When Does Torracat Evolve

General Location Attacks Stats Egg Moves Gen IX Dex Gen VIII Dex Gen VII Dex This Pokédex entry is for Generation VII Pokémon games. For Generation IX Pokémon games. Check out Torracat Pokémon Scarlet & Violet data Picture Name Other Names No. Gender Ratio Type Torracat Japan: Nyaheatニャヒート French: Matoufeu German: Miezunder Korean: 냐오히트 National: #726 Alola: #005 Melemele: #005 Akala: #- Ula’ula: #- Poni: #- Male ♂:88.1%Female ♀:11.9% Classification Height Weight Capture Rate Base Egg Steps Fire Cat Pokémon 2’04” 0.7m 55.1lbs 25kg453,840 Abilities: BlazeIntimidate (Hidden Ability) Blaze: When HP is below 1/3rd its maximum, power of Fire-type moves is increased by 50%. Hidden Ability (Available): Intimidate: Upon entering battle, the opponent’s Attack lowers one stage. In a Double Battle, both opponents’ Attack are lowered. Pokémon with the Clear Body, Hyper Cutter, or White Smoke ability are unaffected. In a link battle, if both sides switch on the same turn, and first player sends out a Pokémon with Intimidate, the opponent’s Attack will be lowered before the opponent’s Pokémon switches. Opponents in S.O.S. Battles are more likely to call for help. Experience Growth Base Happiness Effort Values Earned S.O.S. Calling 1,059,862 PointsMedium Slow 70 2 Speed Point(s) Not Wild


*1 *0.5 *2 *1 *0.5 *0.5 *1 *1 *2 *1 *1 *0.5 *2 *1 *1 *1 *0.5 *0.5 Wild Hold Item Egg Groups FieldRattataRaticateEkansArbokPikachuRaichuSandshrewSandslashNidoran♀Nidoran♂NidorinoNidokingVulpixNinetalesDiglettDugtrioMeowthPersianPsyduckGolduckMankeyPrimeapeGrowlitheArcaninePonytaRapidashFarfetch’dSeelDewgongRhyhornRhydonTaurosEeveeVaporeonJolteonFlareonCyndaquilQuilavaTyphlosionSentretFurretMareepFlaaffyAmpharosAipomWooperQuagsireEspeonUmbreonGirafarigDunsparceSnubbullGranbullSneaselTeddiursaUrsaringSwinubPiloswineDelibirdHoundourHoundoomPhanpyDonphanStantlerSmeargleMiltankTorchicCombuskenBlazikenPoochyenaMightyenaZigzagoonLinooneSeedotNuzleafShiftrySlakothVigorothSlakingWhismurLoudredExploudSkittyDelcattyMawileElectrikeManectricWailmerWailordNumelCameruptTorkoalSpoinkGrumpigSpindaZangooseSeviperKecleonAbsolSphealSealeoWalreinChimcharMonfernoInfernapePiplupPrinplupEmpoleonBidoofBibarelShinxLuxioLuxrayPachirisuBuizelFloatzelAmbipomBunearyLopunnyGlameowPuruglyStunkySkuntankLucarioHippopotasHippowdonWeavileRhyperiorLeafeonGlaceonMamoswineSnivyServineSerperiorTepigPigniteEmboarOshawottDewottSamurottPatratWatchogLillipupHerdierStoutlandPurrloinLiepardPansageSimisagePansearSimisearPanpourSimipourMunnaMusharnaBlitzleZebstrikaWoobatSwoobatDrilburExcadrillSandileKrokorokKrookodileDarumakaDarmanitanScraggyScraftyZoruaZoroarkMinccinoCinccinoDeerlingSawsbuckEmolgaCubchooBearticMienfooMienshaoBouffalantHeatmorChespinQuilladinChesnaughtFennekinBraixenDelphoxBunnelbyDiggersbyLitleoPyroarSkiddoGogoatPanchamPangoroFurfrouEspurrMeowsticSylveonDedenneLittenTorracatIncineroarPopplioBrionnePrimarinaYungoosGumshoosRockruffLycanrocMudbrayMudsdaleStuffulBewearOranguruPassimianKomalaTogedemaruDittoField Evolutionary Chain


