HomeWHYWhy Is America A Great Country

Why Is America A Great Country

@Arnold i actually read all of it. To start, it is total legit to say america is the best country. No one shouls doubt that. But to critisise your country can also be a patroatic act. If you want to emprove your country.

I totally agree america has an intresting and rich history. A lot was ahead of his time, but since then 200 years past and the world had changed. The elections system as an example. It is outdated. Even the british system with his long parlamental tradition is now much moderner then the american. Nowhere in Europe you have something insane like gerrymandering. Dammed that should be illegal.

„ The USA has the world in medical research“. Sorry but i strongly disagree, alone in Europa there are mulitple countrys with a strong health research capacity. Look on the covid 19 vaccine, one american/german co vacine to three vacines in europe developed (not including sputnik). Medicine is developed around the globe and is in the intresting market normaly similar quick available. A lot of time the national pharma industrie just trade production rights. So can be an medicine developed in america be labeled in France with an local companie and the other way around.

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Healthcare system and education can be outstanding in the USA, if you have the rigth whealthy family. With money you can have a really good live but thats shouldnt be an argument. The rich russians/chinese have the same good education and medicine tratment. A society should be meassured how it treats his weakes. And compare to russia america looks better, but not compare to a single western european state.

Homeless is a problem in every country, till now, no one has an solution. Also the points you mentioned i heard from european socialworkers as well. But if you are intrestet there is an promising new try by the finish goverment, worth googlen.

In my studies my statistic prof said two intresting sentences „untruth, lie, statistic“ and „dont trust any statistic you havent faked yourself“. In Statistic you decide which parameters are intresting, which you want to show and which you letting fall off the chart. You can make look everthink good or bad, either ways. But to be honest both side use the tool. Balance of terror, i suppose.

An intresting point is that youself using the same technick. You compare america to a lot of places around the world. You decided to ignore countrys which are in the same wealthy range and picked out worser examples. Norwegian(in my opinion the best system in the world, or to be more specifig the best petrol staate ), denmark, sweden, finnland, GB, ireland, germany, france, netherland, belgium, austria, switzerland, luxemburg, lichtenstein, italy, spain, canada, new zealand, australia, south korea and Japan.

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These are country you can fairly compare you to. If you pick somalia of course you win and ecept for N- Korea every county on your list(of worser Places) can do the same trick.

„American is the best in more categories than any other country; it’s average in a lot, and even below average in some, but all in all, the overall grade is higher than all.“

May i ask which categories you have in mind?

I only can imagine military(the actually militar as well the fabrication of weaposn)? Movies (but to be honest the last years it was more average quality). Silicon valley, of course and space technology. (but there are only four player in the buisnis, the chinese, the russians and esa maybe in the future india)

In my selection there where a few areas where america would lead and many where america would be at best average.

I hope i didnt offend you in any way. I am totally open for an discussion. Greetings from Europe.


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