HomeWHYWhy Do My Legs Hurt After Ejaculating

Why Do My Legs Hurt After Ejaculating

A wide range of conditions can cause painful ejaculation.

In most men, pain during ejaculation is due to a medical condition. Sometimes, doctors are unable to find a medical cause. When this occurs, some men may need support in the form of psychotherapy to manage their condition.

Prostate disorders

Painful ejaculation may be linked to issues with the prostate.Painful ejaculation may be linked to issues with the prostate.

Most of the medical literature on painful ejaculation focuses on problems with the prostate. Prostatitis is one common cause.

Men with prostatitis have swelling and inflammation of the prostate. This swelling is often due to a prostate infection. Prostatitis can also be caused by other issues, such as nerve damage or a urinary tract infection (UTI) that damages the prostate.

Men with diabetes are more likely to experience nerve damage that causes prostatitis.

A condition called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which causes the prostate to enlarge, may also affect ejaculation. Men with BPH may also experience painful or difficult urination or frequent urges to urinate.

Other prostate problems, including surgery on the prostate and prostate cancer, can also cause painful ejaculation.


Some medications can cause painful ejaculation. Antidepressants may cause a range of sexual issues, including changes in libido, erectile dysfunction (ED), and painful ejaculation.

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Relationship and emotional problems

Depression, anxiety, and stress can radically change a man’s sex life. Likewise, problems in a relationship may manifest as physical symptoms, including painful ejaculation.

Men who experience no pain when they masturbate may have painful ejaculation because of emotional or relationship problems.

Seminal vesicle problems

The seminal vesicle is a gland where sperm mixes with other fluids to make semen. Problems with this gland, particularly hard growths called calculi, can make ejaculation painful.

Pelvic procedures

Procedures on the genitals or in the pelvis, including pelvic radiation, can damage the prostate and other parts of the body that play a role in ejaculation. This damage can make ejaculation painful.

Sexually transmitted infections

A wide range of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can make ejaculation painful. Men may notice a burning sensation when ejaculating, urinating, or both. Chlamydia and trichomoniasis are common culprits.

Nervous system issues

Disorders that affect the nervous system, such as diabetes, can damage the nerves associated with orgasm and ejaculation.

Some physical injuries can also harm the nerves. Men with spinal cord injuries may experience a range of unusual sensations during ejaculation.

Mercury toxicity

Some case reports link mercury poisoning, often due to contaminated fish, with painful ejaculation. More research is necessary to determine the strength of this link.


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