HomeWHICHWhich Of The Following Is True About Protecting Classified Data

Which Of The Following Is True About Protecting Classified Data

Did you know that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has several quizzes to help small businesses improve cyber hygiene? These quizzes cover a variety of topics, including the basics of cybersecurity, phishing, and protecting personal information.

We took some key questions from the FTC’s cybersecurity quiz and used them to create our own cybersecurity awareness quiz. By taking our quiz, you and your team can test your knowledge and get better tips on protecting your business from cyber threats.

Cybersecurity Quiz

Which of the following should you do to restrict access to your files and devices?

A. Update your software once a year.

B. Share passwords only with colleagues you trust.

C. Have your staff members access information via an open Wi-Fi network.

D. Use multi-factor authentication.

  • Correct answer: D. Implementing multi-factor authentication for access to sensitive areas of your network effectively protects important data. This security measure involves more than just entering a password, such as requiring a temporary code sent to a smartphone or inserting a physical key into a computer.

Which is the best answer for which people in a business should be responsible for cybersecurity?

A. Business owners. They run the business, so they need to know cybersecurity basics and put them in practice to reduce the risk of cyber attacks.

B. IT specialists because they are in the best position to know about and promote cybersecurity within a business.

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C. Managers, because they are responsible for making sure that staff members are following the right practices.

D. All staff members should know some cybersecurity basics to reduce the risk of cyber attacks.

  • Correct answer: D. All staff should know to follow basic cybersecurity practices for a culture of security – and everyone should get regular training.

Physical Security Quiz

Which one of these statements is true?

A. It’s best to use multi-factor authentication to access areas of the business network with sensitive information.

B. You should use the same password for key business devices to guarantee that high-level employees can access them in an emergency.

C. The best way to protect business data is to ensure no one loses any device.

D. You shouldn’t limit login attempts on key business devices because getting locked out for having too many incorrect attempts would leave you unable to access your accounts.

  • Correct answer: A. Always use multi-factor authentication to access areas of your network and devices with sensitive information. This requires additional steps beyond logging in with a password — like a temporary code on a smartphone or a key inserted into a computer.

Ransomware Quiz

What is ransomware?

A. Software that infects computer networks and mobile devices to hold your data hostage until you send the attackers money.

B. Computer equipment that criminals steal from you and won’t return until you pay them.

C. Software used to protect your computer or mobile device from harmful viruses.

D. A form of cryptocurrency.

  • Correct answer: A. Ransomware attacks can have serious consequences for individuals and organizations, including loss of access to important data, disruption of business operations, and financial losses. It is important for individuals and organizations to take steps to protect themselves from ransomware attacks, such as regularly backing up data, keeping software and security measures up to date, and being cautious about opening emails or clicking on links from unknown sources.
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Which of these best describes how criminals start ransomware attacks?

A. Sending a scam email with links or attachments that put your data and network at risk.

B. Getting into your server through vulnerabilities and installing malware.

C. Using infected websites that automatically download malicious software to your computer or mobile device.

D. All of the above.

  • Correct answer D. Criminals may use a variety of tactics to start ransomware attacks. One common method is to send a phishing email with links or attachments that, when clicked on or opened, put the victim’s data and network at risk by installing malware on the victim’s device. Another tactic is to exploit vulnerabilities in a victim’s server or network to gain access and install malware. Criminals may also use infected websites that automatically download malicious software to a victim’s computer or mobile device when the victim visits the site. It is important for individuals and organizations to be cautious about opening emails or clicking on links from unknown sources and about keeping their software and security measures up to date to protect against ransomware attacks.

Phishing Quiz

Which one of these statements is correct?

A. If you get an email that looks like it’s from someone you know, you can click on any links as long as you have a spam blocker and anti-virus protection.

B. You can trust an email from a client if it uses the client’s logo and contains at least one fact about the client that you know to be true.

C. If you get a message from a colleague who needs your network password, you should never give it out unless the colleague says it’s an emergency.

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D. If you get an email from Human Resources asking you to provide personal information immediately, you should check it out first to ensure they are who they say they are.

  • Correct answer: D. This email could be a phishing scam, where you get a message that looks like it’s from someone you know, asking you urgently for sensitive information. Before responding, call Human Resources and confirm they sent the message.

Secure Remote Access Quiz

Before connecting remotely to the company network, your personal device should meet the same security requirements as company-issued devices.



  • Correct answer: True. When connecting remotely to the company network, your device should meet the same security requirements as company-issued devices that connect directly to the network.

Which of the following describes the best way to ensure you securely access the company network remotely?

A. Read your company’s cybersecurity policies thoroughly.

B. Use a VPN when connecting remotely to the company network.

C. Use unique, complex network passwords and avoid unattended, open workstations.

D. Do all of the above.

  • Correct answer: D. There are several steps that individuals can take to ensure they are securely accessing the company network remotely. Using a VPN when connecting remotely to the company network can help encrypt the connection and protect against potential cyber threats. Additionally, using unique, complex network passwords and avoiding unattended, open workstations can help to prevent unauthorized access to the network. By following these best practices, individuals can help to ensure the security of the company network when accessing it remotely.

SSE is Your Cybersecurity Partner

It’s important to regularly educate yourself and stay up to date on the latest trends and developments in the field. As cybersecurity experts, SSE makes it our business to keep your company secure with our comprehensive cybersecurity services.

Get in touch with us to schedule a complimentary assessment of your current cybersecurity posture, and let us fortify your business today!


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