HomeWHOWhat To Say To Someone Who Ghosted You Funny

What To Say To Someone Who Ghosted You Funny

Getting ghosted can be very disturbing, especially when you really like the person. You might even start to wonder if you did something wrong to prompt this behaviour. If you have never been ghosted, you may not know how to react in such a situation. This is where the best ghosting responses to a ghoster come in handy.

Best ghosting responses
The best ghosting responses that they won’t forget easily. Photo: Pexels.com (modified by author)Source: UGC

Ghosting is when the person you’re in contact with no longer responds to your texts or phone calls. This is a very common occurrence, and most people have been ghosted at least once in their lifetime. Getting ghosted can be upsetting, and it’s hard to know how to respond to ghosting. So what is the best response to being ghosted?

Best ghosting responses

Instead of overthinking it or begging to find out why you were ghosted, you need to text the ghoster to let him or her know that you are doing just fine. If you are stuck on what to text someone who ghosts you, don’t panic. Here is a list of responses that you can use.

  • I hope you rethink how you’ve behaved so that no one else has to go through this.
  • Is everything all right? It’s been a while since you responded.
  • Is everything all right? I noticed its been a while since you responded.
  • Do you know the best ghosting response? I could really use it now because I want to text you, but I’m literally clueless about what to write.
  • Just checking to see if everything’s okay.
  • I feel like you’re distancing yourself. There’s no need for us to keep talking if you aren’t feeling it anymore.
  • If you’re not a texter, would you prefer to meet up in person to chat?
  • Should I block you right away or wait to hear the smart excuse you have prepared?
  • It’s not that hard to text back.
Best ghosting responses
The best ghosting responses that they won’t forget easily. Photo: Pexels.com (modified by author)Source: UGC
  • Thanks, at least I can finally tell my niece a true ghost story now.
  • I’m warning you: if you don’t text the text right away, I’ll walk the walk.
  • Next time you get tired of a person, at least have the guts to let them off the hook with a proper closure.
  • I don’t think I can pursue a relationship with someone who treats communicating with me like a hobby rather than a priority. I hope you understand.
  • I’m sorry, I must have accidentally ghosted you. Please forgive me.
  • I’m sorry, but I have to break up with you. Apparently, not talking for over a week doesn’t work that well for me.
  • If you think I’ve spent the last week waiting for your text, without anything better to do, you’re totally right.
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Funny ghosting responses

Laughter is the best medicine, and maybe that’s just what the person who ghosted you needs. So send your ghoster one of these funny messages if you want them to text you back with a huge smile on their face.

  • My inbox must be haunted, because there’s a ghost in here!
  • It looks like your battery’s been dead for over a week. Do you need a charger?
  • Next time you want to ghost, at least text me a “Boo!” so I know what’s happening.
  • Well, now I can cross “dating a ghost” off my bucket list.
  • Make sure to add “ghosting” as one of your hobbies on Hinge in the future.
  • I am going to assume you threw your phone into the ocean.
  • Didn’t know you were into cartoons! You should have just told me that you like to cosplay as Casper!
  • You must be Danny Phantom, because I can see you’re “going ghost.”
  • I see you’re prepping for Halloween early with this ghostly charade.
  • If you thought you could ghost without me noticing, you’re dead wrong.
  • Thanks for ghosting me. I really mean it. You saved me a lot of trouble.
  • I’m sorry, did you just ghost me?
The best ghosting responses that they won’t forget easily. Photo: Pexels.com (modified by author)Source: UGC
  • Getting ghosted is not fun, and I hope the next person doesn’t do it to you.
  • Don’t worry, I won’t stalk you or anything. But you could have just been honest.
  • This chat is beginning to feel like a graveyard.
  • This conversation is beginning to feel like a case for the Ghostbusters.
  • Next time they make another sequel of The Conjuring, I would make sure to recommend you as a cast member. Real-life ghosts like you are even scarier!
  • Are we in a cemetery? Because this chat box sure feels haunted by spirits
  • Is this a part of your Halloween act or did you actually ghost me?
  • Now I have to cleanse my phone because there’s clearly a petty ghost trapped in it.

How to respond to a guy who ghosted you

Have you gone on a date, or even a few, with a guy and he suddenly stops texting? Then you need to call out on him and let him know how you feel. Calling out someone who ghosted you is not a walk in the park. If you are stuck on what to say to him, these responses should come in handy.

