HomeWHICHWhich Personality Is Referred To As The Doer Personality

Which Personality Is Referred To As The Doer Personality

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The ESTP personality type (also known as “The Doer”) describes people with Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving traits. ESTPs are self-assured, quick-thinking individuals who prefer to live spontaneously.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) identifies the ESTP personality type as one of sixteen personality types. Every personality type corresponds to four distinct psychological attitudes. Each of the four ESTP attitudes has an opposing trait that the MBTI defines according to the four dichotomies listed below.

  • Extraversion (versus Introversion): Describes individuals who are outgoing and highly sociable. ESTPs are extroverts who feel energized when they spend time with others.
  • Sensing (versus iNtuition): Sensing-aligned personalities like The Doer are grounded in reality and value pragmatism over analytical thinking. ESTPs focus and care about practical solutions over abstract or theoretical ideas.
  • Thinking (versus Feeling): Denotes a decision-making process which values logic as opposed to emotions. ESTP evaluates pros and cons of a given situation as objectively as possible.
  • Perceiving (versus Judging): Perceiving personalities like ESTP disregard structure. Doers would rather live spontaneously and according to their own rules.

Action-oriented ESTP fits The Doer archetype due to their motivation to undertake challenges and complete tasks with high self-confidence. ESTP’s confidence is evident in their three core characteristics. Firstly, ESTPs are quick thinkers; they find the most immediate solutions to problems. Secondly, ESTPs are practical; they make decisions based on the information they have. Thirdly, ESTPs are resourceful. Due to their quick senses and pragmatism, Doers come up with clever ways to overcome challenges.

The ability to think and act fast is an ESTP’s greatest strength. By being less concerned with consequences than other personality types, ESTPs challenge themselves. However, in doing so, ESTPs tend to be impulsive, a notable weakness of the ESTP personality type.

By being action-oriented, the ESTP personality type primarily aligns with male gender roles. ESTPs are common in male-dominated career paths such as law enforcement, business, and emergency services. As a result, most ESTPs are men while ESTP women are rare.

What does ESTP stand for?

ESTP stands for Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving. As the Doer personality, ESTPs express their confidence through their innate extraversion and drive to achieve. Other personality types find ESTPs to be self-assured people who rarely back down from a challenge. Meanwhile, the Sensing and Thinking traits allow Doers to approach problems with both a practical and logical mindset that helps guarantee immediate results. The Perceiving trait also enables Doers to make fast decisions and complete tasks quickly, if not always efficiently.

What are the characteristics of an ESTP?

There are four main ESTP characteristics. The first key ESTP characteristic is quick-thinking practicality. People with the ENTP personality type utilize their instincts to focus on the present and improvise fast yet pragmatic solutions. The second key ESTP characteristic is high self-confidence. ESTPs are more resourceful, ambitious, and self-assured than other personality types due to their extroversion and logical mindsets. The third key ESTP characteristic is impulsiveness. As confident, perceiving personalities, ESTPs are naturally spontaneous and thus are known for impulsive tendencies. The fourth key ESTP characteristic is a disregard for structure. Similar to their impulsiveness, ESTPs struggle with routine and structure. As a result, ESTPs are known to be reckless and noncommittal.

What are the ESTP cognitive functions?

The ESTP personality type has four cognitive functions, listed below in order of dominance.

  • Extraverted Sensing (Se): ESTP’s dominant function Se drives Doers to find a flow state in all things, taking decisive action on sensory information from the world around them. Dominant Se is present, flexible, and energetic.
  • Introverted Thinking (Ti): ESTP’s auxiliary function Ti offers a balancing restraint to dominant Se’s impulsive tendencies. Auxiliary Ti is reflective, cautious, and critical.
  • Extraverted Feeling (Fe): ESTP’s tertiary function Fe allows thinking types to navigate social subjectivity with sensitivity. A well-developed tertiary Fe is charismatic, socially aware, and persuasive.
  • Introverted iNtuition (Ni): ESTP’s inferior function Ni strives with dominant Se for life’s deeper insights. Where Se continually seeks novel experiences, inferior Ni craves contemplation, meaning, and purpose.

