HomeWHOWho Is Lydia In Confess

Who Is Lydia In Confess

“There are people you meet that you get to know, and then there are people you meet that you already know.”

Confess by Colleen Hoover was published by Atria Books on March 10, 2015. A beautiful, heart wrenching book which I couldn’t put down with the most beautiful art by DANNY O’CONNOR. Confess is another one of CoHo’s masterpiece and one of her must read book. Colleen Hoover’s amazing ability to make you feel a range of nearly every single human emotion possible is unbelievable. Confess follows the intertwining stories of Auburn and Owen. Both characters come from very separate yet equal backgrounds. If you know anything about me then you know Colleen Hoover is my favorite author. She is the only author who has never let me down. Confess didn’t let me down either. The story started with a 15 year old, Auburn, in the hospital and her dying boyfriend, Adam. Prologue gives us a glimpse of what Auburn went through in the past; molding her into the strong woman she is in the present time. Her past with Adam, a boy she fell in love with, is really heart wrenching. Auburn is seeing Adam for the last time, saying goodbye, when Adam tells her that;

“I love you so much.” His voice is breathless and full of fear. “I’ll love you forever. Even when I can’t.” My tears fall harder at his words. “And I’ll love you forever. Even when I shouldn’t.”

“I’m scared I’ll never feel this again with anyone else,” I whisper.

He squeezes my hands. “I’m scared you will.”

Adam’s brother, Trey, and his mother, Lydia, (whom I hate the most) sends Auburn away from Adam, Owen comes in between and punches Trey which gives Auburn a chance to run and give one last goodbye to Adam. Auburn Reed who is 21 years old, determined to fix past mistakes and move forward. The one thing she wasn’t really looking for, though, was romance. She had already lost the most important thing in her life and was now just struggling to make ends meet. Faced with an impossible situation, she is desperate to earn money anyhow. But when she walks into a Dallas art studio in search of a job, she doesn’t expect to become deeply attracted to the studio’s mysteriously handsome talented artist, Owen Gentry, who practically begs her to work for him. Owen Gentry is full of secrets with a mysterious nature. He remembered her, knew her from before but couldn’t tell her how. Owen Gentry is put in an awkward position when Auburn comes to the door of his art studio, Confess, looking for a part-time job. She doesn’t realize that she is literally saving the day, all while helping him heal from past family tragedy. There is so much Owen longs to tell Auburn about his life and the repercussions of his past. And the more time they spend together, the more complicated things become. The magnitude of his past looms to destroy everything Auburn loves most, and the only way to get her life back on track is to cut Owen out of it.

“She seems a lot like me. A loner, a thinker, an artist with her life. And it appears as though she’s afraid I’ll alter her canvas if she allows me too close. She doesn’t need to worry. The feeling is mutual.”

We got a glimpse of Owen’s past where he was driving, with his brother and mother who died in an accident on that day.

“Sometimes I miss them so much, it hurts me right here. It feels like someone is squeezing my heart with the strength of the entire goddamn world.”

When the relation between Owen and his father became distant, his father became a drug addict, due to which Owen got arrested by Trey, and he puts a label of bad reputation on him and keeps Owen and Auburn apart.

“It’s amazing how much distance one truth can create between two people.”

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Their individual pasts were so heartbreaking in their own way. But watching the faith and loyalty Owen and Auburn had for each other continue to grow in spite of outside forces was truly amazing. The love they had for each other and struggles they got into and the sacrifices they made for each other are just so beautiful. And the romantic moment between them were so magical.

“No one deserves you like I do.” …

“No one sees you like I do.” …

“No one understand you the way I do.” …

“No one makes your heart beat like I do.” …

He presses his palm against my heart. “And no one else deserves to be inside you if they can’t get there first.”

“He kisses me like he’s giving me every kiss he wishes he could have given me in the past, and every kiss he’ll wish he could give me in the future.

All at once.”

