HomeWHENWhat Does It Mean When a Cat's Nose Is Wet?

What Does It Mean When a Cat’s Nose Is Wet?

Have you ever wondered why a cat’s nose is wet? Sometimes when you “boop” your cat’s nose, you may notice that it feels damp. But is it normal for a cat’s nose to be wet? The answer is yes, but it’s actually a bit more complex than that.

A Wet Nose Helps Cats Pick up Scents

Like dogs, cats have wet noses for a reason. The moisture on their noses helps them pick up scents and determine where smells are coming from. Wet surfaces are better at trapping scent particles, giving wet noses an advantage in the scent department.

Cats also have a special scent gland called the Jacobson’s Organ, located above the roof of their mouths. This gland allows them to detect odors by breathing through their mouths. Sometimes, you may notice your cat making a “sneer” face by opening their mouth slightly. This is known as the flehmen response and helps them get a better whiff of scents.

A Dry Nose doesn’t Necessarily Indicate Illness

If your cat’s nose feels dry or warm, it doesn’t automatically mean that your cat is sick. There are other reasons for a cat’s nose to be dry. For example, if your cat has recently groomed and licked its nose, it may feel dry. Sunning themselves in a window can also cause their noses to feel warm and dry. In some cases, a dry nose could mean that your cat has a slight sunburn.

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Some cats naturally have drier or warmer noses, and it doesn’t necessarily indicate a problem. On the other hand, if your cat’s nose feels unusually cold, it might be a sign that they are too chilled. To keep your cat warm, you can consider using a Self-Warming Kitty Sack or a Thermo-Kitty Fashion Splash bed. Outdoor cats in cold climates may benefit from a Thermo Outdoor Kitty House.

Watch for Signs of Sickness

Instead of solely focusing on the wetness or dryness of your cat’s nose, it’s important to pay attention to their overall behavior. If your cat is displaying signs of illness such as lethargy, decreased appetite, increased thirst, or symptoms of digestive issues, it’s best to consult with your veterinarian.

If your cat’s nose suddenly changes from its usual state and remains that way, it’s a good idea to speak to your vet as well. A warm nose may be normal for a short period, but it could also indicate a fever or dehydration. If you suspect that your cat is not drinking enough water, you can try using a fountain with running water or a K&H CleanFlow Filtered Water Bowl with a large attached reservoir.

Excessive wetness or abnormal discharge from the nose may also be a sign of an underlying issue such as a cold or allergies. If your cat is experiencing difficulty breathing or a new wheezing sound, it’s advisable to consult a vet.

Remember, while a cat’s nose is typically wet and slightly cool to the touch, a warm and dry nose doesn’t necessarily mean something is wrong. As long as your cat is well-cared for and provided with clean water and nutritious food, it’s important to observe any changes in their behavior and consult with a vet if necessary.

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  1. National Geographic Wild. “Cats Smelling with Their Mouths” Facebook.com, 24 October 2017, https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=10155708281300930.
  2. Kelley, Jane A. “8 Interesting Facts about the Cat Nose and the Cat Sense of Smell.” Catster, 13 October 2017, https://www.catster.com/lifestyle/cat-facts-cats-noses-sense-of-smell-pictures-photos.
  3. DeMarino, Nicholas. “Should a Cat’s Nose Always Be Wet & Cool?” The Nest, https://pets.thenest.com/should-cats-nose-always-wet-cool-5552.html.
  4. Ibid.


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