Why Do People Foam At The Mouth

People very rarely produce the large quantities of foam or froth from their mouths that movies or television shows can depict.

Research has shown that even diseased wild animals usually do not foam or froth at the mouth in the exaggerated way most people think.

With this in mind, if even a small amount of bubbly saliva spills out of the mouth unintentionally, a person may need emergency medical attention.

Foaming at the mouth is normally associated with central nervous system problems with life-threatening complications, including coma and death.

Some of the most common causes of foaming at the mouth include:

Drug overdose

When someone consumes more drugs or toxins than their body can process, they may experience an overdose.

A severe overdose may lead to seizures, which can cause drooling or salvia to pool in the mouth and be pushed through clenched teeth and lips.

People with severe overdoses may also experience heart attacks and pulmonary edema (PE), where fluid leaks into the lungs, both of which are associated with frothing from the mouth.

When the heart and lungs are not working properly, fluid builds up around both organs and cells are starved of oxygen.

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Carbon dioxide and other gases also build up around cells and mix with the fluid, forming a frothy, light-pink or blood-tinted mucus. This frothy mucus may spill out of someone’s open mouth uncontrollably.


People with seizure disorders or epilepsy can experience a few different types of seizures, each with their own unique set of symptoms.

Usually, only one type of seizure, which is called a tonic-clonic seizure or convulsive seizure, is associated with drooling, slight foaming, or bubbling at the mouth.

People experiencing tonic-clonic seizures have abnormal electrical firing throughout their brain simultaneously.

Tonic-clonic seizures usually cause an immediate loss of consciousness followed by whole-body convulsions.

Tonic-clonic seizures cause a loss of muscle control, which can make it difficult to swallow or open the mouth. During a seizure, this excess salvia tends to pool in the mouth before being thrust through clenched teeth, mixing with oxygen and gases in the mouth, and developing a foamy appearance.


The rabies virus is a zoonotic disease, meaning it can cross over from animals to humans.

Rabies is capable of infecting and damaging the brain and central nervous system of all types of warm-blooded mammals.

Rabies is transmitted from one host to the next through the saliva of an infected animal. Most people who contract rabies do so when they are bitten by an infected animal or get the infected salvia in an open wound.

One of the symptoms of rabies is paralysis of the throat muscles, which makes it difficult to swallow.

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Rabies also causes saliva production to increase. Saliva may then pool in the mouth and mix with oxygen and other gases when a person is unable to swallow.

The number of people who get rabies each year in North America is very small. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), only between 1 and 3 cases of human rabies are reported in the United States each year.

Humans with rabies may not experience the same set of characteristic symptoms that animals do, such as foaming at the mouth, extreme aggressiveness, and hydrophobia or the fear of water.

Symptoms in humans include fever and weakness in the initial stages. As the disease progresses, symptoms develop into anxiety, confusion, frantic behavior, hallucinations, and insomnia.

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