes just 5 minutes to warm up the inner structure of your favorite masturbator. The maximum temperature is 37 °C, just like in real life.

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Regardless of whether it’s a disposable Onahole…

…or your favorite hip.

The Omocha Dreams Hole Warmer simply improves any masturbator!

Warning:Never turn your Onahole inside out to warm it. The material stress produced and increased temperature may produce cracks. Please be aware that heat sources that are too hot may damage your masturbator. Direct UV light may also lead to the deterioration of your Onahole, so never leave your masturbator in direct sunlight for a prolonged period.

For safe and hygiene storage, we offer our special toy sacks in a variety of sizes:


There are various ways to use a masturbator. Firstly, it is imperative that you moisten your Onahole with lubricant. Always use a water-based lubricant for this as oil-based lubricants may damage your masturbator.

We do recommend our four special lubricants for masturbators.These are manufactured under severe supervision in Japan. All four lubricants offer a unique texture.

Velvet has a very liquid, silky texture. It generates an equably, thin lubricating film. Even though it is very fluidity it does bring out the inner structure of your masturbator perfectly.Bubble features an even thicker texture. It leaves an equably lubricating film. Because of its thick texture, Bubble is very abundant. You may even water it down. This way you can adjust the viscosity yourself.Peace’s − the absolut classic by Rends. It is crystal-clear and features a think texture. All we can say about Peace’s is: just try it already!Insomnia has a very thin texture and a low viscosity. It features the longest lubrication film amongst all known water-based lubricants. It perfectly fits for soft masturbators with organic inner structure. Compared to Velvet lotion, which also has a very thin texture, Insomnia shows some strings.

Onaholes can be used in two different ways:

Hands-onFor straightforward masturbation all you need is the masturbator itself, moving the Onahole with your hand and allowing it to slide over your penis with forward and backward movements.When using Onaholes with a winding or curved tunnel, you may feel as though you have hit against a wall in the middle, however this can be rectified simply by rotating the masturbator slightly.

Freehand / semi-freehandFreehand or semi-freehand masturbation is very similar to real sex. However, preparation is a little bit less time-consuming! The Onahole can, for example, be inserted into a doll, love body (e.g. Meiki®Plush) or something similar. If you spread some lubricant on the outside of your Onahole this will make it easier to push into the body.Depending on the weight of your doll, you may seldom or never have to use your hands and can exclusively masturbate by moving your body.Many people experience more intense masturbation this way and it is particularly suited for endurance training.

Tip: Twisting your Onahole or changing its angle allows you to enjoy a variety of stimulations. This way your masturbator never becomes boring.

Masturbators with extra-large labia are perfect for only stimulating the glans. The labia wrap themselves around the penis like a funnel, preventing it from slipping out. In this way you can produce a special stimulation by simply moving the masturbator back and forth over the glans. From time to time move your Onahole completely downwards to fully appreciate the inner structure of the tunnel.This combination produces unbelievable stimulation. Putting pressure on the shaft using your fingers or a penis ring will intensify your masturbation.


It is of course vitally important that you clean your masturbator correctly. This is easier than you may think. Practically no liquid sticks to the material, which means that it dries very quickly with no residue. In most cases you simply have to hold both sides of the masturbator under running water. However, we have also provided you with the intensive cleaning program below.

What you need:

Warm water, liquid soap, a lint-free towel, alcohol-free disinfectant spray or alcohol-free disinfectant wipes and talcum powder.

Apart from Ona Cups (e. g. Tenga cups), all Onaholes can be reused – as often as you want! If your Onahole features vibration, be sure to remove the vibrator and all other components, such as cables or other electrical units, prior to cleaning.

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Tip: Please keep your masturbator in a dry, dust-free but airy location. We recommend special preservation bags for sex toys. This way you can be sure that your masturbator is protected as much as possible from dust and dirt.

The materials used in the Onaholes can be stretched in many directions. This characteristic allows you to turn the masturbator inside out without much effort. Don’t worry that stretching and turning it inside out will damage it. The material is very resistant.

However, please avoid turning your Onahole inside out for longer than is necessary. Stress over a prolonged period may lead to the formation of cracks.

You can now moisten the inside with liquid soap and spread it evenly using a little warm water. Rinse off the soap and rub the masturbator dry using a lint‑free towel. You will notice that your Onahole dries quickly since the materials are relatively liquid-repellent.

Spray the inside with an alcohol-free disinfectant spray or wipe using alcohol-free disinfectant wipe. After the required contact time, rub the areas dry again.


When the inside is dry turn the Onahole back to its original position. Repeat the cleaning process for the outside and other areas.The manufacturer treats the surface of the Onaholes at the factory with talcum powder. Regular cleaning removes this over time, so we recommend that you restore your masturbator to its original supple state from time to time by rubbing with talcum powder. Talcum powder also helps with drying.

Masta Ho-Ru’s route to sexual inspiration

Here’s how:

For this exercise you should be completely relaxed before and during the masturbation. Try to achieve an erection without getting really worked up emotionally. Just lightly stimulate your penis with your hand. Even if it seems likely, you should restrict your erotic train of thought to what is absolutely necessary. It is normal for this kind of erection to take longer to achieve.

You may now penetrate the Onahole. Masturbate steadily, not too fast, not too slow. Be sure to breathe properly: When penetrating, breathe out as much as you can; breathe in when withdrawing. You should of course not connect each movement with a single breath.

You now need to recognize when you are about to ejaculate.

It is often recommended that you masturbate until “just before” and then pause for a few seconds. But in doing that you have already made two mistakes.

Firstly, in the moment just before ejaculation, it is already too late since the body has already prepared for the “conclusion”; and secondly, in this very case a few seconds’ pause just isn’t enough.

The trick is to determine when you would ejaculate and then to pause for perhaps half a minute beforehand. This prevents the body preparing itself for ejaculation. Only you can determine the precise moment.With a bit of practice you will determine the right moment soon enough. When you have determined the optimal moment, you should pause for a minute. Try to maintain your erection. If necessary, you may think erotic thoughts. Make sure you don’t get too excited and remain calm and relaxed.

The purpose of this exercise is to get your glans used to the real stimulation provided by Onahole. This will allow you to masturbate longer, without taking a break. We even recommend sometimes carrying out this exercise for as long as possible without ejaculating at all. This requires a lot of self-discipline, working against the natural drive to “come” as quickly as possible.

If you now intend to ejaculate, it’s important that you remain in charge of the situation and are able to choose your moment. If you successfully get your glans used to strong stimulation, you can reach orgasm by tensing the penis shaft and hence start the orgasm by “shooting off”.

All this also works with real sex after a bit of practice. Just stay relaxed. For example, imagine that you are enjoying a wonderful massage. Don’t see sex as a means to satisfy your own lust but as a way to make your partner climax! Enjoy the time and concentrate on him or her. Consider sex as something sensual and forget the hardcore sex you see in porn films – at least as for long as you are in command of the situation and can control your ejaculations!

Best of luck!


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