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Who Is Ali In The Bible


According to Tafsir Anwar al-Bayan, once the Christian priests of Najran came in Medina during the period of Caliph Abu Bakr and asked his name, but didn’t satisfy, then approached Umar and Uthman, but they were dissatisfied. The priests said, “We don’t have any concern with you, but we are searching that person whose name is mentioned in the Divine Scriptures. On that moment, the name of Hazrat Ali was recommended. When they saw Hazrat Ali, the priests asked his name, Hazrat Ali said, “My name in the Old Testament (Taurat) is Elia, and in the New Testament (Injil or Bible) is Eli, and in the Koran is Ali.” In Old Testament, it is mentioned, “And Elia has shown his miracle, but the people could not recognize him, how much he was a divinely personage.” (I King 17:23)

In New Testament, it is described that when Jesus was to be crucified, he cried with a loud voice, saying “Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani that is to say, my God, why you forsake me? Some of them that stood there, when they heard that, said, this man called for Elia.” (St. Matthew: 27:46-7) J.B. Gladone writes in A Note Book on Old and New Testaments (London, 1908, 1st vol., pp. 427-8) that, “In the languages of oldest and present Hebrew, the word Allia or Aillee is not meaning of God, but this word is showing that in a next and last time of this world, any one will become nominated Allia or Aillee.”

The Mahabarata War waged in 3162 BC, between the Pandvas and Kauravas. The Pandava had seven akshauhinis, while their enemies Kaurava had eleven akshauhinis. Each akshauhinis consisted of 21870 chariots, 21870 elephants, 656 horses and 10935 infantry. The war continued for 18 days, and on the last day, Lord Krishna (3228-3102 BC) raised his hands toward sky and made humble petition:-

“O’God! The Lord of the world! In Thy name as Thou art the Creator of the sky and earth. And in Thy name who is beloved of Thy lover, suitor of Thy suitor for the sake who is Ahli, who will show his adventure in the biggest temple of the world (Kaba), near the black stone (Hajar al-Aswad). Listen to my prayer! Then destroy the false devils and grant victory to the followers of truth, O’ Lord Aila! Aila! Aila!” (Prayers of Lord Krishna, Delhi, 1931, p. 72) Krishna Gopal writes in Nagar Sagar (Agra, 1917, p. 211), “Among the ancient languages, Sanskrit is one which is claimed to be most ancient language. It has in some dialects the name Aila which means a person of high honour and position. And Ahal or Ahli are the distorted form of this name. In the ancient Vedas, many such words are found, which appears to be either a distorted form of Arabic or have been adopted in Arabic from the Sanskrit language.” Gotam Buddh (563-480 BC) once supplicated:-

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“O’ Beloved of your beloveds, O’ Aillia, O’ Dominant of all! Come and show your adventure. Extend your help to me. O’ Tiger of God! The foxes of the world are devouring me. By that whose thou art hand and shoulder. By that whose strength is within Thee. Help me. Thou hast promise that Thou will help in difficulties. Now is the time to help. Come soon or else I will be ruined. Your name is the name of Lord, come! Because seeing you is equal to thousand prayers. Thou are face of God. My Beloved, Thou art everything and I am nothing without Thee. Thou seeth everything. And event are before Thee. Thou knoweth my trouble. Thou canth remove them, Om Allia! Om Allia! (Budh Giyan, 1931, p. 57) by Ram Narain Banavasi.

In July, 1951, a team of the Russian archaeologists surveyed the valley of Kaat for exploring mine. Suddenly, they discovered few wooden pieces. They excavated a wooden tablet of 14×10 inches. In 1952, the experts concluded after examination that this place belonged to the ark of Prophet Noah, where halted on the summit of Mount Judi.

A Board of the experts was formed by the Russian regime as to investigate the language written on the wooden tablet. The Board started the task from 27th February, 1953. Its members were Prof. Solomon of Moscow University, Prof. Ifa Han Kheen of Lu Lu Han College of China, Mishaou Lu Farug, officer of fossil from England, Taumol Goru of Cafezud College, Prof. De Paken of Lenin Institute, M. Ahmad Colad of Zitcomen Research Association and Major Cottor of Statin College.

After eight months, the above Board reported that it belonged to Noah. N. F. Max, an expert in ancient language of Manchester had translated the writing of the wooden tablet into English as follows:- “O’ my God, my Helper. Keep my hand with mercy and with Your Holy Bodies. Mohamed, Alia (Ali), Shabbar (Hasan), Shabir (Hussain) and Fatma. They are all biggest and hon’ble. The world established for them. Rescue me by their names. You can reform to right.”

The above tablet is preserved in the Paleontological Institute of Russian Academy of Science, Moscow (Vide, Monthly Star of Britain, January, 1954, Newspaper Sunlight, Manchester, 23rd January, 1953 and Weekly Mirror, London, 1st Feb., 1954)

During 1916, a few miles away from Palestine, some units of English army passed through a village, Tantura. Suddenly, they saw blazing spark gushing out from a hillock. Some soldiers proceeded towards the site and started digging the place. At the depth of 4 yards, they found a shining silver tablet. It was ¾ yard long and ½ yard wide. They brought it before their high officer, Major A.N. Grandel, who saw that the border of the tablet was decorated with jewels, and in middle were golden words in ancient language. This ancient tablet then passed through many persons, and ultimately reached to I.C. British Army’s Lieut. D.O. Gladstone, who passed to the experts of the British Fossils. Soon after the end of the First World War in 1918, a Committee consisted of the experts in ancient languages from Britain, U.S.A., and France were assigned to examine language. After several months of hard labour, the mystery was solved.

