HomeWHATWhat Is A Soccer Pitch

What Is A Soccer Pitch

Pitch in Soccer– If there are any famous sports like cricket where countries and players from all over the world participate then Soccer is one of them.

It is popular all over the world as an international sport and because of the leagues as well which are carried out throughout the year.

While it is a very famous game a lot of people still do not know a lot of things about it, and you can be one of them. Well, there is no need to worry as we have all the facts and terms that you need to know and here.

We will be elaborating all about the soccer pitch in detail. So, here you will get the answers to all your questions like soccer field or pitch and others as well.

A word about the History of Pitch

If we take a look at the word “pitch” in sports, then we will see that it is highly related to a sport that is very opposite to what soccer looks like. It is an English word that was used for the playing surface for cricket matches.

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In the early soccer days, all the games were played at the cricket grounds and those were known as the cricket pitches. So, because of using the cricket pitch, the same word was being used for the soccer games.

Even when separate playing areas for soccer were made the name stuck with it and those were called the soccer pitch as well.

What does the ‘Pitch in Soccer’ mean?

In simple words, the word pitch is another name for the soccer field. It got its popularity in the 19th century when playing soccer was just at its beginning and it was done on the cricket pitches.

Well, there is not a huge difference in the actual usability, using pitch for the soccer grounds still feels weird to a lot of people.

The word pitch means something that stands in its place firmly and this is exactly what the cricket pitch does because it gets the special treatment. Another reason for it being called a cricket pitch is that stumps were being pitched in the ground.

So, with the passage of years, the word has evolved from being used as a verb to being used as a noun now. If you look for its significant meaning in the soccer world, it does not mean anything.

How big is a Soccer Pitch?

People are often curious to know about the size of the soccer pitch or how big is the soccer pitch. Although it is not circular like the cricket ground, it is not square as well. So, the length and width of the playing surface are both different forming a rectangular playing area

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1. The length of the soccer pitch

The total length of the soccer pitch is between 45 and 90 meters depending on which game is being played. Bigger sizes are used for a pitch for professional players. However, when we talk about the pitch in soccer for youth games the smaller sizes are used.

2. The width of the soccer pitch

The size selection is the same when it comes to the pitch in soccer for different types of games. The range of size is between 295 to 393 feet.

3. Different sections of the ground.

While the pitch in soccer has two important attributes being the length and the width, there is another important section of the playing area. It is the penalty area.

It is usually 132 feet in length and 54 feet in width providing ample space for players. Other than that, the centerline of the pitch is always located in the center according to the width of the pitch.

What is the correct word to use, and which one is the wrong one?

Now that you know a lot about the pitch in soccer and you may know it as a soccer field there is a question in everyone’s mind about which one is the right one.

So, if you are also confused about whether it is a soccer field or pitch? The answer is that both of these are right, and none is wrong. It depends on the area of the world where you are living.

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In the areas near England, it is usually known as a soccer pitch and in the areas where American English is followed, it is known as the Soccer Field.

So, now when you are confused about whether it is a soccer field or pitch? You can call it any but try to follow the type of English followed in your region.

What does “on the pitch” mean?

Every soccer field has a boundary that is used for distinguishing between the playing area and the area which is to be considered outside the field.

The word on the pitch means that the object is on the playing surface. It can be used for the ball or the players or anything else.

What does “off the pitch” mean?

This term is opposite to the one discussed before. It means that the object is out of the playing area.


If you are a soccer fan, then you must have a lot of questions like is it a soccer field or pitch? However, now we hope that you have answers to all your questions like How big is a soccer pitch?


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