HomeWHOWho Is Drew 'd Andrea Married To

Who Is Drew ‘d Andrea Married To

Andrea’s Take

If you were to ask Drew when we first started dating, he would tell you February, 2011. Well, that’s not true. See, we actually had our first official “date” in September, 2010. This is how it went:

After graduating from undergrad, I spent a few years living in Los Angeles. While I loved LA, I wasn’t as enthusiastic about my career, and I was feeling that I needed a change. So on a whim (I think it was sometime around November, 2009) I attended this big MBA fair at the LA Convention Center. After a few hours of talking to various schools, I had a new life plan and it was set – I was going to get my MBA. So I picked up a book about how to ace the GMAT, and got to work. For some reason, I was compelled to apply to The George Washington University (for no particular reason, other than the fact that I had been to DC once before and thought it might be a neat place to go to school). And that’s where I ended up!

I first met Drew the second day of school, and I silently thought to myself, “hey, this guy is pretty cute!” He had long, shaggy hair at that point, and I kind of thought he looked like a California surfer (little did I know at the time, he was actually far from it). We exchanged numbers a few days later (for school purposes, obviously). Now a bit of back story – I’m a big Dallas Cowboys fan (well, I used to be, before I became an Eagles fan). For no particular reason was I a Dallas fan, other than the fact that several years ago, since neither LA nor Portland had a professional football team, I just decided I’d become a Cowboys fan, and that was that. So about a week later out of the blue, Drew sent me a text message on his way to his fantasy football draft and said “hey, I’ll buy you dinner if I have to draft Romo.” “Hm,” I thought to myself, “and where do I lose in this ‘bet’”? (I think he was trying to flirt…) A few hours later, I received another text message that said, “oh no! I had to draft Romo! I guess I owe you dinner.” So we made plans for the following Wednesday.

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I was really excited for my dinner date with this mysterious new classmate of mine (who apparently doesn’t like Tony Romo) so once Wednesday rolled around I made sure I spent a little extra time getting ready in the morning. When I saw Drew at school I said, “Hey! Are we still on for dinner tonight?” And he replied, “Oh yeah, I guess if you still want to…” My heart sank a bit, and I couldn’t really tell if this guy even liked me or not! I said, yes, I would still love to get dinner, so we planned to meet after our 4pm class. We met out front of the GW Business School after class, and started to walk toward DuPont Circle. On our way, we saw two of our other classmates (Kula and Bobby). “Hey guys!” Drew called out; “what are you up to?” “Oh we’re just going to grab dinner,” Kula responded. Drew replied, “Oh wow, so are we; want to join us?!” So our “first dinner date” that night ended up being with 12 other people. What a charmer, that Drew…

Drew and I remained friends those first few months of school, and I think we both secretly liked each other but were just too shy to admit it. So one day (this was maybe November?) our friend Kendra attempted to talk some sense into the both of us. We were hanging out with a big group of our classmates one day after finishing up a long week of classes, and Kendra came up to me and said, “Drew likes you, and he wants to invite you to McDonalds.” Oh McDonalds; really? A few moments later, I receive a text message on my phone from Drew saying, “Will you go to McDonalds with me?” Slightly confused, I walked with Kendra over to McDonalds, and there was my knight in shining armor, waiting under the golden arches, a bag of hamburgers and fries in his hands. I consider that official date number 2.

A few weeks later, we went on date number 3 (I believe this is what Drew would call “official date 1.” But as you can already see, I am right and he is wrong; this was date 3). It was actually a double date between me and Drew, and Drew’s roommate Brooks and my friend Aly. We went to a little restaurant in DC called Marvin, and while Aly and Brooks didn’t quite stick, Drew and I did 🙂 By February, we were an “official” couple; we don’t remember the actual date we had the “conversation,” so we just call our yearly anniversary Valentine’s Day.

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Drew’s Take

The first time I saw Andrea was during MBA orientation at George Washington. While picking up my lunch I took notice of where she was sitting in the corner of the breakout room with a group of other girls. When she got up to get a water I decided I’d act casual and sat down at the table and started talking to the others (please keep in mind during the first week of b-school I had really long hair and looked like a snowboarder so Andrea was immediately attracted to me :)).

Anyway, the first couple of months Andrea and I spent a lot of time together and it was clear we both really liked each other but it wasn’t until a trip to Florida that I knew she was something REALLY special. Everybody else from our program had bailed on our vacation which was actually a trip so I could drive my car 14 hours from FL to DC with company. Well, Andrea was still game for FL and when I told my parents she was going to be coming down they were very excited… especially my mom. Her very first question to me was “well who is she, your girlfriend?” To which I told her YES but please don’t make it awkward 🙂 We went on to take a few more trips that spring to London and Cashiers, NC (where I first told her I was in love with her and 2 years later popped the question) but it was during the summer when we were 3,000 miles apart in NYC and CA when I knew I couldn’t live without my best friend, “the duck”!

The Proposal

If you only knew one thing about Drew Haines and nothing else, you’d know that he loves golf. Not only does Drew love golf, but his entire family loves golf. Before meeting Drew, Andrea had never played golf. So one day, she decided to enroll in golf lessons (in return, Drew enrolled in snowboard lessons).

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On a trip to visit Drew’s parents in North Carolina in July of 2013, Drew took Andrea out to the driving range to practice her amazing golf skills (mind you, she was 2 lessons in at that point. So “amazing” may have been a bit of an overstatement). After about 30 minutes of practicing at the Trillium Golf Course driving range, Drew had a brilliant idea – “Let’s go play one real hole or two!” Hm, okay.

So Drew drove the little golf cart up to the first hole and unloaded his golf bag. He took out his driver, t’d up his ball, and took his first shot. Off into the woods his little ball went. (He must have been pretty nervous for something). Recovering himself, he t’d up his second shot. A little better (at least it landed somewhere on the green). Now it was Andrea’s turn to show off her skill. She t’d up her ball, hit it… and, okay, at least it didn’t go off into the bushes. But by shot 11 (she was finally on the green at that point) she was getting a little frustrated.

Drew came over with his golf bag as she was furiously trying to putt the ball into the hole (and consistently missing) and said, “well, why don’t you try this golf club?” Andrea looks up only to find Drew pulling a tiny red box out of his back pocket, instead of a club out of his golf bag. He got down on one knee, opened up the box, and Andrea saw her dream ring waiting inside. Drew didn’t even need to say anything; Andrea already knew. The answer was Yes! (and in case you were wondering, Andrea never did get the ball into the hole).

They went back to Drew’s parents house and told them the news, and of course everyone was thrilled. Andrea immediately called her parents to tell them as well, and after Andrea’s phone call with her mom Mrs. Haines asked, “so, was she excited?” Andrea replied, “well, I think so.” It was one week later that Andrea found out that her mom was, in fact, SO excited, that she ran down the stairs to tell her husband and fell and broke her foot! At least it makes for a good story, right?


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