HomeWHOWho Makes Vremi Dehumidifier

Who Makes Vremi Dehumidifier

There are better dehumidifiers than the Vremi 4,500 sq. ft. dehumidifier (VRM010184). But that doesn’t make it a “bad” dehumidifier. It still provides good hygrometer accuracy, good durability (at least according to consumer reviews), good versatility, and all the features you might want in a dehumidifier. It’s also very easy to use and highly portable for a 50 pint dehumidifier.

We compare the Vremi to top rated options like the Frigidaire FFAD5033W1 (on the right in the photo below) and hOmeLabs HME020031N throughout the review below. Sure, top rated units are better than the Vremi in most categories (that is why they’re “top rated” after all). But that’s not to say that the Vremi doesn’t outperform top rated options in certain other categories. An in-depth analysis follows below.


Energy Efficiency

The Vremi drew 570 watts of power during testing. This was an average result compared to that of all of the other 50 pint dehumidifiers we tested. The top rated Frigidaire FFAD5033W1, for example, also drew 570 watts of power during testing.

The Vremi was a below average performer in our moisture removal testing (more on this in just a moment). The top rated Frigidaire was an above average performer. It removed moisture over a much smaller period of time than the Vremi (and most other units we tested).

The Vremi drew an average amount of power to remove moisture over a below average amount of time in our testing. Thus, it offers below average energy efficiency compared to all of the other 50 pint dehumidifiers we tested. The top rated Frigidaire drew an average amount of power but removed moisture much more quickly than most other 50 pint units we tested and so it has an above average energy efficiency.

Noise Output


The Vremi was also a below average performer in our noise output testing.

It exhibited a standard compressor buzzing noise much like most other units we tested. However, it also added an additional higher frequency buzzing noise.

This unit also features a side exhaust (which produces a clean moving air noise) which didn’t mask compressor noise nearly as well as top exhaust units in our testing. This unit’s compressor noise, even on high fan speed, was definitely more noticeable than it was on most other units we tested.

In terms of raw noise output, we think it’s most helpful to compare the Vremi to the hOmeLabs HME020031N. Like the Vremi, the hOmeLabs is also a side exhaust unit.

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On high fan speed right next to the dehumidifier the Vremi was measured at 62.1 dB. The hOmeLabs was measured at 59.3 dB. On low fan speed the Vremi was measured at 60.2 dB and the hOmeLabs was measured at 58.6 dB.

Further away from the unit (10 ft. away to be exact), the Vremi was measured at 52.6 dB on high fan speed. The hOmeLabs was measured at 50.3 dB. On low fan speed the Vremi was measured at 50.6 dB while the hOmeLabs was measured at 48.8 dB.

Clearly, the hOmeLabs was considerably quieter at all distances and all speeds.

The top rated Frigidaire is a top exhaust unit. As such, it didn’t do very well in our close range testing. Why? Because we placed the sound meter right above and to the front of the unit’s control panel. This was very close to the Frigidaire’s exhaust and much further away from any side exhaust – as such, the Frigidaire garnered higher raw dB numbers, especially at close range, than both the hOmeLabs and the Vremi. But raw noise output isn’t the whole story here.

As we mentioned earlier, the Vremi’s compressor produces an additional high frequency buzzing noise that filters through its fan noise. Compressor noise also filters through somewhat on the hOmeLabs. It doesn’t at all on the Frigidaire. The Frigidaire’s top exhaust is able to cover up compressor noise much better than the side exhaust of the hOmeLabs or Vremi.

What’s left is a compressor noise/clean air noise mixture on the hOmeLabs and Vremi and a solid clean air noise on the Frigidaire.

In terms of raw dB numbers – the hOmeLabs is the quietest of the three, then the Vremi, then the Frigidaire.

Moisture Removal

The Vremi was also a below average performer in our moisture removal testing. It took 11 minutes, 50 seconds to lower room humidity from 90% relative humidity (RH) down to 40% RH in a 50 sq. ft. room. It took 6 minutes, 19 seconds to lower room humidity from 80% down to 50% RH.

The hOmeLabs was quicker and so was the Frigidaire. The hOmeLabs took 10 minutes, 3 seconds in the first test and 5 minutes, 33 seconds in the second. The Frigidaire took only 7 minutes, 56 seconds in the first test and 5 minutes, 19 seconds in the second.

Hygrometer Accuracy

Like the hOmeLabs and Frigidaire, the Vremi has one of the more accurate hygrometers of the 50 pint dehumidifiers we tested. The Vremi read room humidity to within 2 to 3% of the actual humidity. The hOmeLabs and Frigidaire exhibited similar accuracy.

Durability (Build Quality)

General Impressions

The Vremi features average build quality. Compared to all of the other 50 pint dehumidifiers we tested, there’s nothing about this unit that makes it especially less durable compared to the competition but there’s also nothing about this unit that makes it any more durable compared to the competition, at least not according to our own observations.