Psychiatrist Carl Jung postulated that cognitive functions underly human behavior and motivation. Unlike to the aforementioned psychological attitudes, cognitive functions exist within a single dichotomy; functions are either introverted or extraverted. Additionally, cognitive functions have an impact on the ESTP personality type according to their dominance, as described below.

  • Dominant Function: The dominant function of ESTP personalities is extraverted Sensing (Se), the opposite of introverted Sensing (Si). The dominant function has the greatest effect on the ESTP personality, influencing how individuals prefer to learn and process information.
  • Auxiliary Function: The auxiliary function of ESTP personalities is introverted Thinking (Ti), the opposite of extroverted Thinking (Te). The auxiliary function supports the dominant function, analyzing information and forming solutions to problems.
  • Tertiary Function: The tertiary function of ESTP personalities is extroverted Feeling (Fe), the opposite of introverted Feeling (Fi). The tertiary function develops as ESTPs age, affecting their social skills and how they process emotions.
  • Inferior Function: The inferior function of ESTP personalities is introverted Intuition (Ni), the opposite of extraverted Intuition (Ne). The inferior function has minimal influence on the ESTP personality and is primarily used to navigate difficult situations or emotions, such as stress and grief.

1. Dominant Se

The dominant function of ESTP personalities is extroverted Sensing (Se), opposite of introverted Sensing (Si). Because this function has the greatest effect on personality, Se-dominant individuals are more concerned with present information than with future implications. As a result, ESTPs prefer to live in the moment. ESTPs seek out and learn from stimulating sensory experiences with practical applications (e.g. hands-on training). Once an issue or interest has passed, ESTPs move on to a new topic.

2. Auxiliary Ti

The auxiliary function of ESTP personalities is introverted Thinking (Ti), opposite of extraverted thinking (Ti). Auxiliary Ti analyzes the information taken in by the dominant Se, assessing which ideas are logical and which are not. The Ti auxiliary function influences an ESTP’s practical problem-solving skills, enabling Doers to reach the most immediate conclusions based on available information.

3. Tertiary Fe

The tertiary function of ESTP is extroverted Feeling (Fe), opposite of introverted Feeling (Fi). Tertiary Fe is less developed than ESTP’s dominant and auxiliary functions, but matures as the individual ages. A well-developed Fe allows the Doer to more accurately read the social signals received by their sensory skills. This perceptiveness taps into ESTP’s natural drive for problem solving, allowing Doers to become incredibly comforting and attentive as they anticipate the needs of others.

4. Inferior Ni

The inferior function of ESTP personalities is introverted Intuition (Ni). As the least developed function, the Ni function has minimal impact on an ESTP’s personality. The Ni function is primarily used when an ESTP is stressed, such as when grieving. During such situations, the natural focus of the dominant Se function is less present. Typically outgoing ESTPs become socially withdrawn and rely on the analytical, contemplative side of their inferior Ni function to navigate difficult situations. However, this line of thinking isn’t natural to ESTPs and can cause further stress.

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How does an ESTP behave in a relationship?

In a relationship, an ESTP behaves in an action-oriented but confident manner. For example, ESTP partners are often the first to schedule dates or bring up issues in relationships. However, due to their assertiveness and impulsive tendencies, ESTPs may neglect or unintentionally hurt their partner’s feelings. Additionally, ESTPs are noncommittal and prefer to prioritize personal goals rather than make long-term plans with their partners.

How are ESTPs in parenthood?

In parenthood, ESTPs encourage their children to take risks and live life to the fullest. ESTP parents will try to nurture a similar sense of spontaneity in their children as in themselves. However, if their children do not share these traits, ESTPs may struggle to connect with them on an intellectual level. The Doer’s direct, assertive personality may also make it difficult for ESTP parents to navigate emotional discussions with their children.

How productive are ESTP business people?

ESTP business people can be productive if they are allowed to be assertive and act on their ideas. As Doers, ESTPs are action-oriented. Therefore in business careers, ESTPs will quickly complete tasks and solve problems according to their logical Ti auxiliary function. However, if they feel restrained by procedures or structures, ESTPs may struggle with long-term commitments. Therefore, ESTP business people are better suited for startups or small businesses with lax policies rather than corporate positions.

How efficient are ESTP science people?

