HomeWHENWhen Are You At Your Most Daring

When Are You At Your Most Daring

Bumble’s not your standard dating app.

Unlike Hinge, Tinder, Match, POF, and just about every other dating app, Bumble requires women to message first.

Should a female not message within the first 24 hours, a match expires.

However, this pressure often leads women to simply not message.

This is because many people use dating apps for things completely unrelated to dating as this LendEDU study shows.

While the study above examines Tinder users, you can expect a Bumble study to look fairly similar as the apps attract a similar milieu.

Addressing the problem, Bumble went about creating opening message prompts that women can message in order to kick start the conversation.

These opening messages require that both users answer the icebreaker before the answers are shown.

If this doesn’t ring a bell, these icebreakers look like this:

when are you at your most daring

The icebreaker we’ll focus on in this article is the one above, “When are you at your most daring?”

When Are You At Your Most Daring?

Your answer to this question needs to be more than the bare minimum.

I say that because the woman that asked it is clearly bored.

If she were more intrigued by your profile she wouldn’t have used an icebreaker, rather she would have asked you a question about your incredibly captivating Bumble profile.

Since that’s not the case this is your final chance to wow her before she moves on.

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Make sure that each message gives her something to potentially latch onto. That means giving a concrete answer and insight into what you’re all about.

While that might be a tad difficult to envision, here are a few example icebreakers answers to help you out.

1) Make It Timely

“After two doses of Moderna”

I honestly laughed out loud at this one.

If you’ve been on Bumble lately you’re more than aware that the app caters to those concerned about the pandemic. The app has dedicated an entire section to learning and displaying one’s COVID preferences.

when are you at your most daring

Telling someone that you’re vaccinated (and boasting about it) sends a few messages and answers a few questions.

It probably signals that you’re liberal, believe in science, and of course answer the question, “will this stranger give me a virus that’s killed millions of people?”

It’s not a bad way to answer an icebreaker.

2) Boast About Your Achievements

When are you at your most daring?

“After giving a presentation to a room full of executives in my second language”

Let’s be honest, dating apps are for boasting.

They’re all about making it known that you’re better than the guy that came before and after your profile.

Bumble isn’t a place for modesty, modesty gets you passed over. That doesn’t mean that you should self-aggrandize about how rich, powerful, and how many abs you have bursting out of your chest.

Simply stating your awesome achievements should be enough to persuade her finger to slide to the right.

3) To The Moon?

“After investing oodles of money into some cryptocurrency I only just heard of “

There are two ways this can be read.

Either someone can read it and empathize because they’ve been in your shoes.

Or they can think you’re a massive retail trading douchebag that spends all their time on Wall Street bets and glorifies losing money.

One way to ensure you’re not coming off as a douche is by first reading her profile.

Read it, digest it, and alter your message accordingly.

4) She’s Hot And Your Cold

“After a Christmas polar bear plunge with my best friends “

I’d feel pretty invincible too if I had just dove headfirst into a half-frozen lake.

No doubt an answer like this to “when are you at your most daring” like this will warrant a question or two, and hey that is the point after all.

You want your answer to be so cool (and if possible punny) that she feels compelled to ask you about it. Your answer is the icebreaker (doesn’t have to be literal like this one) to a conversation that will hopefully lead to getting her number.

5) Be Polarizing

“After voting for a political candidate that I actually believe in… or against on that I think is the anti-christ”

The beautiful thing about Bumble is that it asks each user to fill out certain questions about height, exercise, education, drug habits, religion, and yes, political leanings.

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if you laugh at this we

Once you know the person’s political leanings you can craft your Bumble answer to speak to their views. Of course, you don’t want to compromise your own for the sake of getting a response.

The point is that by letting your beliefs be known loud and proud you can quickly build rapport with a stranger.

As this Pew Research study shows, most wouldn’t date outside of their political party.

when are you at your most daring

It’s difficult to get a response on a dating app, much less building a rapport strong enough to warrant a first date.

Talking about political beliefs with someone who sides with you is like using a cheat code. Talk junk about the other party until you’ve secured a first date.

It’s as easy as voting… unless you live in Texas.

6) Truly Be Daring

“After asking someone to move their bag on the train so I can sit down”

We all know those people but don’t always interact with them. I’m talking about the people that have a mental illness so severe that they think their inanimate bag is a living, breathing, sentient thing in need of a seat all to itself.

