HomeWHATWhat Is The Universe Saying When Everything Goes Wrong

What Is The Universe Saying When Everything Goes Wrong

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What is the spiritual meaning when everything goes wrong? Let’s break this down!

Why is everything going wrong in my life? Why is everything going wrong this week? Why is everything going wrong this month?

Have you ever caught yourself questioning that?

I bet we all have.

I also believe that when things are blatantly poor on all levels, it means that something up there that is beyond our reach is trying to communicate something.

Our task here is to notice, decode, and note it. And then use it well (like a new invisibility cloak 😉).

While there might be tons of reasons for the mess in our lives, it’s great to look into this particular one that’s often being dismissed — the spiritual meaning when everything is going wrong.

This post is all about the spiritual meaning when everything goes wrong.

🌀 So what does it mean when everything is going wrong?

By the way, here’s my previous post on this topic — it’s my most popular post on the blog!

What Is the Universe Saying When Everything Goes Wrong?

So I’ve determined three major examples of a spiritual meaning when everything goes wrong, and I’ll come right out and say it…

Each of them is positive!

When everything goes wrong, it means that…

☄️ Spiritual meaning #1: You are at a breakthrough point

Congrats! You are moving onto the next level in your life and are being tested.

The universe (the higher power — God, Source, Brahma, etc., pick yours) is checking if we really grew over some time, whether we can notice bad patterns in our lives and stay away from them or not, and whether we’re ready for the next level or chapter in our life.

The universe is testing us to see if we’re truly committed to the path we’ve chosen, before letting us move on to the next, more challenging (and more rewarding) stages. It’s always looking out for our best interests.

It’s an exam to see if we’ve learned from our mistakes and if we’re ready for the next chapter in our lives.

So, while it may feel challenging at times, try to view these tests as opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

Be patient, embrace what is happening, and be open-minded.

While it can be tempting to want to rush through a tough situation, it is often necessary to slow down and take things one step at a time.

Don’t fight against what’s happening — instead, adjust and observe. This doesn’t mean that you have to like the situation, but accepting it for what it is can help you move forward and find solutions.

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And remember that the better times are right around the corner.

Often things get much worse… before they skyrocket right up, to the very top.

RELATED POST: Message for Someone Going Through a Hard Time (+ Guided Meditation)

🪷 Spiritual meaning #2: You are going through a spiritual awakening

Good news again! You might be going through one of the stages of spiritual awakening. Another likely spiritual meaning when everything goes wrong.

Remember that video?

It works the same way when we grow spiritually.

Imagine, your higher self is practically slowly coming out of a cocoon like a newborn butterfly. That’s not an easy task! It is challenging — and it is so for a reason.

When we evolve spiritually, we might:

  • Lose relationships because we outgrow people and learn what works for us and what doesn’t, so it can feel pretty lonely;
  • Reconsider our whole life purpose and find that what we’ve been doing the whole time is not fulfilling or meaningful enough, and that is a tough pill to swallow sometimes since it suggests major life changes;
  • Realize that our goals are outdated and we’ve been walking in their direction only out of habit;
  • Unpack a lot of fear and resistance because our brain will be trying its best to stop you from awakening as one of its major functions is the instinct of self-preservation;
  • Encounter so many other core shifts that inevitably cause discomfort and suffering.

And we WANT all those things.

Yes, they’re painful.

But we want to grow.

Any growth is characterized by a series of ups and downs — it’s a curve that never goes just up. It’s a roller coaster. Or a teacup. 🙂

You are most likely at the bottom point right now — but don’t you worry! There is always light after dark.

👆🏾 Spiritual meaning #3: You are being shown that you need to change something in your life

…if you want to grow and find happiness. Your guidance arrived!

You are being taught a lesson. The higher power is trying to show you that you’ve reached the moment when you cannot keep ignoring the things you need to give up or work on.

This happened to me recently and to say it was overwhelming is to say nothing.

But you know what’s the best part about this one?

If you follow this call and act on it wisely, you’ll jump right to the first point in this chapter — the next level in your life!

You see when we get to this “cannot-be-worse” moment, we normally lose our temper and throw all our energy into breaking through. It is then followed by some big positive changes and — voila! — suddenly we’re in a much better place than we were before things went sour.

What you can do here is write down all the things that are going wrong — from the biggest to the smallest. Go through every area of life. Use the list below if you like:

Now, which problem can you solve right now? Which problem is the oldest? Which one is the one that is bothering you most at the moment?

Ask yourself questions and write down the answers, and while you’re doing that, you are guaranteed to get some insights.

Maybe it’s time to turn your life upside down and pick a new direction altogether? 😉

I have a post on getting out of a slump where I’m sharing my detailed step-by-step guide on how to start a positive change so check that out if you are ready for action!

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Do you know of any other spiritual meaning when everything goes wrong? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

🙅🏼‍♂️ Signs the universe wants you to stay away from someone (or something)

Yes. This might be another reason why things are going wrong for you.

If you noticed that over an extended period, things are slowly getting worse in all the areas of your life, while you are working so hard on improving them…

It might be the universe’s way of showing you that you need to get out.

Get out of the mindset you’re in.

