HomeWHOWho Makes Cbc Industries Barrels

Who Makes Cbc Industries Barrels

Review: The Products and Practices of CBC Industries, Inc.

On July 4th, 2016, I ordered an AR-15 upper receiver from CBC Industries for their 4th of July sale. The upper receiver was well packaged and came with a packing slip indicating its quality inspection.

In accordance with NJ state law, the moment it arrived on the 22nd, I had a compensator pinned and welded at an expense of $73. It was there, the gunsmith made me aware of the manufacturing mistakes made on the upper. The side of the handguard has over-milled and the assembler had taken divots out of the upper receiver clumsily installing the forward assist retainer pin (see pictures). These are not things that occur because of mishandling, these are issues that occur in in manufacturing. The over-milling on the handguard could only have happened before the part was anodized at the factory (as the issue was anodized as well). The damage around the pin hole generally occurs during assembly (done by CBC Industries), when the assembler does not use the correct type of pin punch when putting in the pin. The denting is caused by the incorrect pin punch sliding off the top of the pin when its being struck with the hammer (by the assembler at CBC Industries).

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I first attempted to contact CBC Industries on July 22nd (the day it arrived) with a copy of the first picture and the following text:

Good Afternoon,

Was the rail that came on this upper supposed to be a blem or did it get past quality control? See attached.

This message was ignored completely. I then sent a second email from a military email address:

Good Afternoon, This is my second email in regard to order number 15650. I have issues with both the quality as well as the workmanship of the lower I received last Friday (see attached pictures). If this is not the correct department to contact, please send me the contact information for the correct one. V/r,

In response to the email I send from my military address, I received the following:

From: Sales CBC Industries [[email protected]] Sent: Monday, July 25, 2016 1:00 PM To: <redacted> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] RE: Order number 15650 Sent to returns/refunds

I assume this email means that they have forwarded the email to the returns/refunds department. Since I never received anything from any returns/refunds department and given how completely unhelpful this email was, I (tongue in cheek) send the following back:

Is that part of an email address?

To which, I received no reply.

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The only point at which I received any real engagement with CBC Industries was when I voiced my concerns publicly on their Facebook page, where they made it clear that they were not willing to fix the issues with my upper, and that my only course of action with them was to send it back for a full refund (after I invested $73 in compliance work) because, as they put it, they could “sell it via scratch and dent for $239 and my customers would be in a line at that price” (exact words).

I’ve written this page so that anyone who does business with CBC Industries knows what kind of company they are dealing with. It is my opinion, as the part had passed their internal quality inspection, they have no problem trying to pawn off their defective parts during sales on unsuspecting customers (and customers they think will be unwilling or unable to complain), without disclosing them as defective or blemished. And in my case, they are not willing to stand by these products. Based on my experiences with CBC industries, I recommend that people avoid this company.

If you too have had issues with CBC Industries’ products or customer service, and are willing to share your story, feel free to email us at [email protected].


Failure by cbc to address my complaint concerning the free floating forearm on my upper:

To make a long story short. The forearm is too wide to accept the scope mount from The Nikon manufacture P series for the AR platform rifles. I called CBC and left message with the customer service. Received call back, discussed the problem that the forearm was too wide for scope mount but fit the receiver. Measurement, approx. .864 compared to .826 for receiver. We will check and get back to you later today. This was on the 2nd of May, no return call the 2nd or the 3rd. I called and left messages on the 4th and 5th, no response. On the 9th I called and left a message with customer service, no response, called again and talked to sales, they forward me to another answering machine that could help. I contacted CBC again and this time I got an answering machine for the operator. I then tried sales again and they were not talking calls. Appears that they might be a a outlet for other companies as my upper and forearms does not have a manufacture identification label. They claim to be veteran owned and operated by vets! this I question. I will be contacting the Montana state consumer protection and filing a complaint with them, as it seems that there are a lot of sales that are a gross misrepresentation of their product.