The ESTP science people are efficient as long as they have enough freedom. ESTPs may find scientific regulations and procedures stifling. That said, ESTP may tolerate rules if their position challenges them intellectually. Challenging experiences stimulate the ESTP’s Se dominant function, motivating Doers to try new things and uncover solutions to scientific problems.

How are ESTPs as kids?

As kids, ESTPs are driven by their dominant Se function. Young Doers want to try new things and learn through hands-on, sensory experiences. However, because their cognitive functions are less developed, ESTP children are less likely to think through decisions or consider consequences. For the same reason, ESTP kids may also struggle to respect rules or follow instructions.

What are the ESTP traits?

Below are four common ESTP traits of Doer personality types.

  • Quick wit: A key ESTP characteristic, Doers think on their feet and trust their instincts when making decisions.
  • Impatience: ESTPs are impatient individuals who usually don’t consider the consequences of their actions until it’s too late.
  • Confidence: Due to their extroversion, ESTPs are notably more confident and assertive in their lifestyles than other personality types.
  • Pragmatism: As Sensing and Thinking (ST) personalities, ESTPs are known for their practical problem-solving skills and rational solutions.

What are the ESTP strengths?

Below are five ESTP strengths.

  • Industry: People with ESTP personalities believe in action over words. Doers use their quick-thinking and improvisation skills to confidently complete tasks and pursue challenges.
  • Confidence: ESTPs are self-assured, assertive individuals whose ability to think on their feet allows them to push boundaries and maintain large social circles.
  • Passion for adventure: Driven by a dominant Se cognitive function, Doers are always interested in trying new things and having unique experiences.
  • Pragmatism: ESTPs utilize their quick thinking to be both pragmatic and resourceful as they pursue challenging new adventures.
  • Open communication: Individuals with an ESTP personality type value honesty and frankness. ESTPs tend to be direct with whoever they’re speaking to.

What are the ESTP weaknesses?

Below are five ESTP weaknesses.

  • Reliance on instincts: Doers act on the information they have and rarely consider alternatives. By relying on quick-thinking and gut instincts, many of the Doer’s choices may be rash or misinformed.
  • Impatience: People with ESTP personalities enjoy a fast-paced lifestyle driven by spontaneity, action, and quick thinking. As a result, ESTPs can be impatient with personality types who prefer to plan and follow procedures, such as ESTJs.
  • Bluntness: Despite their large social circle, ESTPs’ preference for Thinking over Feeling means they can be blunt and insensitive to friends and family.
  • Disorganization: Doers dislike structure and routine. Thus, ESTPs can be disorganized in their personal or work lives, which in turn can bar them from completing larger goals.
  • Commitment issues: ETSPs are concerned with the present so they avoid planning for the future. To add, ESTPs’ dislike of structure and routine also leaves them disinterested in serious obligations that could limit their personal freedoms.

What stresses an ESTP?

Below are four things that ESTPs find stressful.

  • Making long-term plans: ESTPs are noncommittal. Once an interest has passed, ESTPs prefer to move on, and any attempts of planning for the future cause stress.
  • Lack of improvisation: When a task must be followed to the letter, ESTPs may feel stressed or frustrated. ESTPs believe the best decisions are made with quick thinking and too much regulation stifles the imagination.
  • Keeping to an organized schedule: Similar to a lack of improvisation, schedules require a measure of predictability. Since they’re impulsive, ESTPs easily become stressed or bored if they have to do the same thing every day.
  • Subtle social cues: As Thinking-aligned extroverts, ESTPs are direct and logical. Therefore, picking up on subtle emotions or implied gestures is stressful for ESTPs.

What do ESTPs hate?

ESTPs hate rules and structure. Because their dominant cognitive function is extraverted Sensing, ESTPs want life to be fun and stimulating. ESTPs also live in the moment and prefer to be spontaneous. And so, from an ESTP’s perspective, rules and structure eliminate the unexpected, leading to stress and frustration.

How does the ESTP deal with stress?

The ESTP deals with stress in three ways. Firstly, ESTPs avoid or abandon long-term plans that require lots of rules and structure. Secondly, ESTPs act assertively and follow their instincts when navigating subtle social cues. Thirdly, ESTPs try to make time for their hobbies or socialization to better cope with stressful, highly organized work schedules.

How do ESTPs deal with grief?

