HomeWHOWho Lost Their Identity In The Bible

Who Lost Their Identity In The Bible

One thing I love about the Bible is reading about sinful people and how God loved them and used them for His glory. When we read the stories, it’s easy to think they never struggled, but that’s not true. The only perfect person is Jesus. Everyone else had their struggles. In this post, I want to share with you who in the Bible struggled with their identity.

For the last couple of months, I have been sharing blog posts about our identity in Christ. To see all the blog posts click here.

Who in the Bible struggled with their identity

There have been many times in my life when I struggled with my identity. Times when I didn’t know where I belonged or even what I was meant to be. There were many times I questioned who I was and the decisions I made. It brings me great comfort to read about people in the bible who struggled with some of the same issues I did.

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Continue to read to discover who in the Bible struggled with their identity.

1. Rahab: How God rewarded her faith

There are some wonderful reasons we remember the story of Rahab. One of my favourites is that we see God change Rahab’s identity. We read her story in Joshua chapters 2 and 6.

The story of Rahab gives a glimpse into God’s plan to bring men and women from all nations into his chosen people by changing Rahab’s identity.

To read more click here.

2. Ruth: How God gave her a new heritage

My daughter’s favourite story in the Bible is the story of Ruth. The story has everything: adventure, romance, and intrigue.

What this story also has is a change of what Ruth was before, in Moab, and what she was after, in Bethlehem.

Click here to learn how God gave Ruth a new Identity.

Who in the Bible struggled with their identity?

3. Paul: How God changed his heart

Have you ever run into an old friend or someone from your past and you didn’t recognize them? Like there were some things that were familiar, but something was definitely different about them.

Or have you ever looked back in your own life and thought, I don’t even recognize myself?

Paul was there. When we first meet him he is on a mission to kill Christians. When Paul meets Jesus, he has a complete turnaround and is not recognizable.

To read more about his transformation click here.

4. Zacchaeus: How God changed his motives

From reading the gospels we learn very little about Zacchaeus. We learn he collected taxes and since it says he was a chief tax collector, that means he probably had people under him collecting taxes and getting a cut off the profits.

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We then see how he changes his motives from selfishness to true repentance.

To read more about his transformation click here.

5. Peter: How God changed his personality

Peter is one of my favourite people in the Bible (aside from Jesus of course). We know Peter for speaking his mind and confronting situations head-on. I can very much relate to this. I have gotten myself in trouble a time or two for what had come out of my mouth.

Even though Peter is so sure of himself and continues to stumble- Jesus still had a plan for Peter and still used him to build the universal Church.

To learn more about Peter and his transformation click here.

6. Mary: How God changed her reputation

Meeting God

We know that the word of God is powerful.

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

We also know that Jesus was God’s incarnate and that meeting Him changed everything. I just shared with you 6 people who struggled with their identity but there are so many more examples of changed lives in the bible.

Do you want more?

Do you want to read your bible more consistently? Do you want to know how to study the Bible on your own and know how to apply it to your life?

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You are a Christian woman who is dedicated to living a life for Christ. You want to read your bible every day, but sometimes you get distracted or are too tired to collect all the resources you need.

It can be hard to figure it out on your own.

That’s why I’m so excited to tell you about The Christian Growth Hub!

The Christian Growth Hub is an online, monthly membership focused on helping Christian women read the Bible, understand it, and apply it to their lives.

The Christian Growth Hub helps you in your faith by:

  • Providing monthly Bible reading plans so you never have to think about what you’re going to read in the Bible next
  • Giving you on-demand training on how to understand the Bible and new monthly training on how to apply the Bible to a particular area of your life.
  • Connects you to an online community to give you encouragement, support, and accountability

There are so many more features. Click here to learn more about them, and see what The Christian Growth Hub offers.

a picture of all the products in the Christian Growth Hub


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