Lydia, Adam’s mother, made Auburn sign adoption papers when she was 16 years old, telling her that she is not mature enough and had no money to take care of her son, AJ (Oops, I forgot to mention Auburn had a son with Adam after he died). And after that she put limitations and boundaries regarding her son and doesn’t let her meet him. Trey, who I absolutely hated. I wanted to kill him. He obviously doesn’t know what true love is. I hated how he constantly compared himself to Adam and Owen and treated Auburn like a doll rather than a real girlfriend. He forced himself on Auburn once and I loved how her friend saves her. And the time when Trey arrested Owen and framed him and got him arrested with his source of being the police officer made my blood boil. Well, the threat that was brought about by Adam’s brother, Trey and his mother, was soon disregarded considering the combined efforts of Auburn and Callahan, Owen’s father, that could bring Trey and his career as a police officer down after the arrest of Owen. There was nothing they can do to keep a hold on AJ for much longer, which might result to Trey losing both his job and reputation, so they let it go. The ending was my favorite part. I loved how the ending was a nearly complete resolution. This was the most emotional part. It all made sense by the end. We go back five years earlier chapter from Owen’s perspective and find out how Owen meets Adam, in the hospital. It explains how Owen knew Auburn while his father was in the hospital. We discover how he helped Auburn to have that final goodbye with Adam. I never expected that Adam’s painting was painted by Owen and how Adam was the one who told Owen to believe in second fate. It completed the circle and I loved how beautifully it ended. And also in the end, Auburn got her son and Owen back.

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I really really loved this book. The story was completely unpredictable. This book is a contemporary romance novel but it’s also a heart-wrenching story of survival, courage, hope and unexpected odds. One of the things I love most about Colleen Hoover’s writing is how deeply she makes me care for her characters and how strongly she makes me feel for them. Auburn and Owen are perfectly written characters. So I just sat back and enjoyed the ride! Confess is completely different than anything else she’s written. The opening chapter of this book was the perfect representation of that because if she could make me feel that much for new characters in just a matter of pages, just imagine what she can do with an entire book. I also love that Colleen always try to bring different genres mingle in her story like in Maybe Someday, she combined music and writing by releasing an album alongside the book with songs supposedly written by the characters, with the help of Griffin Paterson and this time, in Confess, Owen is an artist and there are some beautiful illustrations in the book with the help of amazingly talented artist, Danny O’Connor.

The Cover: The cover features a white, plain background, with a colorful display of the title, and an artsy display of a face splotched with paint right above the title. Personally as a designer, I’m deeply in love with the color patterns of this cover.

Comparison between Web series and Book:

confess-poster-600x320 Confess was adapted into a mini web series by Awestruck, the Awesomeness TV network on April 4, 2017, starring Katie Leclerc as Auburn and Ryan Cooper as Owen. I’m not really a big fan of the series, it was so rushed and they made a lot of changes. There were changes in the dialogues, things were added, and things were removed.

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Some changes are below:

  • In the book, Auburn works in a hair salon. In the series, she has a different profession.
  • Another change is the location. In the book, the story takes place in Dallas, Tx. In the series, however, it takes place in Los Angeles. This was simply because of budget reasons. It was much easier for them to film in L.A. than to have 100 cast and crew members fly to Texas to film. But the location isn’t important to the book, so this change is minimal.
  • Another change is Owen’s Cat. You would be amazed at how difficult it is to film with live pets and how much extra money it costs. So…Owen Cat is now a stuffed cat from Owen’s childhood.
  • In the book, Owen and Auburn are a few years younger than they are in the scripted series.
  • And the scene in which Trey forces himself on Auburn wasn’t well executed.
  • And the love scene from when Trey was gone for work, was also missing, which was really beautiful.
  • And the painting Owen made was not in her home, it was in her phone.
  • There was no Harrison, Owen’s friend.
  • No bar scene from her birthday
  • No salon hair cutting scene.

Some of my favourite art of confess:


Confession: Sometimes i wonder if being dead would be easier than being his mother


Confession: Dad/nothing but blues.

Confession: Auburn

a5981541e0628a09cbf028febf979df6 MOST FAVOURITE OF ALL.


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