ESTPs deal with grief by keeping busy and relying on their inferior Ni function. The Ni cognitive function is part of an ESTP’s stress response and is utilized to develop logical coping methods. For action-oriented extroverts like ESTPs, the most logical coping methods could mean constant distractions, spending time with friends and family, or returning to work. ESTPs generally struggle to process complex emotions, so ESTPs will rely on outside sources of comfort.

Are ESTPs vengeful?

Yes, ESTPs are sometimes vengeful. People with ESTP personalities are blunt, impulsive, and action-oriented. As a result, Doers are quick to act on their anger if they feel it’s needed. For example, ESTPs may confront someone who has harmed them. If the person is unwilling to apologize or acknowledge any wrongdoings, the ESTP may cut contact with them forever rather than escalate the situation. In an ESTP’s mind, this is both the most logical and practical solution.

What are the hobbies of an ESTP?

Below are five hobbies ESTPs often enjoy.

  • High-adrenaline activities: ESTPs are always interested in new and exciting experiences. Therefore, high-adrenaline sports such as bungee jumping or rock climbing are perfect for adventure-seeking ESTPs.
  • Team sports: ESTPs are extroverted so fast-paced group sports (like football or volleyball) allow ESTPs to both socialize and challenge themselves.
  • Writing: Although reserved, writing is a flexible hobby. ESTPs who enjoy writing are free to experiment and tackle multiple projects at a time.
  • Painting: Similar to writing, painting offers boundless freedom for ESTPs. By the virtues of their artistic license, ESTPs do not have to follow rules or conventions while painting.
  • Traveling: Traveling is another great hobby for Doers. It allows ESTPs to meet interesting people and experience new countries, both of which complement their extroverted, action-oriented personalities.

What are the career paths for an ESTP?

Ideal career paths for an ESTP are fast-paced, challenging professions where the ESTP is expected to be assertive and confident. Below are four examples of great career paths for ESTP personalities.

  • Firefighter: Emergency services like firefighting are challenging but exciting for ESTPs. As one of the most self-assured personality types, ESTPs can think on their feet and make quick decisions—two vital traits for firefighters.
  • Flight engineer: For a flight engineer to operate flight systems efficiently, they need to have a quick wit and pay attention to detail. ESTPs are excellent at making quick decisions while staying focused on the finer details, which makes them perfect for the flight engineer role.
  • Stock broker: Business fields like stock brokering require confidence, fast thinking, and excellent interpersonal skills. ESTP personalities have both the self-assurance and logical reasoning to excel here.
  • Sports coach: Thanks to their strengths, ESTPs have the confidence and social skills to train others. Furthermore, if the sport is a long-time hobby or interest, ESTP can combine their passion with their careers.
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The career personality profiler is a useful tool to help ESTPs find more career choices in addition to the list of occupations above.

How does an ESTP prepare for a job interview?

To prepare for a job interview, ESTP job seekers should follow the three steps below.

  1. Thoroughly research the position: For example, if the position is remote or freelance, ESTPs will have more independence.
  2. Ensure the position aligns with their interests: If an ESTP is not passionate about the work, they may struggle to meet goals.
  3. Learn more about the work culture: For example, if the position requires tact or sensitivity then it may be a poor fit for a Doer personality. However, if the job calls for confidence and flexibility, ESTPs are likely to excel.

As they prepare for an interview, ESTP job seekers should follow three tips. First, an ESTP should use their natural confidence to their advantage. For example, by lightly boasting about their talents, ESTPs are more likely to stand out from more humble applicants. Second, ESTPs should be wary of being overly assertive or demanding. Otherwise, the interviewer could misinterpret an ESTP’s confidence for arrogance. Third, ESTPs should be mindful of their impulsiveness. As a spontaneous personality type, ESTPs may agree to commitments or obligations they’re not ready for.

Are ESTPs good employees?

Yes, ESTPs are good employees as long as they’re not obligated to follow highly organized schedules. Meeting deadlines is essential, but for an ESTP to be productive, they need to be in a flexible work environment where they can try new things. Thanks to their natural confidence and resourcefulness, employers can depend on ESTPs to complete tasks, come up with quick solutions, and collaborate with coworkers.

How do ESTPs prefer to work?