Sun Evolve Litten Moon Evolve Litten Ultra Sun Evolve Litten Ultra Moon Evolve Litten Trainer Locations Details

Flavor Text

Sun At its throat, it bears a bell of fire. The bell rings brightly whenever this Pokémon spits fire. Moon It boasts powerful front legs. With a single punch, it can bend an iron bar right over. Ultra Sun It can act spoiled if it grows close to its Trainer. A powerful Pokémon, its sharp claws can leave its Trainer’s whole body covered in scratches. Ultra Moon When its mane is standing on end, you can tell it’s feeling good. When it isn’t feeling well, its fur will lie down flat.


Level Up Anchors Sun/Moon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon

Sun/Moon Level Up

LevelAttack NameTypeCat.Att.Acc.PPEffect % — Scratch 40 100 35 – Hard, pointed, sharp claws rake the target to inflict damage. — Ember 40 100 25 10 The target is attacked with small flames. This may also leave the target with a burn. — Growl – 100 40 – The user growls in an endearing way, making opposing Pokémon less wary. This lowers their Attack stat. — Lick 30 100 30 30 The target is licked with a long tongue, causing damage. This may also leave the target with paralysis. 4 Growl – 100 40 – The user growls in an endearing way, making opposing Pokémon less wary. This lowers their Attack stat. 8 Lick 30 100 30 30 The target is licked with a long tongue, causing damage. This may also leave the target with paralysis. 11 Leer – 100 30 100 The user gives opposing Pokémon an intimidating leer that lowers the Defense stat. 15 Fire Fang 65 95 15 20 The user bites with flame-cloaked fangs. This may also make the target flinch or leave it with a burn. 19 Roar – – 20 – The target is scared off, and a different Pokémon is dragged out. In the wild, this ends a battle against a single Pokémon. 24 Bite 60 100 25 30 The target is bitten with viciously sharp fangs. This may also make the target flinch. 28 Swagger – 85 15 – The user enrages and confuses the target. However, this also sharply raises the target’s Attack stat. 33 Fury Swipes 18 80 15 – The target is raked with sharp claws or scythes quickly two to five times in a row. 37 Thrash 120 100 10 – The user rampages and attacks for two to three turns. The user then becomes confused. 42 Flamethrower 90 100 15 10 The target is scorched with an intense blast of fire. This may also leave the target with a burn. 46 Scary Face – 100 10 – The user frightens the target with a scary face to harshly lower its Speed stat. 51 Flare Blitz 120 100 15 10 The user cloaks itself in fire and charges the target. This also damages the user quite a lot. This attack may leave the target with a burn. 55 Outrage 120 100 10 – The user rampages and attacks for two to three turns. The user then becomes confused.

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Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon Level Up

LevelAttack NameTypeCat.Att.Acc.PPEffect % — Scratch 40 100 35 – Hard, pointed, sharp claws rake the target to inflict damage. — Ember 40 100 25 10 The target is attacked with small flames. This may also leave the target with a burn. — Growl – 100 40 – The user growls in an endearing way, making opposing Pokémon less wary. This lowers their Attack stat. — Lick 30 100 30 30 The target is licked with a long tongue, causing damage. This may also leave the target with paralysis. 4 Growl – 100 40 – The user growls in an endearing way, making opposing Pokémon less wary. This lowers their Attack stat. 8 Lick 30 100 30 30 The target is licked with a long tongue, causing damage. This may also leave the target with paralysis. 11 Leer – 100 30 100 The user gives opposing Pokémon an intimidating leer that lowers the Defense stat. 14 Fire Fang 65 95 15 20 The user bites with flame-cloaked fangs. This may also make the target flinch or leave it with a burn. 16 Double Kick 30 100 30 – The target is quickly kicked twice in succession using both feet. 19 Roar – – 20 – The target is scared off, and a different Pokémon is dragged out. In the wild, this ends a battle against a single Pokémon. 24 Bite 60 100 25 30 The target is bitten with viciously sharp fangs. This may also make the target flinch. 28 Swagger – 85 15 – The user enrages and confuses the target. However, this also sharply raises the target’s Attack stat. 33 Fury Swipes 18 80 15 – The target is raked with sharp claws or scythes quickly two to five times in a row. 37 Thrash 120 100 10 – The user rampages and attacks for two to three turns. The user then becomes confused. 42 Flamethrower 90 100 15 10 The target is scorched with an intense blast of fire. This may also leave the target with a burn. 46 Scary Face – 100 10 – The user frightens the target with a scary face to harshly lower its Speed stat. 51 Flare Blitz 120 100 15 10 The user cloaks itself in fire and charges the target. This also damages the user quite a lot. This attack may leave the target with a burn. 55 Outrage 120 100 10 – The user rampages and attacks for two to three turns. The user then becomes confused.