This message works so well because it’s relatable.

We’ve all been in this position before.

When the Bumble woman you’re trying to court reads this, she’ll giggle, probably exhale deeply as she envisions herself being in this position, and then will message you back saying how she can 100% understand why you’d feel like a boss every telling someone to move their shit.

You kick ass you seat vigilante you.

7) Strut (or sprint) Your Stuff

“After running the Boston marathon in under 5 hours”

Naturally, most of these answers will be kinda boastful — and that’s fine.

Generally speaking, you feel the most daring after having accomplished something badass like running a marathon or 10k.

But whenever you’re boasting try to be as specific as possible. The more details the better.

This user could’ve just said, “after running.”

But that’s a pretty lame answer to the icebreaker prompt of “when are you at your most daring,” right?

Even, “After running a 10k” sounds kinda lame.

Make the reader, see what you’re referring to. Tell her where this happened and how well you did. Give her details she can ask you about later. Every new detail only serves to increase the odds that she’ll ask you about it.

8) Be The Man She Wants You To Be

“After battling it out for elbow room on the plane”

We all want to be the person that has the balls to jostle for elbow room, we can’t all have one of these on us at all times.

when are you at your most daring

This remark is funny, relatable, and shows that you stick up for what you think is right. If someone’s hogging the armrest you aren’t one to let it go. It’s a cute reply and one that should spark a conversation due to how funny and relatable it is.

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9) The Power Of The Booty

“At salsa Wednesdays at Rosalia’s”

Photography is the best medium to use to showcase your hobbies. However, we don’t always capture ourselves being ourselves, or sometimes we do, but not in the best lighting.

When that happens there’s always a plan B.

Tell her about yourself by answering Bumble prompts and Bumble icebreakers.

If you’re a salsa extraordinaire, tell her that after a night of boogying down you feel most daring.

With every message your job is to humanize yourself to the point where she actually knows who you are.

Spoiler: She isn’t going to go out with a guy that doesn’t make her feel comfortable.

The best way to do this is to show her you’re a normal guy with normal-ish hobbies.

10) Show Her What A Potential First or Second Date Looks Like

“After a 10-mile hike at Joshua National Park”

Dating apps such as Bumble aren’t in fact dating apps.

Instead, they’re social apps designed to keep you single and swiping forever. Sure Bumble’s better than others, but if it was actually designed to find you a girlfriend — and did so — the company would be broke because it’d have no users.

Dating apps should be used as introduction apps.

A place for you to be introduced to a stranger with whom you could see yourself going out with.

However, the app won’t assist you in your journey from stranger to a first date.

To do this, you’ll want to quickly build a rapport with a joke or two before quickly steering the conversation towards a first date. The response above perfectly does that by pitching a possible first-date idea.

Get off the app as soon as possible by either using a TDL or asking for her number.

11) Stay Fresh

“After surviving a heatwave without a/c”

Did everyone in your area just go through some horrible natural disaster that made everyone appreciate life again?

If so broach this disaster and use it to quickly form a bond. This is something you two both went through and can easily talk about. Use it to your advantage by slotting it into your icebreaker response.

12) Flex, Flex, Flex

When are you at your most daring?

“After backpacking through Europe… especially after visiting Venice and falling into the canal”

Everybody is a world traveler nowadays.

Sure it’s a tad cliche, but it also makes it easy to strike up a conversation.

What makes the answer slightly less snobbish is by providing a hint of a story.

She now has the option of either asking you about where you visited or what happened when you fell into the canal.

Both are solid options and will most likely lead to an in-depth conversation about polenta and faux pas.

Now It’s Your Turn

These Bumble icebreaker example answers for “when are you at your most daring” weren’t meant for you to steal but rather to drum up inspiration.

Shape each answer to suit both your own liking and the preferences of the woman you’re talking to.

Remember to:

— Give her something to latch onto

— Provide details

— Make it witty

— Make it relatable

— Suggest a first date idea

— Make it different

Look — too many men fail when it comes to dating apps because they simply don’t exert themselves. Take a second when responding. Think of a few good answers and write the one you think is best.

If you’re having trouble coming up with answers or carrying on conversations via dating apps it might be time to talk to a dating coach. But not just any dating coach. One who’s helped thousands of guys find their next girlfriend, in record time. Someone like, oh, I don’t know, me.


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