HomeWHICHWhich Power Ranger Are You Quiz

Which Power Ranger Are You Quiz

If you wonder which Power Ranger are you, this accurate superhero quiz helps you find out reveals if you’re a Red, Blue, Green, Pink, or Yellow warrior.

Quiz: Which Power Ranger Matches You?

The test is a set of twenty questions about the lore. There’re no right or wrong answers, though. The goal is to analyze your answers to determine which Power Ranger character is similar to you.

The questionnaire’s basis is the same as our She-Ra quiz. But this one has a rather darker theme since PR has become more of an adult show than a kids TV series.

Find out your color.

The most crucial thing you learn about your Power Ranger persona is the color. All Senshi or warriors in the show have armor-like costumes that determine their rank, personality, and battle style.

By taking the PR Quiz, you have the chance to know which color you are. You’ll also receive a comprehensive analysis explaining why you matched a particular shade.

Discover more about your Sentai.

Sentai determines what group of warriors you are a part of. There’s five primary Sentai in the show, distinguished by colors. The Power Ranger Quiz can identify which Senshi team you’d belong to if you were an actual multiverse character.

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Get a free personality breakdown.

The cool thing about the Power Ranger Character Quiz is that it comes with a free analysis. We’ll let you know what type of person you are in the results. And that’ll help you understand why a particular color or character is your best match.

See if you are a warrior or villain.

It’s possible to match the Mighty Morphin bad guys, too! There’s no guarantee you’d be Red, Blue, Green, or any other ranger. You may end up being similar to some of the worst characters of the multiverse, such as Great King Boccowaus.

How to Know Which Power Ranger Are You?

Taking the online Mighty Morphin Quiz is the fastest way to determine which character you are. But if that’s not an option, here’s what to do. Read the following description of different Sentai to see which one you resemble in real life.

Note: This method is not accurate at all. So, we’d recommend spending a few minutes to take the actual test for reliable results.

#1. Red Ranger.

The Red Sentai Rangers are usually natural leaders. They tend to have a strong sense of right and wrong. Justice seems to be the primary motivation for this group of fighters. And it’s fairly easy for others to rely on the Red Senshi due to their responsible personality.

If you ask the fans, “Which Power Ranger character are you?” Most of them would pick a Red warrior. That’s because the characters of this color/Sentai are usually the stories’ protagonists.

#2. Blue Ranger.

The Blue Sentai Warriors are known as second-to-command of the groups. They’re wise, reliable, and loyal. However, they might also be rivals to the Red fighters—as the two colors and personalities are opposing. In many cases, the Blue warriors are the oldest person in the group, too. That makes them a bit protective of other members and gives them an older sibling persona.

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#3. Green Ranger.

Most Green warriors are the comic relief or wild card of the story. If you ask a humorous fan, “Which Power Ranger color are you?” they’d probably say, “I’m green.” The characters in this Sentai have both a serious, intellectual side and a goofy, relaxed aspect, making them likable.

#4. Yellow Ranger.

A Yellow Sentai warrior is the one that cheers you up when everything has gone wrong. If you match this color in the test, you’re a creative, energetic, and high-spirited person everyone needs to have as a friend. It’s also believed that Yellow Rangers are food lovers, and they devour Japanese dishes in seconds. But overall, the Senshi in this Sentai are known to be the morale boosters of the team no matter what.

#5. Pink Ranger.

The Pink Sentai warriors are passionate, lovely, sweet, and friendly. Most characters in this category are girly and feminine. However, recent adaptations seem to be willing to change that. Regardless, if you match Pink, you’re an understanding, considerate, polite, and cute person.

If you ask girls, “Which Power Ranger color are you?” many would say I’m Pink. Not just the heroes in this Sentai are cool, but their costumes look fantastic, too. That’s why they’re so popular.

#6. Black Ranger.

The Black Sentai warriors are not among the five primary color rangers. However, they’re known to be cool, confident, and courageous characters. Black Sentai members are usually natural leaders when it comes to taking charges. But they’re second-to-command as the Red rangers often lead the group.

#7. White Ranger.

The White Sentai warriors are also called the extra or sixth rangers. When added to other Senshi, White fighters balance the power and help the team overcome the most challenging battles.

It’s Morphin’ Time!

Want to know which Power Ranger you are? If yes, don’t hesitate to take the test. The questions are fun and nostalgic. But you’ll be surprised by the accuracy of the results. Let’s find out which Sentai you’d belong to and how you’d fight the bad guys to save the galaxy.

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QuizExpo does not own any of the images on the ‘Which Power Ranger Are You Quiz.’ Netflix and Hasbro own all the said pictures.

Questions of the quiz

  • 1
    • I don’t like to think about that

    • One who’s cruel to me

    • One who kills my vibe

    • One who blocks my path

    • One who bothers me

    • Everyone is my enemy

  • 2
    • Making peace

    • Helping out people

    • Have fun battling the bad guys

    • Leading rangers through the hardships

    • Keeping everyone safe

    • Conquering the galaxy

  • 3
    • Battles

    • Long travels

    • Wearing costumes

    • Responsibility

    • Obeying the orders

    • All of them

  • 4
    • Having a group of cool friends

    • Living an adventurous life

    • Fighting badass enemies

    • Making peace in the galaxy

    • Intergalactic travels

    • Nothing. I hate being a ranger.

  • 5
  • 6
    • Kindness

    • Friendships

    • Mental health

    • Strategy

    • Protection

    • Power

  • 7
    • Support unit

    • Scout unit

    • Attack unit

    • Leadership unit

    • Strategy unit

    • None

  • 8
    • Stealthy

    • Defensive

    • Counter-attack-based

    • Strategic

    • All-out

    • Brutal

  • 9
    • Personality

    • Relationships

    • Sense of humor

    • Mindset

    • Loyalty

    • None

  • 10
    • Forgiver them

    • Interrogate them

    • Exile them

    • Put them on a trial

    • Imprison them

    • Execute them

  • 11
    • Negotiation

    • Tactical defense

    • Surprise attack

    • Planned attack

    • Ambush

    • Killing everyone you see!

  • 12
    • Power Daggers

    • Power Bow

    • Power Lance

    • Power Sword

    • Power Axe

    • None

  • 13
    • Blue

    • Green

    • Yellow

    • Pink

    • Red

    • All of them

  • 14
    • Kind

    • Reliable

    • Funny

    • Honest

    • Loyal

    • Nonexistent. Everyone is a liar.

  • 15
    • Likable

    • Optimistic

    • Easygoing

    • Eager

    • Protective

    • Aggressive

  • 16
    • One who sacrifices

    • One who cares

    • One who dares

    • One who stays

    • One who gives back

    • No one is a hero

  • 17
    • Ignorant one

    • Toxic one

    • Stupid one

    • One who’s out of control

    • Cruel one

    • Smart one

  • 18
    • To make the world a better place

    • To help those in need

    • To have fun

    • To be a useful being

    • To protect my loved ones

    • I’d never become a power ranger

  • 19
    • Responsible

    • Handsome

    • Hilarious

    • Strategic

    • Loyal

    • I don’t want friends

  • 20
    • Guessing people’s emotions

    • Boosting others’ mood

    • Making funny jokes no matter what

    • Calming everyone down

    • Getting things done under pressure

    • Making fun of people under pressure


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