TM & HM Attacks

TM/HM #Attack NameTypeCat.Att.Acc.PPEffect %TM01 Work Up – – 30 – The user is roused, and its Attack and Sp. Atk stats increase.TM05 Roar – – 20 – The target is scared off, and a different Pokémon is dragged out. In the wild, this ends a battle against a single Pokémon.TM06 Toxic – 90 10 – A move that leaves the target badly poisoned. Its poison damage worsens every turn.TM08 Bulk Up – – 20 – The user tenses its muscles to bulk up its body, raising both its Attack and Defense stats.TM10 Hidden Power 60 100 15 – A unique attack that varies in type depending on the Pokémon using it.TM11 Sunny Day – – 5 – The user intensifies the sun for five turns, powering up Fire-type moves. It lowers the power of Water-type moves.TM12 Taunt – 100 20 – The target is taunted into a rage that allows it to use only attack moves for three turns.TM17 Protect – – 10 – Enables the user to evade all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.TM21 Frustration ?? 100 20 – This full-power attack grows more powerful the less the user likes its Trainer.TM27 Return ?? 100 20 – This full-power attack grows more powerful the more the user likes its Trainer.TM28 Leech Life 80 100 10 – The user drains the target’s blood. The user’s HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.TM32 Double Team – – 15 – By moving rapidly, the user makes illusory copies of itself to raise its evasiveness.TM35 Flamethrower 90 100 15 10 The target is scorched with an intense blast of fire. This may also leave the target with a burn.TM38 Fire Blast 110 85 5 10 The target is attacked with an intense blast of all-consuming fire. This may also leave the target with a burn.TM41 Torment – 100 15 – The user torments and enrages the target, making it incapable of using the same move twice in a row.TM42 Facade 70 100 20 – This attack move doubles its power if the user is poisoned, burned, or paralyzed.TM43 Flame Charge 50 100 20 100 Cloaking itself in flame, the user attacks. Then, building up more power, the user raises its Speed stat.TM44 Rest – – 10 – The user goes to sleep for two turns. This fully restores the user’s HP and heals any status conditions.TM45 Attract – 100 15 – If it is the opposite gender of the user, the target becomes infatuated and less likely to attack.TM48 Round 60 100 15 – The user attacks the target with a song. Others can join in the Round to increase the power of the attack.TM50 Overheat 130 90 5 100 The user attacks the target at full power. The attack’s recoil harshly lowers the user’s Sp. Atk stat.TM61 Will-O-Wisp – 85 15 – The user shoots a sinister, bluish-white flame at the target to inflict a burn.TM62 Acrobatics 55 100 15 – The user nimbly strikes the target. If the user is not holding an item, this attack inflicts massive damage.TM65 Shadow Claw 70 100 15 – The user slashes with a sharp claw made from shadows. Critical hits land more easily.TM75 Swords Dance – – 20 – A frenetic dance to uplift the fighting spirit. This sharply raises the user’s Attack stat.TM87 Swagger – 85 15 – The user enrages and confuses the target. However, this also sharply raises the target’s Attack stat.TM88 Sleep Talk – – 10 – While it is asleep, the user randomly uses one of the moves it knows.TM89 U-turn 70 100 20 – After making its attack, the user rushes back to switch places with a party Pokémon in waiting.TM90 Substitute – – 10 – The user makes a copy of itself using some of its HP. The copy serves as the user’s decoy.TM100 Confide – – 20 100 The user tells the target a secret, and the target loses its ability to concentrate. This lowers the target’s Sp. Atk stat.