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It had been investigated on 21st January, 1920 that it was a Tablet of Solomon (990-931 BC). Its language was in old Hebrew being used in the Song of Solomon. It was translated as under:- “O’ God! O’ Ahmed! O’ Eli! O’ Batul, O’ Ha’san!. O’Ha’sin! Help me. O’ Ahmed come. O’ Batul! Cast the sight. O’ Hasan! Have pity. O’ Ha’sin grant happiness. Eli, Eli, Eli. Solomon makes petition from these five.”

In 1923, Lord Bishop of those days forbade its exhibition in the British Museum. (Risal-e-Tahqiqat-e-Gharbia n.d., pp. 21-4) by Abul Hasan Shirazi Wonderful Stories of Islam (p. 249) by Col. P.C. Ampile. The detailed historical informations are also given in Elia (Lahore, 1962) by Sayed Mahmud Gilani In addition, it is also related that in the scripture of Prophet Sheith, the name of Hazrat Ali was mentioned as Hamrul Ain, in Abraham’s scripture Hobil, in Moses Taurat Elia, in Christ Injil Eli and in the Koran Ali.

According to Risala dar Haqiqat-i Din (Bombay, 1947, pp. 27-8, tr. by W. Ivanow), “It is suffices to know that in every epoch or a (millennial) period of time there is, and always was manifestation of the Deity, from the time of Adam, and even before Adam, and till the time of the Final Prophet (Muhammad) and “Hazrat Ali said, “I was hidden with all the Prophets, because the world was not yet ready. But now that the world is prepared, and the people are capable of understanding, I became apparent with Muhammad.” Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah said, “Mawla Ali was in batin with all Prophets before Prophet Muhammad and joined corporeally in period of the Prophet. There was naught in primitive time when Mawla Ali assumed a minor form.” (Bombay, 15th October, 1885).

The Koran also says, “We certainly help Our Prophets” (40:51) OM OR AUM Om or Aum ॐ, ओम् is of paramount importance in Hinduism. This symbol is a sacred syllable representing Brahman, the impersonal Absolute of Hinduism — omnipotent, omnipresent, and the source of all manifest existence. Brahman, in itself, is incomprehensible; so a symbol becomes mandatory to help us realize the Unknowable. Om, therefore, represents both the unmanifest (nirguna) and manifest (saguna) aspects of God. That is why it is called pranava, to mean that it pervades life and runs through our breath. In China and Japan, Om is written as Aum, A’hom or A’ham. The word Ohang (primal word) in the ginans is also synonym of the Om.

John Dowson writes in Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology and Religion (London, 1979, p. 224) that, “The word Om is used at the commencement of prayers and religious ceremonies, and is generally placed at the beginning of books.”

According to The Encyclopedia of Religion (London, 1987, 11th vol., pp. 68-9), “OM, a contraction of the sounds A-U-M is considered in the Hindu tradition to be the most sacred of Sanskrit syllables….It is represented graphically by a familiar mystical symbol combining the syllable’s three components…Articulated at the beginning and end of recitations and prayers, om is a particle of auspicious salutation, expressing acknowledgement of the divine or solemn affirmation, in which latter sense it is compared with Amen.”

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According to Mandukya Upanishad, “Om is the one eternal syllable of which all that exists is but the development. The past, the present and the future are all included in this one sound, and all that exists beyond the three forms of time is also implied in it.”

It is also mentioned in The Sanskrit English Dictionary (Amritsar, 1907) by Pandit Har Dayal Shastari, “Om, a half word of Sanskrit language showing different meanings, but true meanings are a hand of God, a power of God, a strength of nature.” K.C. Chakrawarti writes in A Modern Dictionary of Sanskrit and English (Delhi, 1918) that, “Om means the strengthened of nature coaching the world, the father of earth, the face of God.”

In sum, Om represents God’s hand (yadullah), God’s power (quwatullah), Father of earth (Abu Turab), God’s face (wajhullah) and God’s light (nuruallah) – all these categorically refer to the epithets of Hazrat Ali.

While writing name of Ali in Kufic script, it absolutely resembles the Sanskrit word Om. The Sanskrit Guide (Ludhiana, 1903) analyzed the Om as:- Ishwar : God Waratanm : Very High Masshakaton : Matchless Power

Pir Sadruddin said:- Aum Ali te’ a’pe’ Vishanu, Aum lila anant re’ (ginan) “Om Ali himself is the Creator since the mysterious game of Om is limitless.” Aum shabad sa’cho Ali, ane’ Aum lila anant, Aum trann akshar sada, teno pahela samjo tnt (ginan)

“The word Om is true like Ali having countless mysterious game. Om all the time contains three letters. You must know its secret at first.” Khwaja Hasan Nizami (1878-1955) writes in Fatimi Dawat-i- Islam, Delhi, 1930, p. 203) that, “One Ismaili missionary (Verteji) claimed that God said in the Koran that Ali is Om. I asked him, let me know that Koranic verse, to which he said, “wa inhu fi umil kitabe’ ladaina le’ Aliyun Azim (43:4) means, “And indeed

We have mother of the Book and Ali, the truly elevated, full of wisdom.” In the Om is seen image of Ali. In Arabic, the Om means mother, and in the Sanskrit, Om is a central point of the universe, and also the base of the inventor. Hence, the saying of God is that, “Ali before Me is the mother of the esoteric and exoteric knowledge. It indicates meaning in the Sanskrit Um (Om)

Commenting further on above Koranic verse, Khwaja Hasan Nizami said, “The meaning of the word ladaina in this verse means Before Me. The Koranic commentators rendered its meaning as “elevated full of wisdom”, but my master had taught me that here Aliyun Azim refers to the name Ali bin Abu Talib, because God applied the word ladaina to indicate his name that before God hikmat-e-ruhani and mother of Koran is Ali.” (Din journal, Delhi, 21st August, 1939)



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