HomeWHOWho Is The Patron Saint Of Dancers

Who Is The Patron Saint Of Dancers

The most cited saint for dancers is St. Vitus. But there is also a female saint that some invoke which is St. Teresa of Avila. And because anyone who dances knows the athleticism involved with dancing, there is of course St. Sebastian.

St. Vitus, a Christian martyr from 3rd Century Sicily, was the only son of a Senator. His conversion to Christianity occurred through the efforts of his tutor, Modestus, and Modestus’ wife, Crescentia. Vitus, baptized without his parents’ knowledge, embarked on journeys throughout Sicily with Modestus and Crescentia, during which his miracles and conversions became well-known. Valerian, the administrator of Sicily, attempted to thwart Vitus’s activities.

According to legend, Vitus and his companions escaped to Rome in a boat guided by an angel. In Rome, he performed an exorcism, freeing the emperor Diocletian’s son from an evil spirit. When Vitus refused to sacrifice to pagan gods, his miraculous healing was misattributed to sorcery. Despite facing various tortures, Vitus, Modestus, and Crescentia remained unharmed.

While the details of Vitus’s martyrdom are legendary, the devotion to him is historical. Churches and abbeys dedicated to St. Vitus dot Europe. In the late Middle Ages, people in Germany, Latvia, and other regions celebrated St. Vitus’s feast by dancing before his statue. This tradition eventually led to the designation of a neurological disorder, characterized by abnormal involuntary movements, as “St. Vitus’ Dance.” This then led to St. Vitus’ patronage of dancers.

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St. Teresa of Avila is primarily venerated as a Doctor of the Church, renowned for her writings on mystical theology and her experiences of contemplative prayer. While St. Vitus is commonly considered the patron of dancers, intriguingly, he himself was not known as a dancer. It’s St. Teresa who emerges as an unconventional patron with a penchant for dance. Narratives abound of her joyous dancing on feast days, accompanied by the lively rhythm of castanets. She went even further, playing a tambourine for her Carmelite sisters to partake in the celebration through dance. St. Teresa, recognizing the importance of joy in religious practice, followed in the footsteps of saints like Francis, understanding that a religion devoid of joy is inherently false.

St. Sebastian is traditionally known as the Patron Saint of Athletes. Dancing, like sports, requires a high level of physical skill, strength, flexibility, endurance, and coordination. While the goals and expressions may differ between dance and traditional sports, the physical demands placed on the body are comparable. Because of this, St. Sebastian makes a great saint for dancers.

Click here for our list of Patron Saints.


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