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Consumer Feedback

This unit has thus far received exceptional consumer feedback. At the time of this editorial review, the Vremi has a negative review rate of only 3%. This means that 97% of reviews for this unit have been either neutral or positive. This also means that 97% of consumers who have reviewed this unit have not had anything particularly negative to say about the unit’s long term reliability.

Overall Category Score

Our own observations indicate only average build quality for this unit. However, consumer reviews indicate above average long term reliability. This bumps up its score from an average 3.5 up to a 4/5 in the category.



The Vremi, just like every other 50 pint dehumidifier currently on the market, has a humidistat that can be adjusted in 5% increments. In other words, you can set a desired humidity level in 5% increments – 45%, 50%, 55%, etc.

It features an industry standard timer that can be set in half hour increments up to 10 hours and 1 hour increments from 11 up to 24 hours. In other words, you can set it to a delayed stop in 0.5 hour, 1 hour, 1.5 hours, 2 hours, up to 10 hours. And then you can set it to 11 hours, 12 hours, 13 hours, up to 24 hours.

The Vremi features 2 fan speeds, a continuous mode, and an auto mode. The hOmeLabs features the same. The Frigidaire has 3 fan speeds, a continuous mode, but no auto mode.

You’ll rarely want to use anything other than high fan speed on any one of these units due to the aforementioned compressor noise. You’ll almost always want to set the unit to high fan speed to drown out unpleasant compressor noise with more pleasant fan noise (a clean white noise).

Continous mode is helpful if you want to run the unit non-stop. Almost all of the dehumidifiers we’ve tested have this functionality as well.

You’ll rarely want to use auto mode as the unit already works automatically when you set a desired humidity level. Let’s say you set a desired humidity level of 50% RH. The unit will cycle on when room humidity is above the 50% threshold and cycle off when it hits the threshold or dips down below it.

Overall Category Score

The Vremi has everything you might want or need in the category. It gets an above average 4/5 for adjustability.


Set Humidity Range

This unit can be set to a desired humidity level of 35% up to 85% relative humidity (RH). This is the industry standard for a 50 pint dehumidifier.

Certain models do allow you to set them to a lower RH. The LG UD501KOG5 is one such model, allowing you to set a desired humidity level as low as 30% RH.

The truth is that you’ll rarely want air drier than 35% RH. And if you do, you can always set the Vremi to continuous mode in which it will continue to run irrespective of the current room humidity. It won’t be able to automatically cycle off at 30% RH like the LG, but it can certainly push room humidity down to 30% RH and even lower (under the right circumstances of course).

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Operating Temperature Range

The unit’s manual states that its minimum operating temperature is 41° F. It does not state a maximum temperature. We think it’s safe to assume it ends somewhere in the 89° to 91° F range as that is the case for almost all of the other compressor based dehumidifiers we tested.

Gravity Drainage

The unit features a back drain outlet. The outlet is easy to access and no adapter is required for its use. Simply connect a garden hose directly to the outlet to employ gravity drainage (instead of having water collect in the unit’s front bucket).

Built-in Pump

This unit does not feature a built-in pump.

Overall Category Score

We have no complaints in the category. The Vremi earns a 4.5/5 or versatility.

Extra Features

Temperature Reading

This unit does not display current room temperature.


This unit features a defrost mode and a defrost indicator light. If frost builds up on the unit’s evaporator coils it will automatically shut off its compressor and keep on running its fan to melt the frost. The indicator light will alert you when defrost mode is activated.

Check Filter

This unit does feature a check filter light.

Overall Category Score

The Vremi again earns a 4.5/5 in the category.

Ease of Use

LED Display Clarity

The unit doesn’t have a very high quality LED display but it does display readings very clearly.

Setup Difficulty

The unit is simple to set-up.

Filter Removal Difficulty

The unit comes equipped with an air filter that’s easily accessed and removed from the back of the unit.

Manual Clarity

The manual is clear, concise, and well-written.

Water Tank Size

The Vremi’s water tank has a capacity of 14.4 pints. This is close to average for the 50 pint size class. The hOmeLabs has a smaller tank (12.8 pints) while the Frigidaire has a much larger tank (16.9 pints).

Overall Category Score

The Vremi earns a 4/5 in the category.


This unit weighs 41.6 lb. The average for the 50 pint size class is about 43 lb. or so. Thus, the Vremi has a below average weight for its size class. The unit features standard side pocket handles and standard cord storage.

The hOmeLabs is slightly lighter (40 lb.) and the Frigidaire is slightly heavier (43 lb.). The hOmeLabs features side pocket handles and the Frigidaire features a top extendable handle (that we prefer to side pocket handles). Both units feature cord storage like the Vremi.

Overall Category Score

The Vremi earns a 4.5/5 for portability.

Warranty (Manufacturer’s)

Like the Frigidaire (and most other compressor based dehumidifiers on the market), the Vremi comes with only a 1 year warranty. The hOmeLabs comes with a minimum 2 year warranty and so is the better option if warranty length is a priority for you.


The Vremi is usually very competitively priced. The unit was far from the best performer in our hands-on testing but at the price at the time of this review it would still a good value in the 50 pint size class.


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