  • I assume you’re no longer interested. I would have liked to have been told this honestly, but I still wish you the best.
  • It has been a while since I’ve heard from you, and at this point, I’m over it.
  • You are not going to earn any brownie points for taking the longest time to reply. You may as well just show up before I shut the door on us forever.
  • I actually liked you a lot, but when I saw that you ignored my texts and calls, I realized that the feeling isn’t mutual, so I got over you.
  • Since you disappeared, I guess we both agree that this dating thing wasn’t going anywhere.
  • I thought we had a great connection, but it seems I was mistaken. You really hurt me, but I will get over this.
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Best ghosting responses
The best ghosting responses that they won’t forget easily. Photo: Pexels.com (modified by author)Source: UGC
  • I thought we were both adults but clearly, I was wrong. Have a nice life.
  • If you wanted to break up with me, you could have just said so.
  • Should I block you now, or wait to hear your clever excuse?
  • What you have done is pretty cowardly, but it would take a real man to see that.
  • I thought we were both adults, but I guess I was wrong about you.
  • You should definitely check out this amazing communication course at our community college. Because let’s face it, your skills are simply embarrassing!
  • Your communication skills make me think you’re looking for something casual. I’m looking for something serious, so I think we should part ways.
  • Ghosting is for cowards. You should have just had the decency to break up with me like a normal person.

High-value response to being ghosted

If you’ve been ghosted, the best thing you can do is to send a text to the person who ghosted you that will make them regret their actions. But how do you make a ghoster regret? You can use this set of high-value responses if you want the ghoster to regret his actions.

  • Looks like you have grown out of this relationship that we were yet to build together. It’s time for me to see other people too. Good luck with everything.
  • I know you might think you are super cool and a lady’s man for ghosting me, but this is your loss.
  • Up to this point, I really thought we were a good match but I need a partner who can communicate.
  • I wish you’d considered my emotions before you decided to ghost me. It was rather hurtful.
  • I hoped that you and I could build something together, but clearly, we are not a good match for each other. Thanks for nothing.
Best ghosting responses
The best ghosting responses that they won’t forget easily. Photo: Pexels.com (modified by author)Source: UGC
  • Please, don’t try turning up again when you realize what you’ve lost.
  • I think I deserve better than being left on read, so I’m going to move on in my dating journey.
  • If you had lost interest in me, I wish you would have just been honest about it instead of ghosting me. No hard feelings though because I am past that.
  • I’m really upset that you ghosted me. I’ve been very respectful to you, but I don’t feel like you’re being respectful to me.
  • Based on your silence, I am going to assume that you are no longer interested in us as a couple. I wish you well.
  • Just wanted to tell you that was a sign of huge disrespect. No mature woman would let you behave like this.
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What to text a ghoster for closure

The best way to respond to a ghoster is to say nothing and move on. However, if you want closure you can send one last text. If you are stuck on how to say goodbye to someone who ghosted you, the following responses should come in handy.

  • I guess my phone is haunted. Bye ghost!
  • Since you’re clearly not interested, I’m going to help you out by blocking you.
  • Since you don’t have the decency to tell me that you’re no longer interested, I’ll help you out by blocking you.
  • Clearly, this isn’t working out between us. I wish you the best of luck.
  • I appreciate the time we’ve spent together and the memories we had, but I’m going to end this.
  • Guess what, I’m not a mind reader. You should have told me what you wanted – no hard feelings.
  • It’s been three weeks since I’ve heard from you, so I want to end things formally. Goodbye.
Best ghosting responses
The best ghosting responses that they won’t forget easily. Photo: Pexels.com (modified by author)Source: UGC
  • You haven’t replied for some time. I’m over it now. Goodbye.
  • I am blocking your number. When we started dating, I didn’t sign up for a supernatural partner.
  • I deserve better than being left on read, so I’m going to move on. Goodbye.
  • Do me a favor and delete my number. I have no time to fool around.
  • Since I haven’t heard from you, I think I’m going to move on.
  • What a bummer! You lost your chance with me. Good luck haunting someone else
  • I am not a mind reader. At least not one that can read the mind of a ghost. So, I decided to move on. Good luck with your future ‘spooky’ endeavors

If you really want to send a text to someone who ghosted you, these best ghosting responses will come in handy. When you send these responses, you will definitely outsmart them and make them regret what they have done to you.

Tuko.co.ke published an article about why she stopped texting you. Communication is a standard measure of any healthy relationship, so you should be worried when a girl randomly stops texting back. An untimely exit from a conversation is disturbing and often opens doors for unpleasant thoughts to pour in.

The lady you like may suddenly stop replying to your messages for different reasons based on your ties. It is important to establish the exact reason why your relationship became rocky by going through your recent chats. Women may get turned off for various reasons, especially when they feel out of place. Sometimes it is not her fault entirely. Read the post to learn more.

Source: TUKO.co.ke


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