ESTPs prefer to work in the following ways.

  • They’re hands-on: ESTP personalities are practical and resourceful. As a result, ESTPs will gravitate towards positions where they can take action and have an impact.
  • They’re flexible: People with ESTP personalities struggle under tight regulations. Therefore, ESTPs prefer to work in flexible environments where they can control their schedules.
  • Fast-paced: Due to their quick thinking, ESTP like to work in fast-paced career paths (e.g. emergency services) where they’re constantly challenged.
  • Social: As extroverts, ESTPs prefer to work with others, be it as part of a team or with customers.

What career paths should ESTPs avoid?

ESTPs should avoid career paths in highly structured environments where following due process is mandatory. The examples listed below are a few examples of careers ESTP individuals should avoid.

  • Accountant: Examining, preparing, and filing financial reports requires a close examination of the rules. Action-oriented Doers should avoid accounting because they’ll find such tasks monotonous and unstimulating.
  • Registered nurse: Due to the severity of the job, there is no room for freedom of expression in the hospital. An ESTP’s spontaneous lifestyle will evolve into a rigid routine they’re likely to find boring and stressful.
  • Curator: Curators oversee museum collections. This career path oftentimes requires commitment and patience, two things assertive ESTP individuals typically lack.
  • Clergy: Clergymen and women are expected to closely observe rules and possibly abstain from other pursuits outside of religion. ESTP personalities would struggle in this role due to their inherent impulsiveness.

What are the statistics for ESTP personality types?

The statistics for ESTP personality types suggest Doers make up 5.4% of the population. Therefore, ESTP is uncommon, though not as rare as more elusive personality types such as INFJ or ENFJ.

People with ESTP personalities are found in a variety of roles, but due to their quick-thinking, action-oriented characteristics, they primarily gravitate towards male gender roles and male-dominated career paths. Hence, the ESTP personality type is common in men with a prevalence of 13.9%. Conversely, the ESTP personality type is rare in women at just around 2.8%.

Who are the ESTP celebrities?

Below are several examples of well-known ESTP celebrities.

  • Winston Churchill (former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom)
  • George W. Bush (43rd US President)
  • Thomas Edison (American inventor)
  • Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson (American actor)
  • Madonna (American singer-songwriter)
  • Mila Kunis (American actress)
  • Miley Cyrus (American singer-songwriter)

What are the ESTP quotes?

Below are several ESTP quotes that showcase the Doer personality’s key characteristics.

  • “If something stands between you and your success, MOVE IT!” – Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
  • “I stand for the freedom of expression, doing what you believe in, and going after your dreams.” — Madonna
  • “As soon as I step on that stage, nothing matters. I don’t think of it as work. It’s just so much fun.” — Miley Cyrus
  • “When it’s a comedy or drama or horror or romance, it’s all the same. You want to be honest with the character. You want to play truthfully and you want to be genuine with your character.” — Mila Kunis
  • “Restlessness is discontent and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man and I will show you a failure.” – Thomas Edison

What are the ESTP subtypes?

Assertive ESTP (ESTP-A) and Turbulent (ESTP-T) are the two main ESTP subtypes. Both subtypes have the same key ESTP characteristics (quick-thinking, practical, confident, and spontaneous), but differ in how they perceive themselves and make decisions.

Assertive ESTP (ESTP-A)

Assertive ESTPs (ESTP-As) are more self-assured than their ESTP-T counterparts. As a result, ESTP-As are more likely to embark on challenging new adventures. However, by being less cautious than ESTP-Ts, Assertive Doers are more prone to impulsive actions and unnecessary risks. Madonna is a celebrity whose characteristics match ESTP-A because she an assertive American musician known for her bold (if sometimes unpopular) experimentation.

Turbulent ESTP (ESTP-T)

Turbulent ESTP (ESTP-Ts) approach life with more caution than ESTP-As. ESTP-Ts are reflective and consider the consequences of their actions. However, ESTP-Ts are more likely than ESTP-Ts to second-guess themselves and doubt their abilities. An example of a famous person who fits ESTP-T is Michael J. Fox, a vocal advocate for those struggling with Parkinson’s Disease.

How do ESTPs view other types?

