HomeWHYWhy Does Apple Music Keep Opening

Why Does Apple Music Keep Opening

Hi thanks for the response.

I have tried all these steps.

Add a login item: There is no login in items, if I need to add one what do I add? I need more specific instructions here please.

Remove a login item: Only login item that I could remove is for my external monitors. Unfortunately, I will not work without the 2 external monitors so this is not going to be removed from my start up applications. This is not the fix I am looking for. Unless Apple can Natively Support 2 external monitors via 1 USB-c port connected to a dock?

I have also replicated the undesired behavior in safe mode. Please provide a fix that allows me to remove the functionality, or allow me to uninstall apple music. I do not use it and this behavior of your application is undesired.

I did manage to find this ticket https://www.displaylink.org/forum/showthread.php?p=93807 as the bread crumbs for the next person who has the same issue who is having issues with a MacBook Pro and Display Link Manager. Display Link are working on the problem, but I only have an issue with Apple Music and that is something that you should do. Here are 3 options:

  1. Allow me to Uninstall Apple music
  2. Allow me to Disable Apple music
  3. Provide me a menu option to disable Bluetooth connections with non apple headphone (they exist, you are not the only company who makes this technology) with Apple Music. I only want to listen to Apple Music if I have my Apple Headphone in (I don’t own a pair, ergo I do not want the feature). I am not an Apple Music user, nor do I intend to be based on my experience so far.
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Desired behavior written in Gherkin:

Given I am a Samsung Buds user

When I put in my Samsung Ear Buds in my ears

And my Samsung Ear Buds are connected to my MacBook Pro via Bluetooth

Then the Apple Music service does not start on my MacBook Pro

And the Apple Music application does not start at all, not even in the background, at all.

This is an Apple Music bug and not a Display Link bug.


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