HomeWHYWhy Should We Help The Homeless

Why Should We Help The Homeless

Published October 13, 2023

When you see homeless people on the street, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Are you one of those people who think they deserve it for making bad decisions in life? Or do you stop and ask yourself how you can help them?

Admit it or not, most of us do the former. We blame the homeless for their plight instead of trying to help them get back on their feet. As a society, we’re wired to distrust people we feel are not contributing well to the community. In the news and even in some movies, homeless people are often portrayed as criminals and spreaders of diseases.

Yet, few people realize that most of us are just one paycheck away from living on the streets. It only takes one failed relationship or the death of a loved one to turn someone’s life upside down.

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Even the most level-headed person can lose everything with no one to turn to. So it’s not really about the decisions they make. It’s mainly about the circumstances that they found themselves in, to which there is no easy way out.

Thus, instead of blaming them for things beyond their control, we need to help them. If you’re still not convinced, read along.

Reasons Why We Should Help the Homeless

1. They Are Humans, Just Like Us

No matter their skin color, religion, or gender identity, we all belong to the same race: humankind. We share the same experience. We all get hungry, feel cold, and need someone to understand us. This is basic for all humans. The only difference is you don’t have to worry about where to get your next meal. Or where to lay your head for the night.

2. They Need Our Help

We need to help the homeless because they need our help. It’s as simple as that. It doesn’t matter whether they can return the favor or not. You shouldn’t need any reason to help someone other than they need help.

3. When We Do Good, We Feel Good

Have you ever noticed that when you help others, you feel different happiness? It’s like this warm feeling spreading all over you that’s difficult to put a name to. That, my friend, is a rare kind of satisfaction that no amount of material wealth can buy.

4. We Are In A Position To Help

That homeless man you see on the street probably didn’t have the same opportunities that you had. That single mother living in the shelter didn’t have the same support system you had. We need to help them because we are blessed to not be in the same situation that they are in. We have the resources that they don’t. In short, we are in a position to help, and so we should.

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5. It’s Our Chance to Make a Difference

Nelson Mandela once said:

We can change the world and make it a better place. It’s in your hands to make a difference.

Homelessness is a global human tragedy. But if we work together, we can make the world better for everyone. No matter how small the effort is, it can make a difference. You don’t have to be a billionaire to inspire change. We can all help end homelessness in our own little ways.

6. It’s Our Moral Obligation

As human beings, it’s our moral responsibility to help the most vulnerable members of our society. Even if your moral compass isn’t that strong, common decency dictates that it’s the right thing to do.

7. What Goes Around, Comes Back Around

You may have a stable job and a roof over your head right now. But there is no guarantee that you’ll still have them tomorrow. Most homeless people had jobs and didn’t imagine finding themselves sleeping on the streets. But then, in the blink of an eye, everything can change. Such is life, and that doesn’t exempt you.

This is why we need to help the homeless because what goes around, comes back around. When the time comes that we’ll be in their shoes, we can hope that someone will be willing to help us, too.

8. You Can Help Them Have a Brighter Future

In a commencement address, Steve Jobs revealed that he was once homeless. Steve Harvey, Jim Carrey, Halle Berry, James Cameron, and many other famous people were once homeless.

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But they rose above their circumstances and became the successful people they are now.

You see, most of the time, homelessness is just temporary. Sometimes, they need someone to help them get back on their feet. Contrary to popular belief, some of them are trying.

Thus, we need to help them become productive members of society again. That homeless kid living from shelter to shelter could be the next U.S. president or the next most notorious criminal in the country. It all depends on you.

Practical Ways You Can Help the Homeless

1. Volunteer at Homeless Shelters or Soup Kitchens

Offer your time and skills to local organizations that provide essential services to the homeless. You can volunteer to serve meals, organize donation drives, or provide support in any way you can.

2. Donate Essential Items

Many homeless individuals lack basic necessities. These can be warm clothing, blankets, toiletries, and food. Consider donating these items to shelters or outreach programs. Make sure they directly assist the homeless population.

3. Support Job Training and Education Programs

Help homeless individuals get the necessary skills and education to find stable employment. Support organizations that offer vocational training, job placement services, and educational opportunities.

4. Advocate for Affordable Housing

Advocate for policies and initiatives focusing on affordable housing options for the homeless. Support local and national organizations providing safe and affordable housing for those in need.

5. Raise Awareness

Use your voice and platforms. Raise awareness about homelessness and its underlying causes. Share stories, statistics, and personal experiences. This will help break down stereotypes and foster empathy and understanding.

6. Offer Supportive Services

Many homeless individuals have mental health issues or substance abuse problems. Support organizations that provide counseling and rehabilitation services. As well as access to healthcare for those in need.

7. Engage with Local Government

Contact your local representatives and express your concerns about homelessness in your community. Encourage them to divide resources towards homelessness prevention programs and supportive services.

8. Foster Community Connections

Loneliness and isolation are common challenges for the homeless population. Take the initiative to engage with homeless individuals in your community. Listen to their stories and treat them with dignity and respect.


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