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Egg Moves (Details)

Attack NameTypeCat.Att.Acc.PPEffect % Nasty Plot – – 20 – Details The user stimulates its brain by thinking bad thoughts. This sharply raises the user’s Sp. Atk stat.Body Slam 85 100 15 30 Details The user drops onto the target with its full body weight. This may also leave the target with paralysis.Crunch 80 100 15 20 Details The user crunches up the target with sharp fangs. This may also lower the target’s Defense stat.Fake Out 40 100 10 100 Details This attack hits first and makes the target flinch. It only works the first turn the user is in battle.Revenge 60 100 10 – Details This attack move’s power is doubled if the user has been hurt by the opponent in the same turn.Heat Wave 95 90 10 10 Details The user attacks by exhaling hot breath on the opposing Pokémon. This may also leave those Pokémon with a burn.Power TripUSUM Only 20 100 10 – Details The user boasts its strength and attacks the target. The more the user’s stats are raised, the greater the move’s power.

Move Tutor Attacks

Attack NameTypeCat.Att.Acc.PPEffect %Fire Pledge8010010-A column of fire hits the target. When used with its grass equivalent, its power increases and a vast sea of fire appears.

Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon Move Tutor Attacks

Attack NameTypeCat.Att.Acc.PPEffect %Covet6010025-The user endearingly approaches the target, then steals the target’s held item.Dual Chop409015-The user attacks its target by hitting it with brutal strikes. The target is hit twice in a row.Snore501001530This attack can be used only if the user is asleep. The harsh noise may also make the target flinch.Heat Wave95901010The user attacks by exhaling hot breath on the opposing Pokémon. This may also leave those Pokémon with a burn.Endeavor??1005-This attack move cuts down the target’s HP to equal the user’s HP.Outrage12010010-The user rampages and attacks for two to three turns. The user then becomes confused.

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Usable Z Moves

Attack NameTypeCat.Max Att.Acc.PPEffect % Breakneck Blitz 190(Phy)/120(Spe) – 1 – The user builds up its momentum using its Z-Power and crashes into the target at full speed. The power varies, depending on the original move. All-Out Pummeling 120 – 1 – The user rams an energy orb created by its Z-Power into the target with full force. The power varies, depending on the original move. Supersonic Skystrike 100 – 1 – The user soars up with its Z-Power and plummets toward the target at full speed. The power varies, depending on the original move. Savage Spin-Out 160 – 1 – The user binds the target with full force with threads of silk that the user spits using its Z-Power. The power varies, depending on the original move. Never-Ending Nightmare 140 – 1 – Deep-seated grudges summoned by the user’s Z-Power trap the target. The power varies, depending on the original move. Inferno Overdrive 190(Phy)/195(Spe) – 1 – The user breathes a stream of intense fire toward the target with the full force of its Z-Power. The power varies depending on the original move. Devastating Drake 190 – 1 – The user materializes its aura using its Z-Power and attacks the target with full force. The power varies, depending on the original move. Black Hole Eclipse 160 – 1 – The user gathers dark energy using its Z-Power and sucks the target into it. The power varies, depending on the original move.


HP Attack Defense Sp. Attack Sp. Defense Speed Base Stats – Total: 420 65 85 50 80 50 90 Max StatsHindering Nature Lv. 50 125 – 172 81 – 123 49 – 91 76 – 118 49 – 91 85 – 127 Lv. 100 240 – 334 157 – 242 94 – 179 148 – 233 94 – 179 166 – 251 Max StatsNeutral Nature Lv. 50 125 – 172 90 – 137 55 – 102 85 – 132 55 – 102 95 – 142 Lv. 100 240 – 334 175 – 269 105 – 199 165 – 259 105 – 199 185 – 279 Max StatsBeneficial Nature Lv. 50 125 – 172 99 – 150 60 – 112 93 – 145 60 – 112 104 – 156 Lv. 100 240 – 334 192 – 295 115 – 218 181 – 284 115 – 218 203 – 306 <- #725Litten #727Incineroar ->

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