HomeWHICHWhich Of The Following Statements About Osteoporosis Is True

Which Of The Following Statements About Osteoporosis Is True


Health IQ: Bones

Looking after your bones throughout life is vital to enjoying your twilight years. How much do you know about keeping your bones healthy? Published 31/03/2010

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Quiz Answers

1. The loss of bone density that leads to osteoporosis generally begins at what age?

Correct answer: c) Around 35 years..

Brittle bones don’t usually reach the point where they cause fractures until later in life. But the loss of bone density that sets this process in motion actually starts much earlier – around the age of 35. This is when the normal remodeling of bone tissue in our bodies changes so that more bone starts to be absorbed than is added. But there is still a lot you can do both before and after 35 to maximize the health of your bones.

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For more information go to Osteoporosis Fact File.

2. Which of the following statements about osteoporosis is correct?

Correct answer: a) Osteoporosis affects more women than men, but the consequences in men tend to be more serious..

A woman’s chance of getting an osteoporosis-related fracture sometime in her life is one in three, compared to one in five for men. But in men, the consequences tend to be more serious because elderly men have a higher incidence of other health conditions like heart disease than elderly women. These health conditions increase the chance of complications after a fracture. In fact a year after an osteoporotic fracture, a man is twice as likely as a woman to have died from its consequences.

For more information go to The Pulse: Old men, brittle bones.

3. Strength training with free weights can help build bone strength. To maximize bone strength, the best way to lift weights is to:

Correct answer: d) Use the maximum weight that allows you to do two sets of eight to 12 repetitions correctly..

For maximum benefit to your bones when lifting weights, the load should feel challenging. When you start lifting weights you should use the maximum weight that allows you to do two sets of eight to 12 repetitions. Once this is no longer difficult, you should move to a heavier weight. (But make sure the heavier weight does not compromise your ability to do the exercise correctly. If it’s too heavy for you to maintain correct posture while doing the exercise, stick to the weight you were on as you may otherwise cause injuries).

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For more information see Healthy Living Video: Exercising for your bones.

4. Getting enough calcium in your diet is vital for healthy bones. Which of the following has the highest amount of calcium?

Correct answer: b) A 250ml glass of skim milk.

Dairy foods contain the highest amount of calcium that can be readily absorbed by the body, however a range of other foods including some vegetables and nuts also contain calcium. Two slices of wholemeal bread contains about 30 mg calcium, while 50 grams (about 30) almonds contains 50 mg calcium. When it comes to milk, skim milk is actually higher in calcium (about 320 mg per 250 mls compared to 285 mg calcium per 250mls of whole milk). This is because the fat component in milk is calcium-free. Removing the fat and making up the volume with non-fat components of milk, adds more calcium.

For more information go to the Feature: Boost your bone bank.

5. Getting enough vitamin D from sun exposure is another important factor for healthy bones, but you need to be careful not to unduly increase your risk of skin cancer. The recommended way to do this is:

Correct answer: c) Make a point of getting out in the sun most days for a short period of time (outside of the middle of the day in summer) without sunscreen.

Research has shown vitamin D deficiency is much more common among Australians than previously thought. And sun exposure rather than vitamin D supplements is the preferred way to address this. It turns out you can’t necessarily rely on casual sun exposure to meet your vitamin D needs, though. You need to make a point of getting out in the sun most days for short periods of time without sunscreen (exactly how long will depend on your skin type, where in Australia you live and the time of year). The time of day you choose for your exposure is important. You should not seek to get your vitamin D from sun exposure in the middle of the day in summer.

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For more information check out Healthy Living Video: The right amount of sunshine.


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