ESTPs view extroverted, spontaneous personality types such as ESTJ and ENTP favorably. ESTPs can also relate to these types of personalities because they are as practical and direct as ESTPs. Doers also relate to introverted personalities such as ISTP or ISTJ because they share the ESTP’s passion for adventure and pragmatism. Due to their confidence and extroversion, ESTPs are largely incompatible with Feeling-aligned, introverted personalities. Therefore, ESTPs do not typically view these personalities as intellectual equals.

Can a person be both ESTP and ENTP?

No, a person cannot be both ESTP and ENTP. Although both extroverted, TP-aligned personalities, ESTP and ENTP have two key differences. Firstly, ESTPs are grounded in the present and prefer practical ideas. On the other hand, ENTPs are more concerned with abstract concepts and plans for the future. Secondly, an ESTP’s dominant function is extraverted Sensing (Se) while an ENTP is extraverted Intuition (Ne) dominant. Due to their different dominant functions, ENTPs are more drawn to symbolic connections and abstract concepts whereas ESTPs gravitate towards concrete, sensory experiences.

Are ESTP personalities hereditary?

It is currently unknown whether ESTP personalities are hereditary. Some studies—like the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart—propose that personality could be hereditary. However, childhood development and external influences (such as parenting) may have a greater impact on personality.

How are the genders of ESTP personality?

The male and female genders of the ESTP personality share the same traits and cognitive functions. That said, ESTP characteristics typically align with traditional male gender roles. As a result, ESTP men are seen as confident and pragmatic whereas ESTP women are viewed as aggressive or bossy.

ESTP men and women are equally action-oriented and assertive in relationships. However, their noncommittal tendencies may be more socially acceptable in ESTP men than in ESTP women. ESTP businesswomen may feel pressured to be structured and organized. In contrast, spontaneity is accepted in ESTP businessmen due to their confidence and natural charisma. Meanwhile, in science fields, both ESTP men and women dislike regulations and procedures. However, science is a male-dominated field. Thus, ESTP male scientists may be allowed to be more flexible or independent than ESTP female scientists.

How is the ESTP female personality?

The ESTP female personality type is rare, accounting for 2.8% of women. Women with ESTP personalities are confident, adventurous individuals who like trying new things. As a result, ESTP women tend to succeed in careers that challenge them mentally or physically. Due to their extroversion, they usually work well with others, but their direct and blunt personalities may cause friction. Outside of the workplace, ESTP women are known to be independent, spontaneous people who are unlikely to settle down with a partner or make long-term plans.

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How is the ESTP male personality?

The ESTP male personality is common, representing about 13.9% of men. ESTP men are action-oriented individuals who prefer to think and act fast. ESTP men excel at improvisation and quick problem solving—two traits that earn them success in fast-paced career paths or high adrenaline sports. ESTP men are either viewed as charming and resourceful or assertive and domineering by colleagues. Their inherent impulsivity and dislike for commitment may make family life difficult for ESTP men.

What are the strongest signals that someone is ESTP?

Below are five of the strongest signals that someone is an ESTP.

  • They’re independent: Because ESTPs value their freedom, they dislike rules, structure, and long-term commitments. This is one of the strongest signs that someone is an ESTP.
  • They’re very social: Due to their extroversion, ESTPs are naturally outgoing and often have large social circles.
  • They’re impulsive: This is another major sign as ESTP personalities tend to act fast without considering consequences.
  • They’re always trying new things: ESTPs are spontaneous adventure-seekers who are inserted in new experiences or challenges
  • They’re practical problem-solvers: By combining their natural pragmatism and impulsivity, ESTPs come up with fast and (oftentimes) effective solutions.

How to understand whether you are an ESTP or not?

To understand whether you have an ESTP personality type, see if you have the following traits and habits.

  • You can think on your feet: One of the key ESTP characteristics is quick-thinking pragmatism. If you’re able to think and act fast, you may be an ESTP.
  • You don’t like to take it slow: ESTPs gravitate toward fast-paced lifestyles full of new experiences. If this appeals to you, this could be a sign that you’re an ESTP.
  • You value your independence: Individuals with ESTP personalities dislike rules that stifle their freedom of expression. If this is relatable, you could be an ESTP.
  • You’re ambitious: The ESTP personality type is one of the most confident personalities. If you’re not afraid to pursue your goals or take on challenges, then you may be an ESTP.
  • You dislike structure: Due to their independence and impulsiveness, ESTPs are inherently disorganized. If you feel similarly, you may have an ESTP personality.

