HomeWHYWhy Do Dogs Like Peanut Butter So Much

Why Do Dogs Like Peanut Butter So Much

Dogs absolutely adore peanut butter. Have you seen those videos of dogs chowing down on gobs of peanut butter? You know, where they’re making silly faces while they gobble down that sticky-sweet goodness? The cuteness factor is through the roof!

Those videos are some of the funniest, but they also raise a few questions. Why DO dogs love peanut butter so much? Why do dogs like peanut butter as much as kids? And what is it about that main ingredient in a PB&J sandwich that dogs can’t seem to get enough of? We’re glad you asked because we’ve got the scoop. Follow along to learn why dogs love peanut butter.

Salt, Fats, Or Sugars?

Let’s answer the question, “Why do dogs love peanut butter?” But first, we need to understand the composition of this tasty treat. Peanut butter is chock full of fats, and we all know that fat helps to make foods more delicious! So, that must be the reason dogs love peanut butter, right?

Well, surprisingly no. While it’s true that peanut butter is high in fats, it turns out that dogs have fat-specific taste buds. These taste buds apply to those found in meats, and not in legumes or vegetables.

Ok, then, it’s probably not the fat content. How about the salt or the sugar? Salt and sugar are both favorites for humans-they’re just so darn delicious! Peanut butter is both sweet and salty. So maybe we can assume that these two things are what our sweet puppers like about peanut butter.

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Again, not so much.

Say what?? Yep. While humans love salt, dogs don’t have the specific taste buds that make salt appealing to them. Plus, they don’t need much salt in their diets.

Let’s take a look at the sugar content, then. Most dogs have a sweet tooth. Yet, dogs love both natural and processed peanut butter…and there’s no added sugar in natural PB. Once again, we need to dig deeper to discover why dogs love peanut butter.

Why Do Dogs Love Peanut Butter? Protein Perhaps?

Besides the fat, sugar, and salt, peanut butter is also a great source of protein. Not only that, but it’s a source that’s easy to digest for most dogs. But why does protein matter for your fur baby?

Well, here are a few reasons protein and dogs go together like PB&J:

  • Protein is known to help with replacing skin and hair cells. Notice your dog’s coat looking extra glossy and healthy? Protein may be a key factor!
  • Protein is said to help strengthen your dog’s immune system.
  • Protein is known to aid tissue repair and muscle development in dogs.

Ultimately, your dog DOES need protein. And dogs tend to enjoy the foods their bodies need – typically, foods high in protein.

So, yes, this is probably why dogs like peanut butter treats!

Older studies used to villainize too much protein. However, it’s recently come to light that protein is vital for dogs. Growing and active dogs especially need a lot of protein.

So, why do dogs love peanut butter so much? Ultimately, dogs crave foods that contain the nutrients they need. And this explains why they love peanut butter so much in the first place. Many dog foods on the market don’t have enough protein, which might make PB even more delicious to them! If you need to add protein to your dog’s diet, try our salmon jerky dog treats or Chicken Tenders.

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Dogs Love Peanut Butter Doggie Treats Too!

So, we answered, “Why do dogs love peanut butter so much?” But what about peanut butter dog treats? Searching for a treat your dog will love and you’ll feel good about? Look no further! At Blue Ridge Naturals, we pride ourselves on bringing you the best. Our treats are delicious AND wholesome, making them a stellar, responsible choice.

At Blue Ridge Naturals, we use only the best and most natural ingredients. No yucky fillers and subpar ingredients here! But wait, there’s more. Our treats are sourced and manufactured here in the United States.

We combine a lot of our peanut butter treats with another power food: sweet potatoes! Blue Ridge Naturals carries Peanut Butter Sweet ‘Tater Stix, as well as Peanut Butter Coated Sweet ‘Tater Fries.

Oh, and if your dog enjoys a chewy texture don’t miss out on our Peanut Butter Coated Sweet ‘Tater Bones. They’re lip-smacking good.

Chewy, tasty, nutrient-rich sweet potato treats coated in peanut butter? Umm…yes, please!

Blue Ridge Naturals Treats

As always, make sure to consult with a trusted veterinarian. Especially before making changes to something as important as your precious pup’s diet. Each dog may have different health needs, so it’s important to make sure you understand what’s best for your dog.

And if your doggo wants a little break from peanut butter treats, we’ve got you covered there, too. Blue Ridge Naturals has an extensive line of fun treats that are sure to satisfy your dog’s cravings. Check them out here!

So, Your Dog is Obsessed With Peanut Butter

When it comes down to it, you love your dog, and friends don’t let friends eat low-quality snacks. At Blue Ridge Naturals, we make that easy. Plus, we know your dog almost definitely drools at the thought of peanut butter. We celebrate this glorious obsession – and so can you – with our PB treats.

We know you care about ensuring your furry friend has healthy and delicious food. We also know you want to ensure the foods they eat are high-quality. Check, check, and check!

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So, next time you’re watching your pupper happily munching on some peanut butter, you’ll know why! And as a bonus, you’ll also know exactly where you can find delicious peanut butter treats.

Quick Answers to Why Do Dogs Love Peanut Butter So Much?

Why does my dog like peanut butter so much?

There’s mainly one big reason. Dogs crave foods that have the nutrients they need. Peanut butter is packed with ingredients dogs need, so they naturally love it. Dogs like fat and sugar, but peanut butter is – perhaps most importantly – a great source of protein. Protein is very healthy for dogs and may be the #1 reason they love peanut butter. That said, many (like Dr. Susan Wynn) speculate that dogs like peanut butter because it smells and tastes like meat. In the process of making peanut butter, they roast the peanuts, and the aroma of cooked fats and proteins may smell (and also taste) similar to meat to dogs.

Does peanut butter make dogs happy?

Well, it’s common knowledge that dogs LOVE peanut butter. But does it make them happy? Well, we like to think so. Delicious foods and treats can help make humans happy. Why not dogs? But we like to think dogs smile too, so that’s where we’re at.

Is it OK to give my dog peanut butter every day?

First and foremost, all things in moderation. Especially for foods high in fat (and sugar for some brands of peanut butter). And this maybe goes without saying. But your veterinarian is the best person to ask before giving your dog peanut butter. If you don’t want to go to a vet, one option is to pay close attention to your dog after adding peanut butter to the diet. Is your pup getting heavier, or lethargic? Did your pup have an allergic reaction? In those cases, you may want to reconsider peanut butter. Or at least lower the quantity you give. But seeing a vet is your best bet.

Can dogs get addicted to peanut butter?

This is another fun question for your vet. But the good news is, you control what your dog eats. So if your pup seems to like peanut butter a little too much, well… You can have an intervention. Or keep the peanut butter out of reach.

Peanut butter is protein-packed, but what if your dog needs less? Read: Who Are Low Protein Dog Treats Good For?


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