HomeWHENWhen Is The Euphrates River Drying Up

When Is The Euphrates River Drying Up

Paths Forward for Syria

Cooperation at every level will also be necessary to keep the Euphrates River alive and, by extension, the Syrian people, not to mention the other countries that depend on the river. Efforts from the international community, private sector, local and international NGOs, the social and scientific communities, as well as whole-of-society efforts are all crucial to address the issues facing the Euphrates River.

Therefore, the interstate agreements regarding the Euphrates should be updated to reflect the effects of climate change, and the international community should work with those involved to facilitate these changes.

Since environmental water degradation endangers livelihoods, international support could provide local farmers with alleviating measures, from resilient seeds and to technical skills, to help them adapt to the new climate conditions.

The contribution of the private sector, by funding additional resources, is crucial. Private initiatives can offer essential means and knowledge in different sectors. For example, insurance companies can offer their expertise in weather prediction, or pharmaceutical companies can step in with vaccines to combat cholera outbreaks or provide other medicines.

Likewise, private firms could provide the technological tools needed to track water levels, contamination, and salinity. As Tesfaye highlights, “technology is really a great opportunity to do better humanitarian and development work. Mercy Corps is trying to use this information to be able to provide better services to communities.”

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Expedient cooperation between NGOs at the local and international levels demonstrates the importance of such alliances. These alliances will take many shapes and forms, from international groups, to the scientific community, to religious groups, to whole-of-society efforts.

International organizations such as UNICEF ​​could act as a bridge and provide guarantees for the establishment of a permanent NGO cooperation mechanism in Syria to address the consequences of climate change and specifically the lack of water. The international community could help contend with the climate-driven humanitarian crisis by funding such preventative initiatives. Likewise, the contribution of social and scientific communities is always helpful and must be encouraged.

Innovative digital tools can reinforce both the educational and humanitarian sector, for example, through fundraising via digital social platforms for the purchase of first aid supplies, or by coordinating virtual scientific forums for the submission of pioneering proposals and localized training initiatives.

Religious groups also have a role to play. Beyond humanitarian work, they can use their influence to work with local people who may be mistrustful of outside actors.

Finally, whole-of-society efforts can play a role in mitigating the effects of climate change. Reducing fossil fuel consumption and increasing clean energy use across Syria will play a role in preventing further pollution of the physical environment and the Euphrates River.


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