HomeWHYWhy Is My Tv Blue

Why Is My Tv Blue

Key Points

  • One way to fix a blue tint on your TV screen is to change the picture mode.
  • Adjusting the color temperature of your screen can also help get rid of the blue tint.
  • If the previous options don’t work, check your HDMI cord for damage or try unplugging and plugging it back in.
  • If the blue tint persists across all inputs, it may be time to consider replacing your TV with a new one, such as an OLED TV.

Sick of seeing that blue tint on your TV screen? There’s nothing more distracting — or more frustrating — than an off-color display taking you out of your favorite show, movie, or video game. And to make matters worse? You’ve probably already realized this isn’t the sort of problem that resolves itself with a simple “turn it off, then turn it back on.” Thankfully, a blue tint on a TV screen is not a lost cause. You don’t need to throw the thing out. You simply need to know the following ways to fix it. Here’s what you can do to get rid of that pesky problem with the display.

Trick One: Change Picture Mode

One of the easiest tricks to fix a blue tint on your TV screen? Changing the picture mode. Most modern smart TVs come with a variety of different pre-set picture modes to choose from. It’s possible that your television accidentally switched to one of these picture modes, resulting in a blueish tint on your screen. These picture modes usually go by names like “Cinematic Mode,” “Game Mode,” “Image Mode,” and so on. Flip through them to find one that might make your TV screen look a little less blue. With luck, the problem will resolve itself with a simple change of picture mode.

Trick Two: Adjust Color Temperature

If that doesn’t fix the blue tint on your TV screen, you can try adjusting the color temperature of your screen. Go to your television’s menu — the same place you found the picture modes above — and look for an option to adjust the color temperature. This will bring more drastic color changes than the previous step, but it may be just what your screen needs to get rid of that blue tint. Scroll through your options, which should be called things like “Warm,” “Cool,” “Bright,” “Dark,” and so on. Hopefully, one will make the TV screen look normal again.

Trick Three: Check HDMI Cord for Damage

If neither of the previous options fixed the problem, then we may be dealing with a cord issue. Check your HDMI cord for any damage or wear. HDMI cables play an essential part in the quality of your television display, and a faulty cable very well could mean a faulty picture. Scour your HDMI cord for damage. If it looks frayed or torn, then it may be the culprit. Order a new HDMI cord and swap it out with the old one. Ideally, this will get rid of the blue tint on your screen and let you get back to your regularly scheduled TV time.

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Trick Four: Unplug the HDMI Cord, Then Plug It Back In

Perhaps your HDMI cord doesn’t have anything wrong with it. Maybe you checked out every inch of the thing and didn’t find a single fault or flaw. In this case, you might want to try unplugging the HDMI cord and plugging it back in. As with any cord, a partially unplugged HDMI cable can cause serious problems for your television and its display. Unplug the cord from both ends — your cable or streaming box and the TV. Then, plug it back in firmly and securely. Make sure it’s in there tight and isn’t wiggly or loose. Hopefully, this is the fix your TV screen needs.

Trick Five: Check Other Inputs

By now, the hope is that the blue tint on your TV screen has resolved itself. Of course, it’s always possible that the fix hasn’t happened just yet. Fortunately, we have one more trick up our sleeve. Cycle through some of the other inputs on your television. Check HDMI-2, HDMI-3, and the other input options on the screen. If you’ve tried all these other steps and the blue tint is still present on the screen when switched to the other inputs, then we may have a bigger problem on our hands. It may be time to discuss how to know when to replace the TV altogether.

When to Be Concerned About a Blue Tint on Your TV Screen

If all else has failed thus far, it may be time for a tough conversation. You see, a blue tint on your TV screen can’t always be solved with a simple trick. It could be evidence of a more serious problem with your display itself. If you’ve tried all five of the steps listed above and are still left with a blue tint on your TV screen, it might be time to accept a hard truth. Your TV might have some faulty LEDs and it’s likely time for a replacement. The average TV display only lasts about 4-6 years, anyway, so it’s nothing to fret. It may simply be time.

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If it still looks blue after trying to adjust your picture and color settings, verifying that your HDMI cord is in working order and that it isn’t inserted improperly, and making sure that the problem persists across all your TV inputs, then it’s not wrong to just call it a day. At this point, you might be better off considering the purchase of a new TV altogether. If you agree, then you may want to opt for an OLED TV over a traditional LED TV. These particular models will give you a better picture quality — and a more reliable display — overall.

The image featured at the top of this post is ©kitzzeh/Shutterstock.com.


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