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Which Conic Section Is Formed In The Image Shown

Conic sections are one of the important topics in Geometry. There are different types of conic sections in maths that can be defined based on the angle formed between the plane and intersection of the right circular cone with it.

Table of Contents:

  • Definition
  • Formulas
  • Focus Eccentricity and Directrix
  • Parameters
  • Sections of Cone
  • Circle
  • Ellipse
  • Parabola
  • Hyperbola
  • Standard form
  • Examples
  • Equations
  • Solved Questions
  • Practice Questions
  • FAQs

What are Conic Sections

A curve, generated by intersecting a right circular cone with a plane is termed as ‘conic’. It has distinguished properties in Euclidean geometry. The vertex of the cone divides it into two nappes referred to as the upper nappe and the lower nappe.

conic sections explanation

In figure B, the cone is intersected by a plane and the section so obtained is known as a conic section. Depending upon the position of the plane which intersects the cone and the angle of intersection β, different types of conic sections are obtained. Namely;

  • Circle
  • Ellipse
  • Parabola
  • Hyperbola

The rear mirrors you see in your car or the huge round silver ones you encounter at a metro station are examples of curves. Curves have huge applications everywhere, be it the study of planetary motion, the design of telescopes, satellites, reflectors etc. Conic consist of curves which are obtained upon the intersection of a plane with a double-napped right circular cone. It has been explained widely about conic sections in class 11. Let us discuss the formation of different sections of the cone, formulas and their significance.

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Conic Section Formulas

Check the formulas for different types of sections of a cone in the table given here.

Circle (x−a)2+(y−b)2=r2 Center is (a,b)

Radius is r

Ellipse with the horizontal major axis (x−a)2/h2+(y−b)2/k2=1 Center is (a, b) Length of the major axis is 2h. Length of the minor axis is 2k. Distance between the centre and either focus is c with c2=h2−k2, h>k>0 Ellipse with the vertical major axis (x−a)2/k2+(y−b)2/h2=1 Center is (a, b) Length of the major axis is 2h. Length of the minor axis is 2k. Distance between the centre and either focus is c with c2=h2−k2, h>k>0 Hyperbola with the horizontal transverse axis (x−a)2/h2−(y−b)2/k2=1 Center is (a,b) Distance between the vertices is 2h Distance between the foci is 2k. c2=h2 + k2 Hyperbola with the vertical transverse axis (x−a)2/k2−(y−b)2/h2=1 Center is (a,b) Distance between the vertices is 2h Distance between the foci is 2k. c2= h2 + k2 Parabola with the horizontal axis (y−b)2=4p(x−a), p≠0 Vertex is (a,b) Focus is (a+p,b) Directrix is the line x=a−p Axis is the line y=b Parabola with vertical axis (x−a)2=4p(y−b), p≠0 Vertex is (a,b) Focus is (a+p,b) Directrix is the line x=b−p Axis is the line x=a

Focus, Eccentricity and Directrix of Conic

A conic section can also be described as the locus of a point P moving in the plane of a fixed point F known as focus (F) and a fixed line d known as directrix (with the focus not on d) in such a way that the ratio of the distance of point P from focus F to its distance from d is a constant e known as eccentricity. Now,

  • If eccentricity, e = 0, the conic is a circle
  • If 0<e<1, the conic is an ellipse
  • If e=1, the conic is a parabola
  • And if e>1, it is a hyperbola
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So, eccentricity is a measure of the deviation of the ellipse from being circular. Suppose, the angle formed between the surface of the cone and its axis is β and the angle formed between the cutting plane and the axis is α, the eccentricity is;

e = cos α/cos β

Parameters of Conic

Apart from focus, eccentricity and directrix, there are few more parameters defined under conic sections.

  • Principal Axis: Line joining the two focal points or foci of ellipse or hyperbola. Its midpoint is the centre of the curve.
  • Linear Eccentricity: Distance between the focus and centre of a section.
  • Latus Rectum: A chord of section parallel to directrix, which passes through a focus.
  • Focal Parameter: Distance from focus to the corresponding directrix.
  • Major axis: Chord joining the two vertices. It is the longest chord of an ellipse.
  • Minor axis: Shortest chord of an ellipse.

Also, read:

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Sections of the Cone

Consider a fixed vertical line ‘l’ and another line ‘m’ inclined at an angle ‘α’ intersecting ‘l’ at point V as shown below:

conic sections explanation

The initials as mentioned in the above figure A carry the following meanings:

  1. V is the vertex of the cone
  2. l is the axis of the cone
  3. m, the rotating line the is a generator of the cone

Let us briefly discuss the different conic sections formed when the plane cuts the nappes (excluding the vertex).

Conic Section Circle

If β=90o, the conic section formed is a circle as shown below.

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Conic Section Ellipse

If α<β<90o, the conic section so formed is an ellipse as shown in the figure below.

Conic Section Parabola

If α=β, the conic section formed is a parabola (represented by the orange curve) as shown below.

Conic Section Hyperbola

If 0≤β<α, then the plane intersects both nappes and the conic section so formed is known as a hyperbola (represented by the orange curves).

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