HomeWHENWhen Can You Return To Work After A Tia

When Can You Return To Work After A Tia

I was driving to work, and I noticed that my vision had gone funny. It was getting very fuzzy around the edges. But I have suffered from migraines in the past so I just thought maybe that was what was starting. Then my left leg went numb. My left arm went numb. Fortunately I was driving an automatic so it didn’t really matter, I didn’t have any gears to change or anything. I was starting to get a bit worried by that stage and then I felt as if my mouth had dropped. I managed to get into the police station car park. Sort of abandoned the car really, it wasn’t really parked. Kind of fell out of it thinking, What the hell’s wrong with me You know, I’m just, I blamed it on the medication, because the doctor had just changed my blood pressure medication and I thought, Oh I’m obviously reacting badly to it I managed to get to the back door of the police station and there’s quite a high step and I couldn’t get over it. And I remember thinking how stupid I was and how stupid I must look. And the typical thing of looking round and thinking, Is there anybody watching me Eventually a colleague came a long and opened the door for me. I went through the back door and I thought, I don’t think I can manage the stairs And actually stood against the wall thinking, Well, if I’m standing against the wall if I collapse then I will just slump down the wall rather than, than pitch forward

Eventually thought, I’ve got to get upstairs, I need to get to my office. I need to sit down I went upstairs in the lift. Got to the floor, went through the doors. Walked through the report writing room. And all my colleagues turned round and said, You look awful. Why are you here And I said, Oh, I’ll be fine. don’t worry, I’m OK. don’t worry about me. And I went into my office and actually worked for the rest of the day feeling awful. Having to go back over things, I couldn’t remember things. People were asking me to do things and I was thinking, What did that person just ask me to do And I felt dreadful, because it’s just not me.

So, I came home and I said to my husband, You know, I felt really strange today And told him what had happened. And he said, Are you sure you’re OK And I said, Yeah, I think so, I think it must be the medication

Felt awful the next day. But again went to work. Came back. And I was sitting here in the evening and all of a sudden I got the sensation of pins and needles in my left arm and my left leg. Passed over in a couple of minutes so I thought, Oh, it’s definitely the medication and I’m now getting used to it


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