HomeWHENWhen to Hang Hummingbird Feeders in Texas

When to Hang Hummingbird Feeders in Texas

Feeding the smallest bird in Texas is always a delightful experience. The more hummingbirds that visit, the more captivating they become. But when is the best time to hang your hummingbird feeders in Texas? Let’s explore the migration timings and feeding recommendations for different regions in the state.

Hummingbird Season in Texas

Hummingbirds typically arrive in Texas from early to mid-March and depart in October. To ensure you don’t miss out on their presence, it is advisable to hang your feeders around March 1st and keep them up until November 1st, just to be safe. In the southern half of the state, where hummingbirds may stay through winter, you can keep your feeders hanging year-round.

Refer to the table below to determine the optimal time for hanging your feeder based on your city:

City Hang Feeder Take Down Winter Hummingbirds?
Houston March 1st October 20th Optional
San Antonio March 7th November 1st Optional
Austin March 10th October 15th N/A
Dallas April 1st October 10th N/A
McAllen Year-round Year-round Year-round
El Paso Year-round Year-round Year-round
Lubbock April 1st October 20th N/A

Which Hummingbird Feeder to Use

When it comes to feeding these tiny birds, we recommend using a flat circular feeder like [this one](Amazon link). It is as effective at attracting hummingbirds as any other feeder but is much easier to clean quickly. During hot summer months, it is crucial to clean feeders and replace the sugar water every two to three days. Faster cleaning becomes essential, especially if you have multiple feeders. Remember to avoid feeders with a yellow color, as they tend to attract bees.

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Hummingbird Season in Specific Cities


In Houston, the hummingbird season extends from March 1st through October 20th. While overwintering hummingbirds are relatively uncommon, leaving your feeder up year-round is optional. Ruby-throated Hummingbirds are the expected species in Houston, with Black-chinned Hummingbirds being possible but rare during migration periods. The first wave of males usually arrives around March 20th to 25th, while the females join in by the second week of April, resulting in peak numbers. Hummingbird abundance starts to decline in the middle of October, and by the last week of October, they have mostly left the area, except for a few lingering individuals.

San Antonio

In San Antonio, hummingbird season starts on March 7th and lasts until November 1st. Similar to Houston, low numbers of hummingbirds can be found during winter, so keeping your feeder up year-round is optional. The expected species in San Antonio is the Black-chinned Hummingbird, with Ruby-throated Hummingbirds present during migration. Ruby-throats have a peak period in mid-April and show more consistent numbers in September. Expect a surge in overall hummingbird numbers during the last week of March. While Black-chinned Hummingbird numbers decline sharply after the first week of September, Ruby-throated Hummingbirds remain until late October. It is interesting to note that Rufous Hummingbirds, though uncommon, can be seen in low numbers from August through March in the San Antonio area.


Hummingbird season in Austin stretches from March 10th to October 15th. The city attracts significant numbers of both Black-chinned Hummingbirds and Ruby-throated Hummingbirds during migration periods. However, only Black-chinned Hummingbirds are present during the summer. By September 20th, most Black-chinned Hummingbirds have left the area, while Ruby-throated Hummingbirds continue passing through until mid to late October. Austin, particularly in the Hill Country to the west, occasionally hosts Rufous Hummingbirds as winter residents. If you live in Austin, it might be worth leaving your feeder out during the colder months to attract these surprise visitors.

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Hummingbird season in Dallas starts on April 1st and ends on October 10th. North central Texas residents may observe both Ruby-throated and Black-chinned Hummingbirds, with Black-chinned being more common west of Ft. Worth, while those east of Dallas might primarily see Ruby-throated Hummingbirds. Black-chinned Hummingbirds typically depart first, mostly in August, followed by the Ruby-throats. While most Ruby-throated Hummingbirds leave by September 20th, a few individuals might linger until the end of September or even the first week of October. However, it is unlikely to witness any action at your feeders past late September in the Dallas area.


The Valley in far south Texas is a hummingbird haven as they can be found here throughout the year. Hummingbird season in the south Texas valley experiences surges in numbers during April and September. Native residents such as the Buff-bellied Hummingbird are present year-round, while Ruby-throated and Black-chinned Hummingbirds are also found during all months except June and July. It is advisable to keep your feeders hanging year-round in McAllen.

El Paso

El Paso benefits from a greater diversity of hummingbird species due to its extreme western location. Hummingbirds can be found in El Paso year-round, although their numbers vary throughout the seasons. Black-chinned Hummingbirds mark the beginning of spring, with the first individuals arriving around March 25th and a surge in numbers occurring in the first week of April. Late summer and fall witness various species entering and leaving the region. Anna’s Hummingbirds are present from July through March, while Rufous, Broad-tailed, and Calliope Hummingbirds can be seen from July through September. Black-chinned Hummingbirds are usually gone by late October. During winter, the most common species in El Paso are Anna’s, Broad-tailed, and Rufous Hummingbirds.

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Hummingbird season in Lubbock and the Texas Panhandle extends from April 1st to October 20th. An influx of Black-chinned Hummingbirds occurs during mid-April, making it likely for you to spot your first hummingbird of the year at your feeders during this time. While most hummingbirds leave the area by mid-October, it is not uncommon to witness sightings until early October. September offers high species diversity, with the possibility of observing Rufous, Broad-tailed, Ruby-throated, and even Calliope Hummingbirds during the southbound fall peak.

Hummingbirds Love Native Flowers

If you can’t get enough of hummingbirds, consider planting native flowering plants around your yard and house. Native plants are a fantastic way to attract these vibrant birds. For more detailed information on the best plants for attracting hummingbirds in Texas, check out our guide.

With this information, you can now time your hummingbird feeder hanging and enjoy the beauty and charm of these delightful creatures throughout the year. Happy hummingbird watching!


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