Get out of the relationship.

Get out of the job you hate.

Get out of the place you live in.

Get out of a stuck daily routine that feels like groundhog day.

If it feels like you’re dragging an unmanageable load on your shoulders while making your way through your life — you are doing something wrong. There’s at least one choice in your life that you need to reconsider.

Ladies, I’m especially emphasizing this for us! For feminine-energy-driven beings, things usually work out the best way when we stop pushing what’s not working and redirect our attention to things that we naturally enjoy. Those are different for each of us.

So here’s an example.

If you are in a relationship with a great person but you have to work extremely hard to make it work, and it drains the life force out of you — that’s not the right person for you.

Something that seems great is not always great for YOU.

Relationships do require hard work. But the most important part is that you are generally happy with it and you’re excited to spend life side by side with your partner for the rest of your life.

You’re not lying to yourself only because they look great and have a good job and your family approves of them. You’re not settling down because you don’t want to end up alone. You’re not with them because of a habit or kids or living conditions.

It works the same way with your career or business. Your daily life. Your goals and plans.

Even yourself — poor mental health can make us so unhappy within our minds and bodies.

When we keep forcing ourselves to make choices that are not naturally pleasurable for us, we increase the friction between our “life vehicle” and our “life road”.

Unknowingly but deliberately.

Here are some ideas on what to do — in the next chapter.

📝 What to do when everything is going wrong

First off, check out my previous post on this topic:

How To Trust The Universe When Things Go Wrong — some tricks and secrets for ya!

And here are some more tips:

🧐 Analyze

Let’s look at the situation from a critical angle.

(I do this every time I find myself spiraling down the negative sentiments.)

Ask yourself the following questions:

Is everything actually going wrong in my life?

Am I depreciating myself, my results, and my growth?

Do I feel like I’m a victim in my life?

These questions are hard to ask. They’re even harder to answer, especially if you’re trying to be honest with yourself (which you should). But this first step will give you clarity on whether you’re overlooking something important.

Oftentimes, we forget about all the good things that are happening at the same time and choose to focus on the negative.

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🌿 Life is happening for you, not to you

This is an affirmation that helped me through some rough patches.

Repeat this to yourself every day: Life is happening for me, not to me.

Trusting god when things go wrong might be tough but this empowering belief teaches us that every single event in our lives is there to help us.

This mindset shift recognizes that every experience, whether positive or negative, can be an opportunity for growth and learning. We then can approach challenges with curiosity and an open mind, knowing that each obstacle is a chance to develop resilience and gain new skills.

Rather than feeling like victims of circumstance, we can take ownership of our lives. We can recognize that we have the power to shape our experiences.

This perspective allows us to see our lives as a journey of continuous growth and self-discovery, where every experience is a valuable teacher and a stepping stone toward our goals.

Pretty exciting, isn’t it?

RELATED POST: How to Hug Yourself to Feel Better + Guided Meditation

🙏🏼 Practice gratitude

Write down 10 things you’re grateful for right now, today, in this very moment.

Take a moment to reflect on your life and think about all the things — big or small — that bring you joy and happiness. Consider the people in your life who make you feel loved and supported, the experiences that have shaped who you are today, and the simple pleasures that bring a smile to your face.

It could be as small as a morning cup of coffee, the smell of your new book, or a stranger’s compliment.

Whatever it may be, allow yourself to fully embrace these moments of gratitude and let them fill your heart with joy and appreciation.

Remember, there is always something to be thankful for, even in the most challenging of times.

And by the way, what is the easiest way to activate the law of attraction when everything goes wrong? Exactly — feeling grateful for the things you already have.

Another way to express gratitude is through meditation. Check out my guided meditation in this post:

5 Minute Gratitude Meditation Script (+ YouTube Video)

😊 Identify what’s dragging you down, let it go & focus on the joy

Going back to the topic of the previous chapter, it’s important to recognize if there is anything that makes you unhappy that you’re oblivious about.

The only way to do it is to sit down with your journal and ask yourself honestly:

Do I really want this?

Do I really want this job?

Do I really want this relationship?

Do I really want to live here?

Do I really want to do what I’m doing every day? etc.

Or do I want these things because of some external reasons like social approval or because I am stuck in my comfort zone?

Pay attention to how it feels in your body when you’re thinking about a certain aspect of your life. Does it feel like a knot in your chest? Do you get an urge to eat a snack or distract yourself in some other comforting way? Does it feel like it’s draining your energy?

Or does it feel light and calm? Does your body stay relaxed when you think about it? Or maybe you get a barely noticeable burst of excitement in your chest?

Figure out what you actually want. It’s a very long journey of self-discovery and sometimes it takes days or weeks or months or even years.

And very often, when we do this:

  • Let go of the things that are not working;
  • Stop pushing, forcing, and taking control;
  • Focus on joy and pleasure and the things we love…

…The universe starts sending good things your way.

This is something that I’ve been personally working on lately. Learning to focus on joy and pleasure works wonders — especially for women.

Hope you learned enough about the spiritual meaning when everything goes wrong to navigate this experience and come out of it even stronger. 🙂

This post was all about the spiritual meaning when everything goes wrong.


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