In addition to the self-assessment questions above, try taking a personality type test to accurately determine your MBTI classification.

How to classify personality types for ESTP communication?

To classify personality types based on how they communicate with ESTPs, consider the following four main classifications.

  • Kindred personalities: This class of personalities communicates well with ESTPs. They share similar preferences, value spontaneous lifestyles, and prefer practical thinking among other key ESTP characteristics. Kindred personalities also tend to be extroverted like ESTPs. A relationship isn’t assured between kindred personalities and ESTP, but they’re the most likely to get along.
  • Friendly personalities: This class of personalities is mostly compatible with ESTPs. Due to their similar traits and values, friendly personalities can communicate well with ESTP personalities. However, inherent differences may make a close relationship with ESTP individuals unlikely.
  • Opposite personalities: This class of personality types have more differences than similarities to ESTP individuals. However, if they can find common ground, opposite personalities can complement an ESTP’s characteristics.
  • Different personalities: This class of personalities is the least compatible with ESTPs. Due to their stark differences, opposite personalities do not communicate well with ESTPs. It may be difficult for ESTPs to exchange ideas or navigate conversations with this primarily Intuitive Feeling (NF) personality group.

What are the main similarities of other personality types to ESTP?

ESTPs share three main similarities with other personality types. Firstly, ESTPs are spontaneous and dislike structure, a characteristic they share with ISTP and ENTP personalities. Secondly, ESTPs value pragmatism and practical thinking just as ESTJ and ISTP individuals do. Thirdly, ESTPs like to try new things and have interesting experiences. Their kindred personalities, ESTJ, ISTP, and ENTP, are equally adventurous.

What are the kindred personality types for ESTPs?

Below are the four kindred personalities for ESTPs.

  • ESTJ: Much like ESTPs, ESTJ personalities are concerned with present concerns and practical solutions. Although ESTJs are not spontaneous, they do value direct and open communication which ESTPs are known for.
  • ISTP: ISTP and ESTP personality types are very compatible since they’re both spontaneous, practical individuals who live in the moment. As introverts, ISTPs are more reserved, but they, like ESTPs, seek out adventure and fast-paced lifestyles.
  • ENTP: Similar to ESTPs, ENTPs are impulsive extroverts who like to try new things. They may have different worldviews because ESTPs are practical, quick-thinkers whereas ENTPs are analytical and contemplative. That said, if they learn to compromise on decision-making, ESTP and ENTPs personalities have similar mindsets.
  • ESTP: ESTP individuals may feel most compatible with other ESTPs. Because they share the same key ESTP characteristics, people of this personality type can communicate with each other and form strong bonds.

What are the most friendly personality types to ESTPs?

Below are the four most friendly personality types to ESTPs.

  • ENFP: ENFPs are empathetic whereas ESTP people are direct and logical. The two conflict, but due to their shared pragmatism, they can work well together. For example, to reach a solution, an ENFP can explain the more emotional aspects of an issue, whereas ESTPs can point out the facts.
  • ISTJ: Both ISTJs and ESTPs focus more on facts rather than emotions. However, as spontaneous extroverts, ESTPs may have contrasting worldviews to the more organized, introverted ISTJs. Both excel at direct communication, therefore navigating these differing ideals may not be an issue for ISTJs and ESTPs.
  • ENTJ: Individuals with ENTJ personalities do not live in the moment or make spontaneous decisions like ESTPs. However, ENTJs are extroverted and logical. By respecting each other’s lifestyles, ENTJ and ESTPs can learn how to compromise and work towards logical solutions together.
  • ESFP: Both ESFPs and ESTPs are extroverted, confident individuals who value freedom and adventure. They contrast because ESFPs are more empathetic while ESTPs are assertive. However, they can find common ground once they learn how to communicate effectively.

What are the opposite personality types to ESTPs?

Below are the four opposite personality types to ESTPs.

