HomeWHOWho Can Stand in the Pulpit: A Biblical Perspective

Who Can Stand in the Pulpit: A Biblical Perspective

Are women allowed to serve as pastors or elders? This age-old question has sparked heated debates and divided churches. To find clarity on this controversial topic, we must turn to the Bible and seek guidance from the Word of God.

In his letter to Timothy, the Apostle Paul addresses the challenges faced by the church in Ephesus. False teachings and confusion in worship were prevalent issues during that time. Paul offers clear instructions on how the church should order its life to please God, including guidelines for the roles and qualifications of its officers, the elders and deacons.

Paul begins by emphasizing the importance of prayer in Christian worship. He then provides specific counsel to both men and women as they participate in public worship. Men are encouraged to pray without anger or quarreling, while women are urged to prioritize godliness over glamour.

Paul further addresses women’s participation in public worship. He affirms their right to be present in the worship of the church and to learn alongside men, highlighting their equal status as disciples of Jesus. However, Paul forbids women from teaching or exercising authority over men. Instead, he instructs them to be quiet learners and respect the roles assigned to men. Public preaching and teaching of the Word of God are to be carried out by the church’s elders.

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It is crucial to understand the context of Paul’s instructions. He does not prohibit women from all teaching activities within the church. Rather, his focus is on the public preaching and teaching of the Word of God during assembled worship. The exercise of spiritual authority is entrusted to qualified male elders.

To support his commands, Paul refers to the creation order. Adam was formed first, followed by Eve. He also mentions Eve’s deception and transgression in the Garden of Eden. Paul is not absolving Adam of responsibility but highlighting the sequence of events. His prohibition of women in teaching and authority is rooted in the way God designed men and women.

Paul’s words provide a timeless pattern for the roles of men and women in the church. Deviating from this order can lead to disastrous consequences, as demonstrated by Eve’s actions. Instead, women are called to embrace their specific vocations, such as marriage and childbearing, with faith, love, and holiness. By doing so, they can find assurance of their salvation in Christ.

These teachings are relevant for the church today. They reveal God’s ordained order for men and women and the dangers of deviating from it. However, they do not only pose restrictions but also present a beautiful vision of what women are called to be and do. Women have the right to be learners in the school of Christ, adorning themselves with godliness both in worship and in their everyday lives.

In an age that may demean women, Paul’s words uplift and affirm their significance. They remind us that God works out His extraordinary purposes through the quiet and ordinary scenes of life. This message is good news for all believers, regardless of gender, in every age.

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Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in TableTalk (March 2020) by Ligonier Ministries; republished with permission.


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