HomeHOWHow Much Different Do 14 Oz Gloves Feel From 16

How Much Different Do 14 Oz Gloves Feel From 16

I think 16oz gloves are ruining boxing.

Ok, ok. 16oz is GOOD for very casual boxers, who want to get the thrills of sparring without any risk and whose technique isn’t very dangerous to start with. For the “weekend 16oz warriors”, ok.

However, if you want to be a serious boxer, you need to spar with at maximum 12oz, and ideally 8oz. Your bag work should be done exclusively in thin bag gloves with as little padding as possible.

Explanation: With 16 or 14oz, the gloves are simply too big. They can allow you to have a sloppy guard. They cover more holes. It is easier to sneak in punches with smaller gloves – FACT. You don’t need near as much defensive work with the 16oz. Furthermore, 16oz cause a lack of punch feedback, sometimes you can’t even tell if you hit, because of the excessive padding, so you tend to *hit harder* with 16oz. You control yourself less. Ad to that, the excessive weight (nearly half a kilo) of the glove causes accumulative brain damage, despite not causing bruises. 16oz block your vision. 16oz make clinches harder. 16oz drag your arms down, decreasing your defense… The use of 16oz gloves for sparring, has FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGED boxing. It has created its own set of strategies and techniques in order to dominate 16oz-sparring bouts! At that change is a change for the worse. Angles and footwork are decreasing – the holes to exploit in 8oz aren’t there in 16oz. Over-reliance on glove protection has decreased defensive skills. Big gloves let fighters get away with poor punching technique that would shatter their fists and wrist in 8oz.

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That is why I rest my case. There is no good reason to use 16oz, ever, if you are a serious fighter. 16oz will ruin your boxing.

HOW to practice safely in 10oz/8oz? CONTROL YOURSELF. You need to learn how to play tag. And approach the fundamental skills as a positional game. If you know you landed the punch, there is no reason to have any power behind it. If you can’t control yourself, you have no business training serious boxing yet. If you can’t control exactly how much power you choose to give your shots, you are a poor boxer.

If you are a serious pro. Every month you should have a hard (but still controlled) sparring session with someone you trust… and just get hurt. There is no way around it. But you will notice that it really isn’t all that bad and that strangely, you might get fewer headaches. You will also be more cognizant of the areas you need to work you defense on, as you will have clear feedback of the punches landed.

Why use small bag gloves/8oz only for bag work? Because if you use big gloves to hit a bag, you will never learn how to hit correctly (I see people hitting hooks with their fingers all the time…). You will also never condition your fists, which will give you lots of breakages down the road. In some countries, where boxers use gardening gloves to hit the bag, they can literally punch through bricks, karate-style. I think it is unlikely these people will have brittle hands any time soon. In Kickboxing you can condition your shins by hitting the bags, provided you do not wear shin pads. There is no reason why fists can’t undergo the same treatment (in fact, old boxers of the 1700’s, like Tom Cribb, where said to have exceptionally conditioned knuckles to the point they could hit bark off a tree). NOTE: I said to use light gloves, not “no gloves”, fists are a little bit more fragile than shins yes. But still, I have reached a level where I can easily hit the hardest bags bareknuckle. I can do the brick-punching trick. I never broke my hand, and I think I never will.

Refer to more articles:  How To Get Embroidery On Boxing Gloves

For all these reasons…

If you want to up your game, and become more than a mediocre 16oz-warrior boxer… Ditch the 16’s, embrace the 8’s.

…unless you’re sparring a noob.


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