  • ENFJ: ENFJs are empathetic planners so they may take issue with the lifestyle choices of direct, spontaneous ESTPs. Despite these differences, their shared extroversion offers a chance for ENFJs and ESTPs to learn more about each other and find common ground.
  • ESFJ: Individuals with ESFJ and ESTP personalities are incompatible on many points. For example, ESFJs respect structure and value organization. Due to their shared Sensing traits, they can learn how to compromise, but an ESFJ may always disagree with an ESTP’s impulsive side.
  • INTJ: INTJs are very analytical and reserved which inherently contrasts with the ESTP’s pragmatic yet impulsive tendencies. That said, an ESTP might appreciate an INTJ’s bluntness. An INTJ may likewise view ESTPs as intellectual equals because of their practical problem-solving skills.
  • ISFP: As a fellow SP personality, ISFPs prefer to live spontaneously and focus on practical choices. However, they’re also reserved and sensitive. As a result, ISFPs may find ESTPs’ directness off-putting and incompatible with their empathetic side.

What personality types are the most different from ESTPs?

Below are the four personality types that are most different from ESTPs.

  • INFJ: People with INFJ personalities differ the most from people with ESTP personalities. INFJs are introverted, empathetic people who plan for the future and value structure—everything ESTPs are not. As a result, they’re the most incompatible personality type for ESTPs.
  • INFP: ESTP personalities may appreciate an INFP’s innate creativity and desire to help others. However, INFPs may view ESTP as too brash, blunt, and assertive. Therefore, they’re more likely to conflict than connect.
  • INTP: Both INTP and ESTP personalities dislike structure and rules—but by being introverted, Intuitive-aligned personalities, INTPs care more about future possibilities and abstract concepts. As a result, ESTPs may find INTPs to be unrealistic and impractical to be relatable.
  • ISFJ: Similar to INFPs, ISFJ individuals may find ESTPs too impulsive to find common ground. They do prefer to live in the moment like ESTPs. However, they respect rules and regulations, unlike ESTPs. Learning how to communicate will take time.

What disorders are associated with ESTP personality types?

Below are four disorders associated with the ESTP personality type.

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Studies suggest that ADHD is prevalent in children with Sensing personalities such as ESTPs. Furthermore, key ESTP characteristics align with common symptoms of ADHD. For example, poor impulse control and a general dislike for routine are both signs of ESTP personalities and ADHD symptoms.
  • Agitated depression: Agitated depression is a form of depression where an individual may feel sad or low, but also unusually irritable, angry, and restless. Given an ESTP’s tendency to push through their emotions, depression may manifest as agitated depression.
  • Bipolar disorder: Bipolar disorders manifest as sudden periods of emotional highs (mania) and lows (depression). In the case of ESTPs, their typical impulsive tendencies could be a sign of mania, especially if they’re more reckless than usual. Meanwhile, depressive episodes may lead to a typically outgoing ESTP to be unusually reserved, withdrawn, and exhausted.
  • Histrionic personality disorder: Histrionic personality disorder describes extreme attention-seeking behavior. ESTP may be susceptible to this disorder due to being highly impulsive extroverts. In addition to other causes, such as genetics or trauma, ESTPs with histrionic personality disorder are more likely to do reckless things for attention.

Disclaimer: Evidence linking the ESTP personality type to any of the aforementioned disorders is scarce. The list above is not meant as a self-diagnosis tool, and only presents commonalities between ESTP traits and common signs of these disorders.

What are the differences between an ESTP with ESFP?

ESTPs and ESFP individuals are both extroverted and confident, but they have three notable differences. Firstly, as Feeling-aligned personalities, ESFPs are more sensitive. Meanwhile, Thinking-aligned ESTPs are direct and self-assertive. Secondly, ESFPs approach serious issues with compassion whereas ESTPs rely on logic to solve problems. Thirdly, ESFPs tend to be more concerned with their reputations. Conversely, ESTPs are known to be more self-assured and largely unaffected by others’ opinions.

What are the differences between an ESTP and ISTJ?

ESTP and ISTJ personalities share three key differences. Firstly, ISTJs are introverted and approach life with caution while ESTPs are spontaneous and outgoing. Secondly, ISTJs stop to think about consequences. ESTPs typically don’t. Thirdly, ESTPs and ISTJs generally lead very different lifestyles. For example, ESTPs prefer exciting, fast-paced careers whereas ISTJs value structure and routine.


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