I got in my CBC 24″ wylde chambered bull barrel upper. I brought the rifle to the range with my buddy who has a different brand but otherwise identical rifle. My rifle would not lock back and would jam frequently. We swapped all of the parts but nothing changed. I called, and CBC took back the upper to repair and I thought “good company”. I get the upper back and it is worse.

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I take it apart an find the gas block is .003 oversize. I call CBC and am lectured about tolerances. I am told their tolerances on barrel and block are .004 about 10 times worse than anyone else. I found the barrel undersized but within spec. I called CBC and was told to reprint the first label and bring it back to FedEx. When I got to FedEx they laughed, a label could not be reused. I tried to contact CBC about a new label but got no answer. I no longer thought “good company”.

I ordered a gas block from Primary Arms, reassembled the rifle and brought it to the range. Better but still unreliable and under gassed. Drilled out the gas port from .093 to .098, now I got reliable operation on all ammo but am hitting the deflector . Will go to .101 next.

The set screws in the CBC gas block were so soft that you would be unable to go more than finger tight.

I am with you. CBC techs are ignorant and condescending and do low quality work using substandard parts.



CBC Industries

To whom it may concern,

I’m writing to (CBC) concerning the assembled upper I received from you this last week. When I received the upper in the mail, I took it out of the box and first thing I noticed upon inspection was the screws holding the handgaurd on were not flush and seemed very poorly machined. I ended up having to replace one of the screws with a completely different one I bought because it was so bad. One of the allen key screws seemed to be almost stripped out right out of the box. Scratches all around the handgaurd screw holes. I decided to overlook that because I was excited to actually finish my AR 15. I put my gun together, cleaned, oiled it and was able to go to the range this past weekend. The first shot I took with my newly assembled gun went well but when I went to pull the trigger for the second time, nothing happened. I was concerned because why would my brand new upper I just purchased from you not be firing. The gun was not cycling and ejecting the spent casing after firing. Essentially, I had a bolt action AR 15. After every round I fired down range I would have to manually cycle my gun to eject the round and load the next round to fire. I was concerned. I had my range partner fire the gun while I shot a slow motion video of the gun firing. The first video I took showed that the bolt carrier group was not evening moving whatsoever. The second video I took was of the gas block region of the upper and that’s where I noticed something was terribly wrong. Why would the gasses be escaping the barrel at the gas block and causing a flaming action? Why was my handgaurd becoming discolored? Why did it seem like my hand was getting burnt through my gloves every time I fired it? I was not happy and very frustrated that a company could possibly send a product out to a customer that was not even close to being assembled correctly. Especially since CBC Industries says multiple times on the website that it prides itself on superior quality of parts and finished weapons. I took my rifle home and disassembled the handguard only to find something I couldn’t believe to be true. The gas block wasn’t even covering the hole in the barrel! No wonder my gun wasn’t functioning properly. All the gas from each shot was escaping the barrel, burning my hand and discoloring my handguard. I was furious that was even possible from a company like yours. I removed the flash hider and gas block and correctly positioned it over the hole and now it fires exactly like it should have been out of the box. For a company to state that every gun is made to order, you would think that quality control should be superior to other companies doing the same type of work, but after seeing what I was sent, I don’t believe that to be true. I took pictures of what was wrong with the gun and will be attaching them to this email for you to see. I am very disappointed and will never order something from you again. I will make sure every single person I know of in the gun industry gets my story of your product and never have them buy anything from you, a company who can’t even put a gun together correctly. I would love to hear back from you and I might change my mind and maybe give you a second chance. I want to know what you have to say, as a company. Sending products to customers that can possibly be very dangerous and hurt them, is not okay. I’m lucky I was wearing gloves or else I would have been severely burnt. Thanks for reading my letter and hopefully I will hear back from you soon. I hope I can get this to reach the CEO of the company and everyone that needs to read this.

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Thank you for your time,


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