HomeWHYWhy Does My Dog Sleep Above My Head

Why Does My Dog Sleep Above My Head

Why Does My Dog Sleep On My Head

If you share your home with a dog, you’ve probably figured out that they can do some really strange things. From the way they beg for attention to their pocketful of odd quirks and habits, our canine friends sure know how to surprise us.

But one behavior that seems particularly peculiar is when a pup climbs up onto their human’s chest and sometimes even their head! So why does this happen? If your pooch has taken up residence on top of your noggin during sleep time or nap time, it’s time to dive into this conundrum.

In this blog post, we’ll explore why dogs sleep on your head and what it reveals about their personality too!

Here Are Some Reasons Dogs Sleep On Your Head

1. Separation Anxiety

It is possible that a dog sleeps on top of your head because he is experiencing separation anxiety. Separation anxiety is a condition in which a dog becomes anxious or distressed when separated from their owner or primary caregiver; sometimes, they feel this without any reason.

This can cause a dog to exhibit behaviors such as pacing, to whine, barking, or following their owner around excessively. Sleeping on top of their owner’s head may be one way that a dog with separation anxiety tries to stay close to their owner or feel more secure.

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2. Being Protective

Dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years & have evolved to be protective of their owners and their territory. This instinct to protect is often seen in their behavior, including how and where they sleep. Many dogs will choose to sleep on their owner’s head or close to their face as a way of keeping watch and being alert for any potential threats.

Dogs may perceive the head as the most vulnerable part of the body & feel the need to guard it while their owner is sleeping. This behavior is often seen in breeds that were originally bred for guard duty, such as German Shepherds or Rottweilers.

a young woman sleeping with his dog

Image Credit: Martinns (istockphoto)

3. Comfort And Security

Dogs may find the warmth and softness of a pillow or blankets to be inviting, and your head may provide the perfect spot for them to rest their head also they are social animals, and they rely on their pack for protection.

When dogs sleep on your head, they may feel more secure knowing that they are close to their leader and protector. This behavior is often seen in puppies or younger dogs, who may feel more vulnerable and in need of protection.

4. Warmth

Dogs are naturally drawn to warm and cozy places. They have a natural instinct to look out for warmth & protect themselves from the cold. When a dog sleeps on your head, they are able to feel your body heat, obviously which is much warmer than the ambient temperature of the room. This helps to keep them warm and comfortable as they sleep.

5. Attention Seeking

Dogs love attention and will go to great lengths to get it, even if that means plopping their furry little bodies right on top of your head as you try to sleep. They know that a snuggly spot on your head means you’ll be less likely to ignore them and more likely to give them the love & attention they crave.

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So if your dog is constantly trying to sleep on your head, it’s probably just because they’re trying to get a little extra attention and affection from their favorite human. But hey, who could blame them? After all, there’s nothing quite like a warm, furry head snuggled up against yours to make you feel loved and appreciated.

So go ahead and indulge your pup’s attention-seeking behavior by giving them all the love & affection they deserve. They’ll be grateful!

6. Territorial Behavior

Dogs are pack animals & they have a strong instinct to protect their territory, which includes their human family members. When a dog sleeps on your head, they are essentially claiming you as their territory and marking their territory with their scent. It’s their way of saying “this is mine, don’t mess with it.”

So, if your furry friend insists on sleeping on your head, don’t be offended. They’re just expressing their love & loyalty in their own unique way. Just make sure you have a comfortable pillow to rest your head on and you’ll both be able to get a good night’s sleep.

7. Boredom

Dogs sleep on your head because they’re bored of the same old snoozing spots. Your bed, their bed, the couch, the floor – all these places have been done to death. But your head? Now that’s a new & exciting place to catch some Z’s. Plus, it’s the perfect height for keeping an eye on their humans and making sure they’re not up to any mischief.

So if you wake up to find your furry friend snoozing on your noggin, don’t be offended. They’re just trying to spice up their sleep routine. And hey, at least they’re not hogging the whole bed like they usually do.

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8. Lack Of Other Comfortable Sleeping Options

It seems that dogs just can’t resist the temptation of snoozing on top of our heads. But let’s be real, it’s not because they love the warmth & comfort of a human scalp. No, it’s because they simply don’t have any other options.

Think about it, dogs are creatures of habit. They like routine and familiarity. So when they see us laying down on a cozy bed, they naturally assume that it’s their spot too. But since they can’t quite fit their entire body on the bed, they opt for the next best thing: our heads.

But let’s not blame the dogs for their sleeping habits. After all, it’s not their fault that they don’t have a proper bed of their own. That’s where we come in. As responsible pet owners, it’s our job to provide them with a comfortable place to rest their weary heads.

A good sleeping bed will not only give them the support they need, but it will also prevent them from feeling the urge to snuggle up on top of us.

So if you’re tired of waking up with a furry companion on your head, it might be time to invest in a new bed for your pup. Trust me, your head (and your dog) will thank you.

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How Can You Stop Your Dog From Sleeping On Your Head?

There are a few things you can try to stop your dog from sleeping on your head:

Final Thoughts

I hope this article has helped you understand why dogs might sleep on your head and how you can address this behavior if it becomes a problem. Remember Guys, every dog is different, and what works for one dog may not work for another.

It’s important to be patient and consistent in your approach & to seek the help of a professional if needed. With a little time and effort, you can help your furry friend find a comfortable and appropriate place to sleep.

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